Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Social and Cultural Views of Health Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Social and Cultural Views of Health - Assignment Example Diversity enables individuals to understand, accept, appreciate and acknowledge differences that exist across societies. Human sexuality is one aspect of cultural practices whose understanding varies from one community or society to another. What is proper and harmless behavior in one community or society can be a serious abomination or breach of social norms in another society. Different communities or societies hold varied understanding about human sexuality. For instance, consider the case of Inis Beag and Mangaian communities. What is right sexual practice within Mangaian community is totally wrong and an abomination within the Inis Beag community. Inis Beag community prohibits premarital marriages and recommends that males and females intending to marry should socialize and stay apart. Marriage is this community is a function reserved for men in the mid-30s and women in the mid-20s (Rathus, Nevid & Fitchner-Rathus, 2014). In Inis Beag community, it is a cultural responsibility for mothers to train their daughters to submit to sexual desires of their husbands. It is through such submissions that the couples can fulfill God’s command requiring human beings to be fruitful and fill the Earth. The persuasion to be submissive also paints another understanding of Inis Beag community that women do not need to be sexually active or seek for sexual interc ourse, but relax and wait to respond to their husbands’ sexual desires. According to Rathus, Nevid, and Fitchner-Rathus (2014), men in Inis Beag community view sexual intercourse as a tiring activity and should be infrequent. The nature of cultural practice within Inis Beag community that restricts women from sexual lust while persuading men that sexual intercourse is tiring makes sexual intercourse a special activity that is worth performing only when seeking for children. Sexual intercourse in this community is not a pleasurable activity to enjoy.
Monday, October 28, 2019
A Thousand Splendid Suns Narrative Strategies Essay Example for Free
A Thousand Splendid Suns Narrative Strategies Essay A Thousand Splendid Suns the reader would think its a happy novel, however theres nothing particularly splendid one would assume about the novel. From the very beginning of the novel the author, Khaled Hosseini inserts hints and foreshadowing to aware the reader that it will be an unhappy story. This is evident in the following illustration when Mariam breaks the sugar bowl , It was the last peice that slipped from Mariams fingers, that fell to the wooden floorboards of thekolba and shattered (Hosseini 2). Hosseini is generating depressing emotions in the novel by introducing words fell or shattered resembling failure or sin. The reader also gets introduced to the word Harami and other words, such as kolba and Jinn which are terms not identified by the author, so the reader must rely on the context to better understand what the word means. For example, when Mariam expresses the fear that the jinn has returned to her mother, the reader will assume that jinn is something bad. The use of these terms establishes the setting , but also signifies that some things cannot be translated remaining a mystery for the reader. In the novel , Hosseini makes the reader live, see and feel by portraying the experiences the characters are going through in the novel, and by writing from a third person point of view , he broadens the readers ability because the perspective of the characters is limited, sometimes Mariam, sometimes Laila, which works to great effect to attach the reader to both characters equally.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Constitutionalism: The Tyranny Of The Majority :: essays research papers
In this excerpt from Democracy in America Alexis Tocqueville expresses his sentiments about the United States democratic government. Tocqueville believes the government's nature exists in the absolute supremacy of the majority, meaning that those citizens of the United States who are of legal age control legislation passed by the government. However, the power of the majority can exceed its limits. Tocqueville believed that the United States was a land of equality, liberty, and political wisdom. He considered it be a land where the government only served as the voice of the its citizens. He compares the government of the US to that of European systems. To him, European governments were still constricted by aristocratic privilege, the people had no hand in the formation of their government, let alone, there every day lives. He held up the American system as a successful model of what aristocratic European systems would inevitably become, systems of democracy and social equality. Alth ough he held the American democratic system in high regards, he did have his concerns about the systems shortcomings. Tocqueville feared that the virtues he honored, such as creativity, freedom, civic participation, and taste, would be endangered by "the tyranny of the majority." In the United States the majority rules, but whose their to rule the majority. Tocqueville believed that the majority, with its unlimited power, would unavoidably turn into a tyranny. He felt that the moral beliefs of the majority would interfere with the quality of the elected legislators. The idea was that in a great number of men there was more intelligence, than in one individual, thus lacking quality in legislation. Another disadvantage of the majority was that the interests of the majority always were preferred to that of the minority. Therefore, giving the minority no chance to voice concerns.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Importance of Giving It Your All Essay -- Personal Narrative
The Importance of Giving It Your All It was a crisp autumn afternoon; the sun was shining and the parched leaves rustled as a cool breeze waltzed through. Today was the day I had anticipated, the day I would go and take the Elementary School Gifted Program test. This was my goal, to succeed the gifted program and be known at the top of my class. I was a little nervous, but I ignored my sweaty palms and scratchy throat as I followed slowly behind my mother, because I knew I had to do this. An elderly woman opened the door. She was slender and fragile-looking. She had thick gray hair that was pulled tightly back into a sleek professional bun. She wore a beige woven sweater with the sleeves rolled just above the elbow and black, freshly pressed slacks. The woman introduced herself as Sandra Schmidt and invited us in. After settling my mother in the family room, she immediately took me to the back of the house where a small card table and two fold-out metal chairs were set up. We sat down and promptly began. She asked me myriad verbal questions of varying degrees of difficulty,...
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Mkt Research
Assessment activity 1 1. 1 In conducting research on behalf of your organization or for a client organization, what factors could influence the choice of sources used? The intention of the research and also the types of products and services. 1. 2 Why can data and information cross-checks and cross-references be necessary when doing research? It is important not to rely on a single piece of information if you can avoid it, so also look for corroborating evidence unless the source is absolutely unimpeachable.Use reliable sources or cross-check and find supporting data wherever possible. Knowing how data was obtained is central to knowing its value. If the information comes from a survey look to find the sample source and size. Assessment activity 2 2. 1 Scenario: You have been asked to conduct research on behalf of the organization for which you work. Why is desk research the first research you should undertake? Their relative low cost, they can be an efficient use of time and they avoid duplicating research that has already been undertaken by others. . 2 What desk research sources could you use to collect and organize data? Company reports Data from previous research 2. 3 Why should your desk research include the collection and analysis of data relative to the organization’s current and past performance? It will help aid in the development of useful and useable hypotheses, accurately targeting research, designing and developing research tools. There is no point gathering information on the migration patterns of flamingos if the company is in the business of making clothes for the larger male.That is an absurd example, but if there are even subtle diversions between the company mission and your data gathering, you will be off track and have wasted energy and resources. Assessment Activity 3 Describe and explain the reporting formats that you have used or might follow when submitting desk research results. Normally each company has its own template but typically using chart and graphs besides tables and texts is a preferred way in most companies as it is clearer and more quickly understandable. Assessment activity 4 4. 1 Give 3 examples of hypotheses that you have used (or could use) when conducting market research.Salary packaging will increase loyalty and productivy at work Uncontrolled media undermines democratic government Plain packaging will not reduce the sales of cigarette. 4. 2 How do these hypotheses help to focus the research? A hypothesis will help to focus your research. It will help to guide the development of a research project and aid you in determining the direction you need to take and the questions to which you need answers. Assessment activity 5 5. 1 Why might a researcher choose to conduct qualitative research rather than quantitative research?Qualitative analysis provides information on how customers perceive a business, how they rate it in comparison to competitors and whether they plan to buy the organ ization products/services in the future. Also dealing with opinions, attitudes and behavior. 5. 2 Which method/s might be used to collect the data and why would you consider these to be the most appropriate? Processes used to collect customer information can include questionnaire surveys, face-to-face, written, and electronic or telephone survey methods; observational surveys; focus groups; product test results; retail audits.Data can also be collected, via desk research, from government organizations such as the Bureau of Statistics, the Census Bureau, from media companies, chambers of commerce, other research organizations or from university databases. 5. 3 What groups would you target and why? Customers, previous customers, stakeholders are often the target in a research, but it always depends on the information the company requests on its research. 5. 4 Explain what a measure of central tendency is and how it is used in analyzing market research data. Are measures used to locate the middle points of a distribution.The mean (average-obtained from adding all variables and dividing by the number of variables used), median (variable at the centre of the range) and mode (most frequently occurring variables are measures of central tendency). They serve to identify the points between the extremes. As an example, if a survey asked users of a certain product their age, measures of central tendency help to determine the typical age of the user. The youngest might be 10 years and the oldest 70. However, the values in between these extremes are the most useful for the marketer.Knowing that the mean (or average) age is 32, the median 34 and the mode 31, 32 and 35, indicate that typical age of a user is early thirties. Assessment activity 6 Complete the following table Method for collecting your data| Circumstance for choosing this method| Reason for choosing this method| Telephone survey| Large number of responses to a small number of questions required in a short peri od of time. | Efficiency and low cost per response. Responses can be qualified if necessary and data entry is immediate. | Focus group | Effective when qualitative data is required.Can be expensive but can provide effective results. | Effective results and efficient scribe. | Formal questionnaires | Inexpensive way to gather responses from a large number of respondents. | Effectively and can gather information to correlate performance and satisfaction among different groups of users. | Simple observational survey| Simplistic methods of conducting market research. | Can provide valuable and useful data. Determine who purchases what from where. | Mystery shopping observation | Actual experience of the service| Is needed from a trained observer| Product testing | New product valuation| Opinions for improvement| Informal discussion and feedback forms. | Gives you a simple and quickly answers. | Efficiently way and cheap processes which gives you answers in a short time. | As sessment activity 7 Why is it essential that market research plans demonstrate that they will collect information that will enable clear identification of customer needs, wants and expectations? It can be used to identify problems, strengths, potential markets, needs for change or to forecast sales of new or improved products/services.Customer focus is essential for success in the highly competitive markets of today. It should demonstrate to the organization exactly what is their customers or potencial customers require of them. Assessment activity 8 & 9 8/9a Explain how you might identify respondents for a product/ service survey. You can identify thru some surveys, segments and samples, questionnaires, focus groups and research such as: Geographic segmentation; Demographic segmentation; Psychographic segmentation; Beliefs and values; Lifestyle segmentation; stage of life; 8/9bWhich of the following are relevant in identifying and selecting respondents for marketing research Re spondent Characteristic| On a scale of 1-5 where 1 is important and 5 is not important – rate the importance (circle or make bold or delete unselected #)| A customer|           2         3       4         5| A potential customer|        2         3       4         5| Not a customer|  1          2                  4      5| Was selected at random| 1         2               4         5| Was a stakeholder| 1         2         3       4        5| Required an incenti ve to bother| 1         2              4         5| Was interested| 1                3       4         5| Had the time and was available| 1                3       4         5| Was someone who disliked the products| 1         2               4         5| Assessment activity 10Why is preparation of facilities and equipment in readiness for the research procedure important? Preparation is the key to effective data collection. Staff should be fully informed about what is required, must be appropriately trained and must be supplied with the necessary resources. Assessment activity 11 11. 1 Wh at reports might an organization ask to be submitted after the surveying process has been completed? What types of information would the report contain? Written responses, verbal recordings, e-mail, postal results or data and sets of numbers collected as a result of focus groups or testing groups. Information like- numbers of respondents; ease with which respondents were contacted; -ease with which respondents were encouraged to participate; -ease with which respondents were able to use the survey format;  -numbers of responses in various information collection categories; – suitability of the survey questions and other resources; -costs applicable to the survey; – a general assessment of the success of the survey; -problems or issues that were identified during the research  -suggestions for improvements to the research process. 11. 2 How might survey tools be kept confidential and accessible only to authorized people? Safe Locks on door Passwords Assessment act ivity 12 12. What procedures should be followed to check the quality of the data collected during market research? Quality of the data collect will have to be considered and will include: Quantity, Type of responses and Depth of responses. Ask: – Did the survey questions elicit the necessary data? –       Is there enough significant and useful data to support or reject the original hypotheses? –       Were the respondents properly targeted? –       Were respondents correctly qualified? –       Is the data useful and does it meet its intended purpose? –       Can the data be easily analyzed to produce the necessary information? 12. 2 Why are quality checks necessary?The quality of the data should be checked as early as possible because decisions depend on valid and reliable data. Data quality can be assessed in several ways, using dif ferent types of analyses: frequency counts, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, and median), normality (skewness, kurtosis, frequency histograms, normal probability plots), associations (correlations, scatter plots). Other initial data quality checks are: †¢Ã‚          Checks on data cleaning: have decisions influenced the distribution of the variables? The distribution of the variables before data cleaning is compared to the distribution of the variables after data cleaning to see whether data cleaning has had unwanted effects on the data.           Analysis of missing observations: are there many missing values, and are the values missing at random? The missing observations in the data are analyzed to see whether more than 25% of the values are missing, whether they are missing at random (MAR), and whether some form of imputation (statistics) is needed. †¢Ã‚          An alysis of extreme observations: outlying observations in the data are analyzed to see if they seem to disturb the distribution. †¢Ã‚          Comparison and correction of differences in coding schemes: variables are compared with coding schemes of variables external to the data set, and possibly corrected if coding schemes are not comparable. Assessment activity 13Select a market research project from your experience or elsewhere. Explain how the data for this project was aggregated and summarised and why it is necessary to summarise the data. Answer is enterprise and experience dependent so use an example: We had done a random sampling with our product which is a Brazilian meat. So we go to a night clubs early night and offer some of our product to customers and give them a sample of our meat and also a voucher which gives them the opportunity to come to our restaurant and enjoy our food with 20 % off discount. So when them coming back to the resta urant we can analyze the number of respondents by noting the number of vouchers collected and wrote a report.Assessment activity 14 Describe software packages or filing systems that could be used to record and manage research data. (Suggest search of www for brand names) SPSS – is a computer program used for survey authoring and deployment, data mining, text analytics, statistical analysis and collaboration and deployment. MS Access – is a database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. Minitab – is a statistics package. Assessment activity 15 15. 1 Describe a format that might be commonly used in an organization to present research reports. Suggestion: search of www for examples) – Title page – shows name and type of study, date, who produced it and for whom – Table of contents – Executive summary – brief statem ent summarizing reports main points – Introduction – details research projects background and objectives – Research methods – strategies and techniques used and why – Study data – includes all relevant charts, diagrams, tables and study results – Recommendations / Conclusions – Appendices 15. 2 Under what circumstances might you use charts and graphs? Give examples of the data that might be represented by specific chart or graph formats. Most common are graphs, pie charts, tables, histogram, time line.To compare what’s the proposed now and what was the beginning of the research is important to use charts and graphs, also to determine whether the research has highlighted any threats, opportunities, weaknesses, problems associated with the product/service/company under review. 15. 3 Why is it a good idea to utilize charts, graphs and other visual presentations of data? They can easily show results and statistics data also show changes, percentages, compare 2 data sources and make clearly if you need any kind of changes. 15. 4 How can a force field analysis assist in presenting data relative to proposed change and how does market research data contribute to the analysis? In determining whether a change is necessary, list the forces the change and those opposing the change.Balance them against each other to determine the necessary outcome. This is very much like a pro’s and con’s list. It shows whether the forces for or conditions requiring change are greater than those for not changing. It is important to keep in mind that the purpose of the exercise is to make the information clear, unambiguous and easy to understand. 15. 6. To whom might an organizations research report and findings be submitted? Whoever asked for the research and anyone they said to give a copy to. 16: Additional Questions Create two Quantitative questions, one using a scale another using check boxes 1- How useful to you was the orientation session at the College? please circle the number that best represents your opinion) Extremely                                                                               Not at all Useful                                                                                     Useful            1         2         3        4 5        6         7         2- Did you know that when you recommend the college to someone and they then enroll in a course you can receive a $300 finders bonus? Yes  ____                  No _____ Create two different qualitative questions 1 – Can you describe the orientation session at the college? 2 – How you feel about the money you receive for recommend the college?
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Pornography essays
Pornography essays Pornography Sex or Subordination? In the late Seventies, America became shocked and outraged by the rape, mutilation, and murder of over a dozen young, beautiful girls. The man who committed these murders, Ted Bundy, was later apprehended and executed. During his detention in various penitentiaries, he was mentally probed and prodded by psychologist and psychoanalysts hoping to discover the root of his violent actions and sexual frustrations. Many theories arose in attempts to explain the motivational factors behind his murderous escapades. However, the strongest and most feasible of these theories came not from the psychologists, but from the man himself, "as a teenager, my buddies and I would all sneak around and watch porn. As I grew older, I became more and more interested and involved in it, [pornography] became an obsession. I got so involved in it, I wanted to incorporate [porn] into my life, but I couldn't behave like that and maintain the success I had worked so hard for. I generated an alter ego to fulfill my fantasies under-cover. Pornography was a means of unlocking the evil I had buried inside myself" (Leidholdt 47). Is it possible that pornography is acting as the key to unlocking the evil in more unstable minds? According to Edward Donnerstein, a leading researcher in the pornography field, "the relationship between sexually violent images in the media and subsequent aggression and . . . callous attitudes towards women is much stronger statistically than the relationship between smoking and cancer" (Itzin 22). After considering the increase in rape and molestation, sexual harassment, and other sex crimes over the last few decades, and also the corresponding increase of business in the pornography industry, the link between violence and pornography needs considerable study and examination. Once the evidence you will encounter in this paper is evaluated and quantified, it will be hard not co...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Harnessing the Power of Technology essays
Harnessing the Power of Technology essays The role of technology in education in well documented. According to author Janet Wall, education has been a prime beneficiary of technologys power. (p.3) Wall goes on define and lay out the dollars spent and projected to be spent on education through the use of technology. Harnessing the Power of Technology is a terrific article that takes technology to a different level by addressing the issue of testing and assessment. The primary focus of technology in articles and discussions in regards to education has been the use of the internet. This article discusses the role and future of technology as related to testing and assessment by harnessing the power of technology. The author first addresses the role of both counselors and educators to make sure actual learning is taking place. Standards and performance indicators as published by the International Society of Technology and Education are listed by the author that would give teachers assessment practices that would be helpful. Included also is a checklist of applicable technology standards for school administrators. Wall ( ) explains the high expectations educators have of integrating the use technology in testing and assessment. The authors second focus is the advantages of using the computer and the internet as a tool for assessment. In each advantage listed Wall ( ) also addresses some of the criticisms. For example, one advantage she addresses is accessibility. The author points out the lack of access to computers are an often mentioned complaint in using technology assessment. However, she cites Negroponte (1995) by stating, In fact, that the social divide between the information rich and the information poor is more generational than socioeconomic or geographical. She backs up her argument by including a table (figure 1, p.5) that show ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The romantic revolution essays
The romantic revolution essays Romanticism made a greater difference to us than anything else since the Renaissance. It was a precursor to a whole new reference for thinking, and structuring society. Berlin traces the evolution of romanticism with its many levels of comprehension and implications in modern thought. He leads us through historical vicissitudes engendered by this new authenticity of ideas. He brings light to the suppositions and eventualities (conditional) that the romantics sermonized. The Romantics said the same question can have more than one answer and were the first to say the answer was not something built into the universe. Berlin gives due relevance to the fact that romanticism was responsible for bringing pluralism to the fore from the predominantly monistic views held by society. He writes in My Intellectual Path, a society in which many opinions are held, and those holding different opinions are tolerant of each other, and is better than a monolithic society in which one opinion is bindi ng on everyone (Berlin 58). The history of Western Civilization contains a long and frequently bloody and always intellectually and imaginatively very stimulating record of collisions between different versions of the world's order. But we need to recognize that fundamental to them all was a belief that there was an order to be discovered, at least in part. Berlin had noted three important conceptual changes in western culture which altogether replaced classical notions of the existence of monistic order in reality. One of the first changes was seen during the rise of stoicism where the concept of public was replaced by the inner convictions of the individual. The second was the irreconcilability between natural and moral values that politics was in fact in conflict, as Machiavelli suggested, with Christian ethics. Suddenly there was an interest in two different points of view, that of the individual and the church. Thirdly and the most revo...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Modern and Postmodern Ideas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Modern and Postmodern Ideas - Essay Example The essay "Modern and Postmodern Ideas" investigates the artists of the modern and postmodern era. Modern and postmodern artists have worked to depict the range of human emotions. There are a lot of artists such as Picasso that focuses on the emotions themselves. Picasso’s works, characteristic of the modern abstractionists, focused on presenting graphic images of emotions without relying on true representations of objects. In his paintings â€Å"Figures on Beach†, â€Å"Weeping Woman†and â€Å"Girl Before a Mirror†, Picasso presents each figure as an abstract collection of geometrical shapes arranged in such a way as to denote the specific emotions and feelings his figures are experiencing. His use of color goes a long way toward conveying the emotions he wished to express just as the relative hardness or softness of his lines worked to establish the relative sharp or dull nature of the feelings. Another aspect of his art that infuses all three of these paintings is the concept of portraying motion or action through the representation of more than one viewpoint at a time. In â€Å"Figures on Beach†, this concept of movement is shown in the various placements of the eyes and nostrils of the figures and the seemingly random placement of the woman’s breasts. The confusion of straight body parts that allows arms and legs to almost become interchangeable also reflects the idea that these people are not remaining in stationary positions but are instead allowing their arms and legs to become tangled as part of their embrace.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Epistemology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Epistemology - Assignment Example Uncertainty Principle is hard to understand, as it requires thorough understanding of physics. However, positivism is founded on principles indicating that matter is seen, observed and proved. It creates a conflict between the two principles. For example, advocates of positivism argue it is not possible to observe electron paths while pro- Uncertainty Principle argues that electrons travel on path called orbits (Gleiser, 2014). Postmodern epistemology is the study of how knowledge is assessed, gained, utilized and criticized. The development of Uncertainty Principle enabled the advocates of epistemology to widen their scope of learning. Concepts of Uncertainty Principle like quantum mechanics are studied in postmodern epistemology (Van & McIntyre-Mills, 2007). One of its implications is called determinism. It states that everything that has happened or will happen in the world is pre-determined by original conditions. However, this theory was abandoned after the discovery of quantum physics (Kitchin & Kneale, 2012). M.C. Robinson (2011). A thought experiment violating Heisenbergs uncertainty principle. Canadian Journal of Physics. P. 69-119 Retrieved from Marcelo Gleiser (2014). The Problem with a Clockwork Universe. Commentary on Science and society. Reterieved from <
Child adoption law Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Child adoption law - Dissertation Example However, by giving paramount importance to the welfare, this paper will be analysing whether the parental consent and the rights of the natural parents deserve equal weight and attention or whether it has been relegated to the backside by the Adoption and Children Act 2002 in an exhaustive manner1. Whether Child Welfare alone is to be given of a paramount significance thereby disregarding the parental consent and the rights of the natural parents under the Adoption and Children Act 2002? - An Analysis The law on adoption was completely transformed with the effect from 30 December 2005 through the introduction of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 in UK. The Adoption and Children Act 2002 tries to address the question of parental consent of the natural parents and the question of the best interest of the child which are tackled at an early stage. ... As held in Webster v Norfolk County Council2, adoption is a process which engrosses the separation of legal relation between the natural parents and a child thereby creating a new kinship with the adoptive parents. Under ss 50,114(4) of the Adoption and Children Act 2002, the definition of those who could adopt a child which includes unmarried couples also, and the 2002 Act3 has made the welfare of the adopted child as a paramount while in the 1976 Act 4, welfare of the child was the first priority of an UK’s court. Under the 2002 Act5, the procedure for the adoption has also been changed6. Section 1 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 is a dominant provision that will be applicable whenever an adoption agency or a court is taking any conclusion as regards to the adoption of a child. This comprises any choice by the court about the waiver of permission by parent or to pass an order under section 26 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 for a contact order. In subsection (4) of the Act7, a welfare checklist is detailed out ,which must be taken into account either by the agency or by the court in deciding the best interest of the child in any choice pertaining to adoption. Paramountcy standard connotes that child’s welfare is supreme when making any choice about the upbringing of a child. Due consideration should be given by the court also about the feelings and wishes of the child and shall refrain from making an order of placement and adoption unless no other option is available .Thus , every initiative should be undertaken to protect the child’s family and home associations8. Section 1 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 states that paramount significance should be given to the following factors by the adoption agency
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Use of ijarah sukuk by Islamic banks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Use of ijarah sukuk by Islamic banks - Essay Example The intention of this study is Ijarah Sukuk as a type of sukuk based on leased assets, involves securities of the same value of every issue, and stands for long lasting physical assets. These assets are attached to an ijarah contract that is based on Shari’a. On that note, there are several reasons why Ijarah Sukuk is considered a contentious financial instrument. For example, Ijarah Sukuk permits corporate customers access to other methods of Islamic refinancing. In addition it grants Islamic organizations a way of handling their liquidity. In contrast, lack of global standards on the acceptable commodities facilitates the establishment of an appropriate global interbanking market. Furthermore, there is always the problem of over taxation because Ijarah Sukuk holders possess assets that they fund such as capital gains tax, value added tax and double stamp duty land tax. This affects its growth as the minimum revenue accrued is diminished during over taxation. Similarly, Ijara h sukuk is viewed as a contentious financial instrument because it only offers securitization. Ijarah sukuk and not any other lease bond securitize this means that the revenue produced. There is also the issue of principal-agent challenges. This entails lack of financial capability by Islamic banks to manage its principal-agent challenges. Therefore, this affects long-term funding due to insufficient credit in the market. In this case, a bank may decide to use readily accessible conventional lease bonds because ijarah sukuk is not applicable for long financial projects (Ayub, 2009, p.65). Alternatively, there is the unavailability of ijarah sukuk investments in the market especially to low-earning businesspersons. It is only available to wealthy men hence it widens the space between the rich and poor. On that note, we can say that ijarah sukuk needs organizations with many assets and these assets must not be impeded by other factors. Furthermore, deals involving ijarah sukuk are oft en deficient of legal infrastructure within upcoming markets especially in relation to trusts or property. On the other perspective, less designed variants of sukuk gets disheartened by the economic likeness of ijarah sukuk and fixed-income goods of conventional lease bonds because of the ideologies of profits and loss sharing. There is also the investment law that governs ijarah sukuk whereby limitations of foreign ownership transfer taxes with large ownership may deter the genuine sales of an asset. Another contention with ijarah sukuk is its complex structure when granted in a non-Islamic nation may result to attempts to counter the problem of designing a tax proficient structure that complies with Shari’a (Lewis & Hassan 2007, p.54). Additionally, ijarah sukuk as a financial tool requires care in terms of bank considerations. This is because of the tendency of sukuk transaction to establish a shared interest of beneficial possession for the sukuk proprietor. 2. Difference s and similarities between Ijarah Sukuk and the conventional lease bond There are various similarities and disparity between Ijarah Sukuk and the conventional lease bond. In our case, we will begin with the differences. For instance, the role of sukuk in the Islamic finance perspective is sharing. Therefore, those
Business Ethics in the Business World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Business Ethics in the Business World - Essay Example The codes of ethics are meant to measure the extent to which organizations can go in term of looking for money. The lack of a monitoring system can lead to many organizations spiralling out of control, making society feel the extent of shrewd business people. The growth and expansion of the global community is not helping matters. It becomes harder to monitor businesses that operate across the international border lines. However, government agencies are in place to ensure the safe operation of businesses to reduce crimes that arise through business operations. As humans, it is easy to come by ethical dilemmas. In order to rise above the challenges, it is critical to make split-second decisions to protect the integrity of one’s business. This will ensure that society benefits from business conducted in an ethical manner. Business Ethics in the Business World Every business organization must have a code of ethics that it adheres to, to form a conducive surrounding for its employ ees and clients. This behaviour is what regulates the manner in which the organization deals with groups in its midst. Business ethics dictate how a business, not only deals with international groups, but also, its single clients. Many individuals, the world over believe that businesses are only out to make a profit for themselves. This gives businesses a poor reputation among the people they intend to serve. To some extent, this may be true. However, not every business is out for their interests (Flynn, 2008). It is the manner in which they go about getting money that questions their behaviour with regards to ethics. This paper will examine ethics in the world of business, and how they may work in favour of growing businesses. For business to be considered good business, it must adhere to the code of ethics that binds every field in the world. These ethics must be part of the business. This is to allow individuals to associate themselves with something that is legitimate and honest . Business ethics that are in place should eliminate the exploitation of poor people. These are individuals who might not have a choice as to the work they do to make ends meet. The public has a tremendous role to play in ensuring organizations play their part in following business ethics (Ghillyer, 2010). They should advocate for the growth of monitoring groups that may monitor the large corporations present. As the competitive markets expand, it is becoming harder and harder to know which corporation is following correct ethics in their business dealings (Flynn, 2008). It has become a common occurrence to hear of the hefty amounts of fines companies are paying. They are paying these fines because they violate the codes that are in place to ensure a healthy competitive market. Soft drink companies usually face the full brunt of these fines. Honesty, in today’s business world, is the farthest thing from people’s minds. Insider trading in some of the top companies allow s for individuals to trade and make a killing through information provided. This is at the cost of other, less fortunate people. Many folks believe that the standards in business are no longer present. There might be some truth to these claims. There is no reliable source of information about what goes on in these businesses. Corporations want to cover up and protect their own dealings so as to make more money from innocent, hardworking
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Use of ijarah sukuk by Islamic banks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Use of ijarah sukuk by Islamic banks - Essay Example The intention of this study is Ijarah Sukuk as a type of sukuk based on leased assets, involves securities of the same value of every issue, and stands for long lasting physical assets. These assets are attached to an ijarah contract that is based on Shari’a. On that note, there are several reasons why Ijarah Sukuk is considered a contentious financial instrument. For example, Ijarah Sukuk permits corporate customers access to other methods of Islamic refinancing. In addition it grants Islamic organizations a way of handling their liquidity. In contrast, lack of global standards on the acceptable commodities facilitates the establishment of an appropriate global interbanking market. Furthermore, there is always the problem of over taxation because Ijarah Sukuk holders possess assets that they fund such as capital gains tax, value added tax and double stamp duty land tax. This affects its growth as the minimum revenue accrued is diminished during over taxation. Similarly, Ijara h sukuk is viewed as a contentious financial instrument because it only offers securitization. Ijarah sukuk and not any other lease bond securitize this means that the revenue produced. There is also the issue of principal-agent challenges. This entails lack of financial capability by Islamic banks to manage its principal-agent challenges. Therefore, this affects long-term funding due to insufficient credit in the market. In this case, a bank may decide to use readily accessible conventional lease bonds because ijarah sukuk is not applicable for long financial projects (Ayub, 2009, p.65). Alternatively, there is the unavailability of ijarah sukuk investments in the market especially to low-earning businesspersons. It is only available to wealthy men hence it widens the space between the rich and poor. On that note, we can say that ijarah sukuk needs organizations with many assets and these assets must not be impeded by other factors. Furthermore, deals involving ijarah sukuk are oft en deficient of legal infrastructure within upcoming markets especially in relation to trusts or property. On the other perspective, less designed variants of sukuk gets disheartened by the economic likeness of ijarah sukuk and fixed-income goods of conventional lease bonds because of the ideologies of profits and loss sharing. There is also the investment law that governs ijarah sukuk whereby limitations of foreign ownership transfer taxes with large ownership may deter the genuine sales of an asset. Another contention with ijarah sukuk is its complex structure when granted in a non-Islamic nation may result to attempts to counter the problem of designing a tax proficient structure that complies with Shari’a (Lewis & Hassan 2007, p.54). Additionally, ijarah sukuk as a financial tool requires care in terms of bank considerations. This is because of the tendency of sukuk transaction to establish a shared interest of beneficial possession for the sukuk proprietor. 2. Difference s and similarities between Ijarah Sukuk and the conventional lease bond There are various similarities and disparity between Ijarah Sukuk and the conventional lease bond. In our case, we will begin with the differences. For instance, the role of sukuk in the Islamic finance perspective is sharing. Therefore, those
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Reliance Industries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Reliance Industries - Essay Example Poza notes that as per the regulations outlined in Hindu succession laws, the eldest son of the household is entitled to become the successor after the death of the family’s head (341). Consequently, this notion is also reflected in Hindu traditions and customs which favor the first-born of the family. Mukesh’s arrival in the business, in many ways, echoed this custom as he embarked upon his responsibilities in a fashion that was similar to that of his father (Grant and Nicholson 44). Assessing the relationship that the sons shared with their parents it is understood that Dhirubhai was particularly fond of Mukesh and therefore, chose to discuss the affairs of the business with him before seeking Anil’s point of view (Poza 348) which could have irked Mukesh’s sibling. Another important role that the parents played for the sake of Reliance Industries’ and for their family was that of mediators. Whenever conflicts between the brothers arose, it was Dhi rubhai who took to a stand to resolve the issues by warning his sons and taking an action in order to ensure that family disputes did not act as hurdles in the achievement of business objectives (Poza 349). By March 2005, tensions between the brothers over the control and management of Reliance Industries had escalated which caused media scrutiny on the matter to rise. Thus, it was Kokilaben who realized that the gravity of the situation begged for her intervention. Grant and Nicholson state that despite of her unwillingness to do so, Kokilaben initiated a process of arbitration that ultimately resulted in the distribution of the company’s assets (49). Therefore, this component of the analysis certainly indicates the instrumental role of Dhirubhai and Kokilaben in Reliance Industries which could have not succeeded without their participation in its affairs. The succession of Reliance Industries to the next generation cannot be termed as a monumental success. In order to asses s this statement, the paper explores the ramifications of the succession from the point of view of the Ambani family and from a business perspective. Dhirubhai was always a firm believer in the concept of unity and trusted this notion as an â€Å"article of faith†, this observation first surfaced when he refused to divide Reliance upon the suggestion of his brothers (Grant and Nicholson 43). Similarly, Dhirubhai’s disapproval of family disputes and rifts especially between his sons is clearly observable from the fact that he would personally intervene to resolve any conflicts between Mukesh and Anil (Poza 348). Therefore, it can be stated Dhirubhai Ambani never wanted Reliance Industries to be partitioned. Grant and Nicholson claim that Kokilaben’s reluctance in dividing Reliance Industries was unequivocally clear when she intervened to resolve the issue in 2005 with the assistance of K V Kamath and Nimesh Kampani (49). The authors note that the continuation of Reliance Industries as a single entity was to be a representation of Dhirubhai’s legacy which could not survive due to the dispute between Mukesh and Anil (Grant and Nicholson 49). Henceforth, the succession of the great Indian company cannot be termed as successful from the perspective of the Ambani fam
Beverages Consumed by Upv Dormitory Residents While Studying Essay Example for Free
Beverages Consumed by Upv Dormitory Residents While Studying Essay Being a student in the University of the Philippines means a lot of stress, pressure and challenge. It is always expected that any student will experience sleepless nights due to endless exams, reports and papers. To cope with these hectic schedules, a lot of students are looking for ways to help them stay active and awake. One of the most common way students resort to is to drink beverages. Many beverages are helpful in making students stay awake and active during studying. Carbonated drinks, energy drinks, caffeinated drinks, alcoholic drinks, and water are the beverages most commonly consumed by students. With regards to these concerns, a study was conducted to determine the choice of beverage of students and to know the reasons why they drink the beverage of their choice. Though others might say that beverages such as carbonated, alcoholic and caffeinated drinks can be harmful to our human body, it can also be helpful to students especially when they were studying. These beverages are very helpful to students, but we cannot deny the fact that if these are beneficial to the students, beverages such as carbonated, caffeinated and alcoholic drinks have harmful effects as well. It is obvious from the word itself that caffeinated drinks contains drug known as caffeine. It is also found in many different substances such as coffee. Some drinks have little amount of it and others may contain no caffeine at all. Consuming small amount of caffeine may be safe that it could help improve our body to have more energy and to stay focus and contrite well but a large consumption of caffeinated beverages leads to negative effects on the human body (Chloe, 2010). Besides consumption of caffeinated drinks really helps students to ward off sleep and increase alertness when the situation demands us to stay awake or need to have a little sleep. Aside from caffeinated drinks, water can help drive away the feeling of sleepiness. Water is an easy home remedy to stay awake whole night when nothing else is available. Drinking ice-cold water is also beneficial because it is a form of distraction to falling asleep (Nicks, 2011). Moreover, frequent urination that follows with increased water intake can prevent from falling asleep (Nicks, 2011). Some common reasons why people drink are to relax, celebrate and also to relax. Drinking alcoholic drinks is usually not part of the reason to drink in order to stay awake for it contains chemicals that depresses the nervous system (Nicks, 2011). Furthermore, consumption of alcoholic drinks may either be beneficial or harmful to body especially on the brain. Over consumption of alcoholic drinks leads to brain functioning such as loss of intellectual functioning combined with amnesia. In addition to that, alcohol-induced brain damage appears to be partially reversible with abstinence (Institute of Alcohol Studies, 16 July 2007). The choice of beverage also varies with each student depending on what kind of beverages they think could help them in any way. The effect of these beverages to the academic life of each student is very important and has an influence on their choice. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The results of the study will be beneficial to the following: Students. Students will know what beverage can be beneficial with respect to their general weighted average. Manufacturers. Manufactures of the drinks will know if their products are beneficial to the students. Retailers in the dorm area. Product retailers will be able to choose what drink they can sell in the dorm area. Researchers. This will be beneficial to the other researchers for future reference purposes. RESEARCH QUESTIONS a. What is the beverage that students residing in the five UPV Miag-ao dormitories drink the most when studying? b. What is the most important reason why they drink their choice of beverage? c. How satisfied are they with the beverage they consume? d. Is there a linear relationship between their choice of beverage and their general weighted average? e. Is there a linear relationship between their choice of beverage and their general weighted average? OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY a. to determine the proportion of students who drink beverages while studying b. to determine the beverage that students residing in UPV Miag-ao dormitories drink the most while studying c. to determine the reasons why they drink their choice of beverage while studying d. To determine their level of satisfaction with the beverage they drink e. to determine the relationship between their choice of beverage and their general weighted average f. to determine the relationship between the number of times they drink and their choice of beverage general weighted average METHODOLOGY Study Design This is a cross-sectional study of the population to determine the beverages consumed by the students residing in the five UPV Miag-ao dormitories while studying and their effect on the grades of the dormers. Study Population Sample Size. The sample size, calculated based on the current population of the five dormitories of University of the Philippines Visayas Miag-ao, Iloilo, was estimated at 240 individuals comprising 2 strata, Freshmen Dormitories and the Upperclassmen Dormitories, with 110 and 130 individuals per group respectively. When it comes to academic loads, freshmen have almost similar level of loads and the upper class men also have similar level of loads. That is, freshmen have lighter loads and upper class men have heavier loads. Heavier loads means a lot of sleepless nights so upper class men have more reason to drink. When it comes to the general weighted average (GWA), since freshmen have lighter loads, they have a better chance to get higher GWA. This estimated sample size was based on the assumption that no prior estimate of the proportion of individuals whose choice of beverage and their general weighted average (GWA) is known before this survey was planned. Thus, a conservative estimate of the sample size can be obtained by choosing the proportion of what is unknown to be 0. 5. Also, a 5% margin of error was employed in this survey. Sampling Design and Selection of Respondents. The selection of the 240 individuals was based on a stratified random sampling design. First, the population was divided into two strata, the freshmen dormitory residents and the upper class dormitory residents. By proportional allocation, 130 residents from the upper class dormitories and 110 residents from freshmen dormitories were the allocated sizes for each stratum. List of dormitory residents are found in Table A . Survey Instrument The survey instrument consists of 2 parts namely: A. Respondent Characteristics B. Beverage Related Questions Do you drink something while you are studying? What beverage do you usually drink the most while studying? How many times do you drink your choice beverage while studying? What are the three important reasons why you drink the type of beverage you specified in question 2 while studying? How satisfied are you with the beverage you drink? What is your general weighted average last semester? Data Collection A Self-Enumeration method was used to gather information using the questionnaire. English is the language used in the questionnaire. Data were collected from all the 240 respondents in a span of 4 days. Data Processing Data was encoded using SPSS Version 16. 0 (SPSS Inc. 2007). The questionnaire numbers were included in the encoding to easily detect which respondents’ answers were miscoded. The Analysis of the data, tables and graphs was done using SPSS version 16. 0. Statistical Analysis Some items in the questionnaire were included to measure a specific construct. Frequencies and percentages were used to answer most of the survey objectives. One-Way ANOVA was used to determine significant differences in the general weighted average among groups based on the choice of beverages and the frequency of students drinking their choice of beverage while studying. RESULTS and DISCUSSION Result shows that eighty-seven point nine per cent ( 87. 9%) of the students residing in the five residence halls in UPV Miaga-ao are drinking beverages while studying while twelve point one (12. 1%) per cent are not (see Table 1). Six point two (6. 2%) per cent of the respondents drink carbonated drinks, forty-seven point one (47. 1%) per cent drink caffeinated or energy drinks, one point two (1. 2%) drink alcoholic drinks, twenty eight point three (28. 3%) drink water and five point four (5. 4%)per cent drink other beverages (see Table 2). The three most important reasons why the respondents drink the beverages they prefer are the taste (41. 8%), availability (41. 2%) and the effect in helping them to stay awake (67. 9%) (see Table 3). Other reasons are that the beverage they drink is healthy (22. 5%), drinking is part of their study habit (32. 1%), the affordability (17. 9%), and other specified reasons are the relaxation and the craving on the certain drink. It is shown in Table 4 that students are nearly satisfied with the beverage they drink with mean level of satisfaction equal to 3. 69. There is a significant difference in the mean general weighted average of UPV dormitory residents (F= 2. 5, p=. 031) who are drinking different types of beverages while studying. Table 5 shows that among the dormitory residents who drink the different types of beverages, the ones who drink alcoholic beverages while studying have the highest mean GWA. On the contrary, Table 6 shows that the number of times the residents drink their choice of beverages does not affect their GWA at the end of the semester (F= 1. 473, p=. 2). It means that the GWA of the residents are not affected by the frequency of drinking the beverage of their choice. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS There are more students who drink any of the beverages than not with 87. 9%. Of those 211 students who drink, most of them chose caffeinated and/ or energy drink with 47. 1% and drink chosen the least is the alcoholic drink. Though a few number of students consume alcoholic drinks, they unexpectedly have the highest mean general weighted average. On contrary, the number of times the residents drink their choice of beverage does not affect their general weighted average. Because of the unexpected result in our study, at this point of time, we cannot really recommend that alcoholic drinks are good for studying. But we propose that there should be more future studies to confirm if drinking alcoholic drinks really improves the academic performance of the students. Also, they should add others factors that c Since most of the respondents are drinking caffeinated/energy drinks, we would like to recommend to certain manufacturers of caffeinated/energy drinks that they improve their marketing strategies to gain attention because of the competitions. Companies with known brands should improve their products so that they will not lose their consumers while those unpopular companies must improve their marketing strategies through advertisements and improvements of their products as well. They should also focus on the taste of their product because most of the students prefer the taste of the beverage. Also, because the availability of the product is one of the reasons why students drink caffeinated/energy beverages, we suggest that retailers in the dorm area should sell such drink APPENDIX A TABLES Table A. List of Respondents Ran no. | Respondents (Upperclass)| Ran no. | Respondents (Freshmen)| 139| Esmeralda, Hershey| 274| Tiongson, Nijyl| 109| De La Paz, Janine| 110| Torreno, Ermin| 191| Junio, Rap Eula| 241| Paguidopon, Cyril| 56| Basister, Wina Irah| 222| Maguad, Ma. Althea| 69| Bonites, Danessa Joy| 185| Francisco, Elthon| 310| Sta. Maria, Marbenn| 292| Wong, Maria Angelica| 195| Laoc, Charles Von| 33| Continente, Jose Ryan| 167| Gonzaga, Paul Ray-An| 158| Celis, Ella Marie Sofia| 55| Barros, Michelle Anne| 43| Donguines, Adelaine Grace| 202| Limjuco, Ivan Christian| 53| Jimenez, Camille Ericka| 157| Gallenero, Kate April| 238| Odtujan, Wenna Grace| 44| Bagsit, Mitzi Kate| 159| Jance, Mary Pauline|. 14| Alaban, Annaveve Rose| 263| Suarez, Angelica Faith| 108| Daynolo, Raquel| 109| Torrecampo, Jaira Jane| 295| Salvallon, Carmina| 196| Incensario, Cindy| 340| Villalva, Jenny Boy P| 39| Dela Cruz, Eduard| 133| Encio, Quinzelle Ann| 270| Tan, Diana| 33| Arcenio, Ariane| 134| Bacaoco, Ella Marie Kristine| 126| Dumantay, Sherwin| 265| Surilla, John Chaldean| 180| Igpuara, Luvielyn| 32| Condez, Jared Philip| 347| Zeller, Lylve Mariz| 105| Tampus, Franzine Glorie| 265| Pepino, Ma. Marivick| 8| Banehit, Gracesel Faith| 154| Frayco, Altia| 251| Potot, Kristin Francis May| 18| Alido, Edwin| 172| Deslate, August John Xavier|. 134| Endencio, Gerry| 51| Gamez, Clarence| 197| Ledesma, Anne Brigette| 267| Tabing, Ralph Oliver| 329| Tubeo, Nikki Francheska| 239| Oligo, Femelyn Rose| 248| Pagapulan, Marn Angeli| 154| Camarote, Brylle Kristiann| 102| Dacut, Carl Mark| 194| Hortilano, Kristine| 10| Agero, Nikki Rose| 191| Go, Edwina Ruby| 168| Gonzales, Julio Joseph D. | 16| Besinga, Yvonne Grace| 151| Fontillas, Jeanne| 211| Limbaroc, Darrell Christian| 268| Nillasca, Amria Canice| 47| Estante, Eros Paul| 99| Daayata, Angela Marie| 92| Sacramento, Noe John Joseph| 244| Pabualan, Lorejane| 30| Cojuangco, Florenz Dean| 2| Abagatnan, Samuel| 258| Rojas, Jan Katherine|. 162| Genio, Josette| 45| Ereje, Reymark| 216| Manogan, Dana| 125| Alba, Phoebe Anne| 67| Bohol, Lyan Jean| 245| Paroginog, Christian| 161| Gelvoligaya, Luke Jan| 213| Lorenzo, Ma. Conception| 159| Gara, Nolan| 83| Palomo, Megan| 31| Aranguez, Christian Tom| 102| Tabonda, April Mae| 30| Aquino, Jon Irish| 137| Baltazar, Gleza| 242| Orquia, John Jowil P. | 133| Atienza, Paul Henry| 174| Hibaler Regino| 78| Obaob, Laurence| 229| Montales, Ma. Josita| 206| Lao, Karli Anne| 283| Ribalde, Aldren A. | 277| Tordesillas, Jessa Grace| 41| Bae, Haengun| 67| Mangilog, Jude| 280| Rendaje, Donna| 140| Barrera, Mia|. 116| Deopido, Reanna Rosalia| 190| Garcia, Jondale Mae| 47| Balino, Beverly| 66| Manejar, Arvie Joy| 301| Segura, Errol Ralph| 294| Zomil, Nica Pearl| 288| Rotas, Shiela Mae| 22| Caspe, Dion Paul| 4| Abelarde, Ma. Gail| 252| Prisco, Emman Lliam| 182| Ingeniero, Andrea Faye| 25| Castor, Romena| 241| Oppus, Dia Monica| 284| Uehara, Mika| 87| Caro, Miguel Caro| 204| Lachica, Fritzie Lee| 76| Cabarles, Jodhie Mae| 228| Manlangit, Katleen| 144| Estores, El Nino| 111| Tupag, Xerxes| 48| Bangcaya, Angelo Deo| 49| Fulgencio, Eunice Sheene| 249| Pagdato, Shannen Jhen| 247| Penetrante, Alexis Ray| 305| Sisican, Daniel Joseph| 279| Torres, Agape May|. 21| Almencion, Joyce| 168| De Juan, Katrina Bernadette| 165| Go, Catherine Joy| 280| Treyes, Michael Andre| 290| Saldana, Carinna| 6| Artus, Janrey| 235| Negoso, Roxanne Louise| 176| Darroca, Rejean Marie| 282| Rezaga, Mark Allan| 81| Pagunsan, Auser Jann| 147| Fabe, Dharyl Straberry| 278| Torre, Marayah Rio| 7| Acosta, Mabelle| 257| Rodriguez, Faith Marie| 121| Dolendo, Jeanne Lee| 135| Badiang, John Piox| 309| Sta. Cruz, Niel Conrad| 207| Lapoot, Mar Cletus| 264| Penuela, Dianne Frances| 63| Malaga, Karch| 17| Alegre, Anavie| 68| Mayormita, Krisleen Marie| 23| Amoyo, Karlyn Kay| 188| Galbo, Roselle|. 20| Almaquer, Francis Eric| 281| Treyes, Nicolle| 158| Gane, Maria Theresa| 218| Macoy, Donna Vanessa| 253| Pan, Maila| 195| Ilejay, Jorge Alberto| 75| Cabanilla, Carmelo| 180| Estardo, Jessica| 269| Placer, Elecca| 205| Lagtapon, Jyll| 304| Sinfuego,Alain Dean| 224| Malagda, Wilshane Marie| 258| Pareja, Arphymm Marie| 234| Mojica, Mariane Daiseree| 223| Mendoza, Jared Nikko| 12| Bautista, Katrina| 58| Batislaong, Paolo| 88| Recopuerto, Harmon| 171| Henderin, Jason| 40| Delima, Stephanie| 148| Fabila, Lobelene May| 112| Tutor, Ace Marc| 345| Virgula, Juliette| 97| Sarroza, Anna Marie|. 240| Omar Al-Abdallah, Sahar| 246| Payofelin, Frances Joan| 208| Magallanes, Mia Fe| 248| Pineda, Abraham| 46| Baldonasa, RB Hera Angelica| 130| Andres, Darine Jane| 146| Fababier, Cris John| 200| Ireneo, Jevin Justine| 188| Jino-o, Errol| 115| Villalobos, Mae Lynn| 105| Dalida, Elizabeth| 175| Elbanbuena, Cherry Ann| 271| Policarpio, Stella| 23| Castanares, Kyle| 142| Espera, Leza Andrea| 178| Esmolo, Rubie| 22| Alvarez, Noela Joy| 18| Caliso, Femmy Rose| 181| Impreso, Camille| 116| Villanueva, Coleen Thea| 96| Combalicer, Bianca Isabel| 62| Magallanes, Loise Ember| 318| Talaman, Niescee Eiscene| 73| Nablo, Clarice|. 246| Padernal, Michael Patrick| 7| Balani, Mar Anthony| 152| Formaran, Anthony Dwin| 91| Romelo, Nimrod| 233| Narvasa, Jane Karla| 273| Tenoso, Rechelle| 275| Rapista, Jan Rhen| 268| Tabsing, Khristine| 325| Tinagan, Gabrielle Rose| 163| Dagundon, Allyssa Atrovel| 95| Colon, Matt Jensen Rey| 78| Obaob, Laurence| 303| Duremdes, Lenny Joie| 271| Tedera, Yves| 150| Felisa, Karissa Paula| 243| Pamonag, Neal Abelard| 314| Tabarra, Ledrick| 70| Montales, Pia Carlyn| 107| Dalmacio, Rushell Joyce| 94| Saluta, Errol| 254| Casidsid, Velvet| 149| Bocario, Sydney| 279| Regalado, Wilfredo| 86| Perez, Rom Trishtan|. 342| Villanueva, Ma. Sharee Lou| | | 198| Ledesma, Luvic| | | 224| Mendoza, Charaine| | | 252| Palma, Peter| | | 236| Nillasca, Vicar Stella| | | 204| Lucero, Melrick| | | 292| Saldana, Carlo| | | 173| Heredia, Angelica Katrina| | | 185| Jaleco, Mieldrick| | | 251| Palacio, Ruchelle| | | 60| Berano, Erlie| | | 273| Quimsing, Renan| | | 228| Monsale, Dona Mae| | | 231| Montoya, Jamella| | | 201| Libunao, Gardel Xyza| | | 312| Suico, Karen| | | 86| Capina, Kierstin| | | 50| Baquiano, Clarie Dean| | | 153| Francisco, Farramae| | | 156| Parcon, Gregory Lou| | | Table 1: Proportion of Respondents who drink and don’t drink beverage while studying Respondents| Frequency| Percent| NoYes| 29211| 12. 187. 9| Table 2: Choice of Drinks of the Respondents Choice of drink| Frequency| Percent| Carbonated drinksCaffeinated/energy drinksAlcoholic drinksWaterOthers| 1511336813| 6. 247. 11. 228. 35. 4| Table 3: Reasons of the respondents for drinking their choice of beverage Reason| Frequency| Percent| It helps me stay awakeIt helps me remember the things I studyIt is affordableI like the tasteIt is most readily availableIt is part of my study habitIt is healthyOthers| 1633543100997754| 67. 914. 617. 941. 841. 232. 122. 5| Table 4: Level of Satisfaction of Respondents with their Choice of Beverage | N| Minimum| Maximum| Mean| Level of Satisfaction| 240| 0| 5| 3. 69| Table 5: ANOVA Table for the Choice of Beverage and their GWA | Sum of Squares| df| Mean Square| F| Sig. | Between GroupsWithin GroupsTotal| 2. 14339. 94642. 090| 5233238| . 429. 171| 2. 500| . 031| Table 6: Post Hoc | N| Subset for alpha = 0. 051| Alcoholic drinksWaterCarbonated DrinksNAOthersCaffeinated/Energy DrinksSig. | 367152813113| 1. 919331. 989252. 058002. 153672. 158462. 20252. 162| Table 7: ANOVA Table for the Number of times they drink their choice of beverage and their GWA | Sum of Squares| df| Mean Square| F| Sig. | Between GroupsWithin GroupsTotal| 1. 28940. 80042. 090| 5233238| . 258. 175| 1. 473| . 200| APPENDIX B FIGURES Figure 1: Pie Chart for the proportion of Respondents Figure 2: Pie Chart for the Respondent’s Choice of Beverage APPENDIX C FORMULAS Computation of Sample size: no =Z? /2 pqd2 Where p (probability of success) = 0. 5 q ( probability of failure) = 0. 5 ? = 0. 05 d (margin of error) = 0. 06 no= 1. 9620. 5(0. 5)(0. 052)=384. 16 n= 3841+ 384642=240. 28 ?240 APPENDIX D. QUESTIONNAIRE Beverages Consumed by UPV Dormitory Residents While Studying Name (optional): Gender: Age: Course: Year Level: Weekly Allowance: 1. Do you drink something while you are studying? | (1) Yes| | (2) No | (If yes, proceed to number 2) (If no, proceed to number 6) 2. What beverage do you usually drink the most while studying? (Please check one only) | (1) carbonated drinks| | (2) caffeinated drinks| | (3) energy drinks| | (4) alcoholic drinks| | (5) milk| | (6) water| | (7) others| 3. How many times do you drink your choice beverage while studying? | (1) Once| | (2) Twice| | (3) Thrice| | (4) More than Thrice| 4. What are the three most important reasons why you drink the type of beverage specified in question 2 while studying? Please check the top 3 reasons. | (1) It helps me stay awake| | (2) It helps me remember the things I study| | (3) It is affordable| | (4) I like the taste| | (5) It is most readily available| | (6) It is part of my study habit| | (7) It is healthy| | (8) Others (please specify):_______________| 5. How satisfied are you with the beverage you drink? Rate from 1 to 10, 1 as the lowest and 10 as the highest. (Encircle your choice) 12345678910 6. What is your general weighted average last semester?
Monday, October 14, 2019
Anti-inflammatory Function of Gut Macrophages
Anti-inflammatory Function of Gut Macrophages Colonic mucosa is a very peculiar immunological site daily exposed to a huge amount of harmless antigens. It is important for the immune system to be able to recognize this innocuous antigens from pathogens. Among all the immune cells, CX3CR1+ macrophages exploit this critical role. In this commentary on our recent publication on Immunobiology (Non-redundant role of the chemokine receptor CX3CR1 in the anti-inflammatory function of gut macrophages(1)we want to highlight the crucial and unique role of these macrophages in order to maintain homeostasis and avoid the rise of aberrant inflammation and tissue damage. The intestine is an exclusive tissue able to maintain balance between the immune system activation and the tolerance against the very huge amount of harmless antigens that are in contact with the intestinal lumen, including food antigens and microflora. It is fundamental for our health that our immune system is able to respond with a robust and appropriate response to potential dangerous antigens; but the same reaction against harmless antigens, like commensal bacteria or dietary proteins, could be very dangerous and could give rise to allergies or chronic inflammation that, in the end, can lead to tissue damage or cancer development. Many immune cells participate to the maintenance of the homeostasis in gut, with the role of understanding how an antigen is a potential danger for the organism and being silenced in response to commensal bacteria and food antigens. This complex landscape includes T and B lymphocytes, natural killer cells, innate lymphoid cells, eosinophils and mononuclear phagocytes: dendritic cells and macrophages. Among the latter, monocyte-derived macrophages, expressing the CX3CR1 receptor, constitute the most abundant population (2). The manuscript by Marelli et al., is focused on the role of CX3CR1+ macrophages in both steady state and acute colitis. In the last few years intensive research has been performed in order to clarify the role of these immune cells in the maintenance of homeostasis, but still, contrasting results have been reported regarding their role in the control of inflammatory response in the intestine (3,4). Considering this confused landscape, our paper aimed to clarify the role of CX3CR1+ cells in the development of acute colitis. By using mice lacking the receptor (CX3CR1GFP/GFP mice) we demonstrated that the absence of CX3CR1 on gut macrophages leads to a more severe degree of DSS-induced colitis, higher colon infiltration of inflammatory macrophages and Th17 lymphocytes and higher expression of inflammatory cytokines. Macrophages in the intestinal mucosa are considered mononuclear phagocytes that originate from a common myeloid progenitor which can differentiate also into dendritic cells (5). In contrast to others resident macrophages, they are continuously replenished from blood stream Ly6C+ monocytes, independently from the CX3CR1 receptor (6). This issue caused considerable misunderstanding in the past, generating the belief that these cells were dendritic cells (7,8). However, today it is recognized that Ly6Chi monocytes are recruited in the mucosa and there, in few days, they differentiate in mature macrophages, progressively loosing Ly6C and starting to express typical markers, such as F4/80, CD64, MHCII and CX3CR1 (6). As highlighted before, different authors investigated the role of CX3CR1+ gut macrophages with controversial outcomes. CX3CR1+ macrophages are supposed to maintain homeostasis in the gut (9). In accordance with this concept, our data revealed an exacerbated intestinal inflammation with a huge accumulation of macrophages in CX3CR1-KO mice. As reported also by different authors, (3,10) the natural consequence of the accumulation of macrophages is an increased production of cytokines, and hence a higher recruitment of immune cells in the colon, in particular T lymphocytes of the Th17 subset. On the contrary, other authors (4) suggested that the lack of the receptor impairs macrophages accumulation in the lamina propria. Moreover they suggested that the engagement of the receptor by its unique ligand (Fracktalkine/CX3CL1) resulted in an intensification of iNOS production, an inflammatory enzyme. Our data, instead, clearly demonstrate that the absence of the receptor increases the level of iNOS and of many other pro-inflammatory cytokines. This is a tissue-specific competence of the intestine, being colon ic resident macrophages an exemption from the rules. Indeed, in other tissues, the expression of CX3CR1 receptor is associated with a pro-inflammatory phenotype (11,12). In support of our data it is important to underline that, in the gut, CX3CR1 macrophages are fundamental to bring antigens and present them to DC in order to establish oral tolerance. When this mechanism is missing due to the lack of the receptor, the immune system is activated and this results in an acute inflammatory response (8). We have shown in Marelli et al. that if the CX3CR1 receptor is lacking, the ability of these cells to control inflammation is lost. Of note, CX3CR1-KO macrophages try counter-balance this aberrant situation by producing more IL-10, a major immune-suppressive and anti-inflammatory cytokine. In spite of this increase, IL-10 is not sufficient to control the inflammatory disease and mice have an exacerbated colitis. Overall, with our study we wanted to propose a definitive protective and anti-inflammatory role of CX3CR1+ macrophages during the processes of acute colitis; this concept may shed light also on the role of these cells in other pathological conditions of the gut associated with persistent inflammation. Our study established that macrophages expressing the functional CX3CR1 receptor have a non-redundant role in the control of aberrant intestinal inflammation, a harmful condition that may lead to tissue injury. CX3CR1 receptor expressed on intestinal macrophages is able to control colitis, avoiding the rise of aberrant inflammation. When the receptor is missing, the balance in the gut is broken, leading these cells to produce a huge amount of cytokines. Feeling the higher level of inflammation, CX3CR1 macrophages attempt to limit it by producing more IL-10, however this is not sufficient and the result is a higher accumulation of inflammatory Th17 lymphocytes and increased tissue injury.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Death, Why Do They Write Thee Essay -- Literary Analysis
The medical world affects our qualms and contemplations every day, whether it is that disease one may struggle with every day or that stomach ache one may have tussled with after consuming some horrendous food. Today, although it may not seem like it, we are privileged to have our prime worries be that of cancer, Alzheimer’s, and mental ailments. All of those terrible infirmities, that we have yet to conquer, seemingly slip into occupations, conversation, compositions, and the routine of our everyday lives. This dilemma has always been a part of history, since colds were life threatening. At one point in time life expectancy was young, almost half of what it is today, many infants didn’t survive birth and diseases went rapid. One can imagine how petrified the people of those periods were. Scientific advancements in the medical field certainly affect the emotions and actions of death in daily life; this correlation is evident in literature throughout the ages, in arrange ments by authors, such as John Dunne, Jonathan Keats, and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. From the ages of superstition and homemade remedies arose the foundation of a complex medical world. The 1600s marked the termination of the Renaissance; however, the urge to learn more about the sciences persisted. One improvement was found in the previously women ran apothecary shops or pharmacies (Strocchia). The medical world was reformed when William Harvey discovered how blood circulates in 1628, which became â€Å"the basis for modern research on the heart and blood vessels†(Strocchia). Blood endured as a topic of interest and several years later in 1656 experimentation began on blood transfusion (â€Å"Medical Advances Timeline†). Towards the end of the decade blood cells, tissue,... ...y Reference Bank (H.W. Wilson). Web. 2 Apr. 2012. "The Life of Elizabeth Barrett Browning." The Victorian Web: An Overview. Web. 20 Mar. 2012. . â€Å"Medical Advances Timeline†. Infoplease. Web. 19 Mar. 2012. . Mulrooney, Jonathan. "Keats In The Company Of Kean." Studies In Romanticism 42.2 (2003): 227-250. Academic Search Premier. Web. 21 Mar. 2012. "Renaissance Medicine." ThinkQuest. Oracle Foundation. Web. 20 Mar. 2012. . Strocchia, Sharon T. "The Nun Apothecaries Of Renaissance Florence: Marketing Medicines In The Convent." Renaissance Studies 25.5 (2011): 627-647. Academic Search Premier. Web. 21 Mar. 2012. Thomas, Christina. "Jonathan Keats." English IV. Wheelersburg High School, Wheelersburg. Winter 2012. Lecture.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Direct Marketing and Avon Beauty Products Essay -- GCSE Business Marke
Direct marketing The definition of DM is very complicated but it is simply selling a product or service via direct advertising sent through the mail, and also via several Internet promotion methods. The direct selling method enables the consumers to bypass inefficient wholesale and retail distribution systems. Women who left business in order to have children is able to do part time business, and also a very attractive career for woman reentering the work force. According to the â€Å"Direct selling Assosiation†, 1,230,000 women engaged in direct selling in 19924. The direct marketing allows building and maintaining a direct, one-to-one method relationship between a company and its customer, and users of its products or services. In the Avon case the â€Å"Avon girls†represent the company and creates a very good bond, connecting the seller and buyer together in a very trustful relationship. It is very easy for the seller to persuade the buyer into buying a product, because of the usually relationship that exists between the two parts. In cases where no relationship exists, the vendor can also be able to talk the potential shopper into buying Avon products. Reason for their tremendous success is; high-quality, value oriented products, good relations with the distributors, fulfillment of dreams, and financial freedom. DM produces a measurable response. Its methods make it easy for the consumers to identify themselves when committing an action that was desired by marketer....
Friday, October 11, 2019
Point of Sale Essay
The point of sale is the place and time at which a transaction takes place. Whenever a buyer and seller come together for the purpose of conducting a transaction, a point of sale is created. Also called a point of purchase, a point of sale can take a wide variety of forms. The cash register line in a gasoline fueling station is a point of sale, for example, as is the checkout page in an online store. The point of sale can be a salesperson’s desk in an auto dealership, as another example, as can someone’s front porch in a door-to-door sales transaction. Transaction Processing System A transaction processing system can be defined as a set of policies, procedures, equipment and technology designed to facilitate transactions at the point of sale. Transaction processing systems have evolved alongside advances in technology to add convenience, reliability and security to business transactions. Just like the point of sale itself, transaction processing systems can take a variety of forms. A cash box and a pad of paper at a lemonade stand is considered a transaction processing system, for example, as is a complex software package that connects digital cash registers, credit card processors, inventory databases and accounting software. Correlation For every point of sale there must be a transaction processing system to accompany it. The correlation is so close that software-driven transaction processing systems are often referred to as POS (point of sale) terminals. Different point of sale situations call for different transaction processing systems, and new transaction processing systems emerge to facilitate new point of sale types. An online retailer, for example, would be unwise to use a hand-operated cash register to process transactions over the phone; instead, online retailers often rely on software transaction processing systems. Other Applications The point of purchase is an important concept for other marketing disciplines in addition to sales. Point of purchase displays in retail outlets use advertising or sales promotions to encourage impulse purchases while customers stand in line, for example. The 21st century has seen the rise of mobile points of sale and transaction processing systems, bypassing traditional cash-register sales models for face-to-face selling situations. In Apple’s retail stores, for example, salespeople use smartphone credit-card readers and mobile transaction processing systems to ring customers up wherever they stand. 7 reasons to switch to a point-of-sale system By Jeff Wuorio If you’re a veteran retailer, you know the problem: Your inventory doesn’t match your tallies. Sales are going unrecorded. Your staff is spending far too much time chasing mistakes instead of tending to customers. Something is seriously wrong, and you’re just not sure what the problem is. These and other snafus suggest that it’s time that your business did away with its cash registers and stepped up to a point-of-sale (POS) system, such as Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System and Microsoft Dynamics Point of Sale (POS) . A POS system is a computer software and hardware network that records sales as they’re occurring; it solves a variety of operational and record-keeping headaches. If you need more proof, here are seven signs that your business could boom with a point-of-sale system. 1. Your â€Å"sudden shrink†no longer goes undetected. POS systems such as Retail Management System are designed to immediately record any and all sales. N ot only does that mean timely and accurate sales tracking, but a POS system also lets you readily identify inventory levels, particularly when what you have on the books doesn’t jibe with actual stock. â€Å"You see it with the onset of sudden shrinkâ€â€when you realize that inventory is missing or your numbers just never seem to match up,†says John Rarrick of RBS Inc., a Nyack, N.Y., consulting concern specializing in startups and small businesses. â€Å"Almost every modern POS has a receiving and inventory module that, when used properly, can help pinpoint the cause of the shrink.†2. Markdown management is much easier. A common land mine for many small to medium-sized businesses is price reductionâ€â€knowing which items have been marked down and recording those discounts accordingly. Rather than wrestling with cash-register receipts at day’s end, a POS automates the process of introducing markdowns and, in turn, tracking them accurately. â€Å"The trends in POS are not just inventory accuracy but the use of pricing models to allow for markdown management,†says Gary Ruffing, senior director of retail services for BBK Ltd., a business advisory firm in Southfield, Mich. 3. Promotions can be tracked more successfully. A similar dynamic holds true with promotions. Whether through coupons, special discounts or other vehicles, promotions can be central to attracting and retaining business. Trouble is, managing and reconciling short-term specialsâ€â€not to mention pinpointing their impactâ€â€can be nigh impossible without the automation and immediacy of a point-of-sale system. â€Å"Many small retailers invest in things such as direct home marketing,†Rarrick says. â€Å"At the end of the promotion, those with manual cash registers are hard pressed to tell you how successful the promotion was. The POS store can pretty much tell you to the penny how they did.†4. You can maintain control in absentia. You may be surprised to discover that you actually run two businesses: one when you’re there and its evil twin when you don’t happen to be around. Many operations suffer in employee efficiency and customer service when the boss is away. Automating a host of functions via a POS can help boost those areas, no matter where the head honcho happens to be.†You simply can’t be there all the time,†says Jim Melvin, chief executive officer of Siva Corp., a Delray Beach, Fla., company which provides point-of-sale systems to restaurants. â€Å"A POS lets you have that important level of control when you’re not there.†5. Your prices are consistent from one location to the next. Nothing can prove more embarrassing than having a customer question why one item has one price at one store, yet a different price at another. If your business operates at more than one location, a point-of-sale system ensures pricing consistency.Even better, a POS system automates overall inventory control, helping to keep stocks in proper balance depending on demand and other factors, which can vary from one location to the next. â€Å"It really lends itself to a better overall customer experienceâ€â€the sorts of things a customer expects when he walks through the front door,†says Melvin. 6. You get many tools in a single package. Buying business equipment piecemeal can be pricey. If you find your checkbook wearing thin from the expense of software and other gear, a comprehensive point-of-sale system may include them in a single package. â€Å"Most POS systems have add-on modules like payroll time clocks and customer preference databases,†says Rarrick. â€Å"That removes the need for small businesses to invest in separate systems for those purposes.†7. You can make better use of your personnel. Little is more maddening to a business owner than watching his or her staff bogged down with inefficient, unproductive responsibilities, from double-checking inventory disparities to seemingly endless cash-register reconciliation. Perhaps the greatest advantage to a comprehensive point-of-sale network is the freedom it can afford your personnel to devote their energy to what genuinely matters the most: helping customers.†A good POS allows you to allocate your human resources to the customer service area of the business,†Ruffing says. â€Å"That means they no longer have to be counting, calculating, ordering, and checking cash-register accuracy.† Since it opened its doors to the Philippines in December 2000, MINISTOP has always envisioned becoming the leader in the convenience store industry. MINISTOP has made its presence felt by being the community’s warmest and friendliest modern combo store. It takes pride in its wide range of quality products, at affordable prices and value-added service. An introduction to point of sale software Point of sale software gives business owners a convenient way of checking out customers and of recording sales. It can keep a record of the store inventory, updating it when an order is processed. It can also print out receipts, carry out credit card processing, track customers, etc. Point of sale software eases the flow at checkout terminals, while recording all the information that can help you make better business decisions. Point of sale software allows users to input via keyboard or mouse, and some even have a touch screen interface. You can install the software on your checkout register. When checking out a customer you can either input the sales item yourself or use a bar code scanner. The point of sale software will look up the item in the inventory and bring up the price. It can also calculate tax on the item and change for the customer. POS software can print out receipts and reports. Point of sale software makes your business accounting a lot easier by creating reports on inventory, sales, customers, etc. Since it is already recording each sale, it can easily tell you the sales and revenue of the day. Point of sale software can also help with credit card processing. Credit cards are the preferred method of payment. People do not want to carry around cash for all their purchases. Credit card is a convenient method of payment and if you do not have credit card processing, your business can lose some of its competitiveness. Point of sale software receives input from the POS hardware, which is the scanning station for the credit card. The software will process the credit card payment for you. It can check that the card has not expired and is valid. You will need a merchant account for the point of sale software to do its job. POS software is generally easy to install and easy to use. You will need to know how to update inventory and record a price change for an item. Point of sale software. 15 November 2004 Proposal: Point of Sale for The Brighter Side Most small businesses under estimate the importance of managing their inventory. They do not realize that many headaches and fire drills are caused by the lack of control and knowledge of their inventory. Whether it is a lack of knowledge of the quantity or specs of a certain product, businesses too frequently use outdated inventory systems. Insufficient systems do not allow them to get the most out of their inventory, because when used properly, inventory management systems allow businesses to make a concise, real time analysis of products and markets that help them make better business decisions. Inventory management systems also allow businesses to better serve their customers since they keep a detailed and accurate record of purchase histories and trends so they can reorder products more efficiently. With a controlled inventory, management will be notified when products need to be rendered, are selling quickly or are disappearing due to theft. In essence, the business becomes organized and by controlling inventory, profits can increase. Inventory management allows businesses to make smart and informed decisions about promotions and specials since they are better able to monitor rate of turn for their merchandise. In addition, they let management know when a product is no longer profitable. Products are the heart and soul of a business. Even with the best customer service, they will not be profitable without a commodity to sell. It is the purpose between the business and its customer. It was interesting to hear from Kelly O’Donnell, an owner for The Brighter Side, tell that her company does not use any inventory control whatsoever. The Brighter Side spends thousands of dollars on merchandise but does not systematically control how the products are doing or how much is left. During our interview I said to her, â€Å"Do you send your daughter to school to learn and not see how her.. Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature This chapter tackles about the related literature of this certain system and also the theory of the author about her system. Related Literature The hardware of a POS system is also distinctive and important. A typical system includes a display screen for the clerk, a customer display, a cash drawer, a credit card swiping system, a printer, and a bar code scanner, along with the computer loaded with the POS software. Custom features may be added or removed, depending on the industry. A restaurant POS system, for example, may have a feature which prints order tickets directly in the kitchen, or a grocery store may have an integrated scale for weighing goods. Early electronic cash registers (ECR) were controlled with proprietary software and were very limited in function and communications capability. In August 1973 IBM announced the IBM 3650 and 3660 Store Systems that were, in essence, a mainframe computer packaged as a store controller that could control 128 IBM 3653/3663 point of sale registers. This system was the first commercial use of client-server technology, peer to peer communications, Local Area Network (LAN) simultaneous backup and remote initialization. By mid-1974, it was installed in Pathmark Stores in New Jersey and Dillard’s Department Stores. Programmability allowed retailers to be more creative. In 1979 Gene Mosher’s Old Canal Cafe in Syracuse, New York was using POS software written by Mosher that ran on an Apple II to take customer orders at the restaurant’s front entrance and print complete preparation details in the restaurant’s kitchen. In that novel context, customers would often proceed to their tables to find their food waiting for them already. This software included real time labour and food cost reports. In 1986 Mosher used the Atari ST and bundled NeoChrome paint to create and market the first graphical touch screen POS software.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Face the Music
File Sharing By Ehtisham Malik The company Napsterâ„ ¢ made headlines in the music file sharing revolution by letting people share music for free. ) Napsterâ„ ¢ and other services like it soon attracted the attention of the record companies. Lawsuits were filed to stop illegal music file sharing, and Napster was forced to stop. After these lawsuits, the Apple iPod  ® music player changed the way people listened to music. The iPod player was small and portable. It allowed people to carry their music with them wherever they went. Apple then introduced ITunes ® on the Internet.Their reasoning was that many people who were downloading music illegally would be willing to pay a small fee to get the music legally. Apple ® saw people were interested, and was the first to market a new music player and a legal music download service. About 70 percent of music downloaders use ITunes ®. Competitors have been slow to catch up, but there are new sites popping up everyday. Companies s uch as Wal-Mart ®, Musicmatch ®, Real Networks’ Rhapsodyâ„ ¢, and BuyMusic all have music-sharing Web sites. Napsterâ„ ¢ reemerged as a pay-for-music site. This well-known music site hopes that their brand name will lead to instant market sales and success.If you download music from the Internet, make sure to use a legal download site, such as those from the companies above. Always follow copyright guidelines to make sure that you are downloading music properly. Copyright Guidelines Can you legally download music for free? Yes, but only you can play or burn the music to a CD. Can you legally download music and then sell it? No, because you are unauthorized to distribute that music. Can you copy a store-bought CD from a friend? No, due to the copyright on the CD, you need to pay for it to burn a copy, or else you are stealing. All products names are trademarks of their respective companies.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Investment analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Investment analysis - Assignment Example Efficient portfolio calls for an optimal investor to adopt an efficient combination of investment that minimizes the level of risk subject to returns on that investment. A major limitation is that the decisions on capital expenditure are based on the expectation, and no facts are available at the time of decision-making. Although information is the basis for decision-making, efficient portfolio creates another element of risk because it is not always true that the expected returns will actualize (Reilly 52). The investor, therefore, may undertake an investment with a higher expected return but in the end it yield unfavorable outcome. The concept of optimal portfolio does not take into account transaction cost and investors may not yearn to change their portfolio as often as the model suggests. Derivatives are instruments in finance whose characteristic and value depends upon the value and characteristic of an underlie such as a commodity, equity, bond or currency. These financial instruments include security derived from a debt instrument share, risk instrument, loan or contract for differences of any other type of security (Reilly 131). Derivative derives its value from the index of price of underlying securities. If the value of the underlying changes, the price of the derivative also changes. In nature, derivatives are not a product or commodity. The price of gold futures contract is obtained from the price of the underlying asset such as gold. The future outcome of all investable assets including derivatives is at stake and is based on so many uncertainties. The expected value of derivatives is faced with the risk and therefore there is a need to adjust these returns for risk giving rise to risk-neutral probabilities. The concept of risk neutrality pricing of derivatives generally means taking both long and short position in the derivatives market (Weaver 89). It does not depend on risk disposition of the investor. It takes into account the
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Working with Children who have been Abused Essay
Working with Children who have been Abused - Essay Example One of the major areas of focus for the researchers has been the issue of child abuse in relation to policies and procedures and the result of many of the studies has been to emphasise the inadequacies of the present system in dealing with the issue. Therefore, one finds that researchers such as Mendes (2001) and Wise (2003) discuss the inadequacies of the system while such important writers as Lonne and Thomson (2005) offer their ideas on how to improve Queensland's child protection situation. As the 'Guidelines for Mandated Notifiers' by Child-Safe Environments, Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect suggests, there are, in general, four ways of child abuse. Physical abuse, a dominant form, is commonly characterised by physical injury resulting from practices such as hitting, punching or kicking, shaking, and alcohol or other drug administration etc. Another visible form of child abuse is sexual abuse which occurs when someone in a position of power to the child uses her/his power to invo lve the child in sexual activity and it includes sexual suggestion, exhibitionism, mutual masturbation, oral sex, showing pornographic material, using children in the production of pornographic material, penile or other penetration of the genital or anal region, and child prostitution. Emotional abuse tends to be a chronic behavioural pattern directed at a child whereby a child's self esteem and social competence are undermined or eroded over time and this includes devaluing, ignoring, rejecting, corrupting, isolating etc. Finally, neglect is characterised by the failure to provide for the child's basic needs and this includes inadequate supervision of young children for long periods of time, failure to provide adequate nutrition, clothing or personal hygiene, etc. (Guidelines for Mandated Notifiers). 'Guidelines for Mandated Notifiers' is a material available for helping a social worker in the mandated notifiers and in this paper an evaluation of the material on its adequacy of guidance, its research base etc is carried out. While evaluating whether the document offers adequate guidance for mandated notifiers, it also recommends for the improvement of the resource. Child abuse notifiers many often fall short of their aims and objectives and profound researches have focused on whether preventive family support should be encouraged rather than child protection. The result of these studies suggest that in many cases child abuse are not substantiated and a serious reason pointed out for the poor results of child abuse notifiers is the mandatory reporting regulations. And this has resulted in the remark that the time and energy could and should have been devoted to helping families instead of investigating the false claims regarding child abuse. Wise (2003) is of the opinion that the families with general needs do not expect child protection and investigation but instead they need support and it is significant that prevention can be better than cure. All these remarks can be understood in the background of inadequacy of the guidance, research bases etc. Research evidences prove the need for better guidelines and support to the social workers in thei r activities for the cause of children and society. It can be comprehended that the context of social work has undergone rapid changes and the social workers
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