Monday, July 22, 2019

Syllabus Essay Example for Free

Syllabus Essay Lon Kurashige and Alice Yang Murray, Major Problems in Asian American History (Houghton Mifflin Co. , 2003). ISBN 0618077340. 2. John Luther Long, Madame Butterfly (General Books, 2009). Available free online at http://xroads. virginia. edu/~hyper/long/contents. html 3. David Henry Hwang, M Butterfly (Dramatists Play Service, Inc. , 1998). 4. Lac Suh, I Love Yous Are for White People: A Memoir (P. S. ) (Harper Perennial, 2009). ISBN 978-0061543661. Grades – All grades are determined by your TA 20% Section participation 20% Paper 1 20% Paper 2 20% Midterm 20% Non-cumulative final exam What you should expect: Papers: You will be writing two papers. The first should include all relevant readings and lectures up to David Henry Hwang on the syllabus; the second should include all relevant materials up to and including Lac Suh. All papers should have a unique central argument and be between 4-6 pages in length. Please include an original title that reflects your argument, use 12 pt Times New Roman or Times only, and print double-spaced, double-sided. All papers must be submitted in hard copy AND to turnitin. com. Students taking this course agree to this requirement. Your essay will be marked 1/3 step down for every day it is late. (Saturday + Sunday = 2 days. After class on the day due = 1 day. A 1/3 step is from an A to an A-, A- to B+, etc. ) Any requests for extensions will be decided by the TA except in extenuating circumstances. Essay 1: Which orientalist views does David Henry Hwang attack, and how effectively does he do it, in your opinion? Reference all relevant readings up to week 5 for this essay. Essay 2: What makes the concept of a â€Å"model minority† problematic and/or compelling in the twentieth century? Reference all relevant readings from weeks 5-10 for this essay. OPTION: You are welcome to turn in a traditional essay for this assignment. If you earned at least a B on your first essay, you may choose to make a short video between 5-7 minutes in length answering this same question and including at least 3 substantive, specific references to historical content from your readings. You may work with a partner if you choose to make a video. Both members of the group must have earned at least a B on the first essay. Prof. Kwak reserves the right to show your video in class if you choose this option. What is the purpose of these essays? What I am really looking for in these papers is first and foremost, your ability to articulate an original argument. Think carefully about what YOU want to say; do not just regurgitate. The second critical component of the essays is to demonstrate your understanding of the readings and to show me you know how to use quotes. Quotes should never be just put into your writing without explanation or discussion; each quote requires scrutiny, analysis. How will the optional video project be graded? The video project will be graded based upon three key criteria. First, does it clearly answer the central question? Second, are the three historical references used effectively and substantively? Third, how polished is the final product? Does it show careful thought, effort, and organization? Midterm and Final Exams: Midterm review sheets will be distributed exactly one week prior to the exam. Final exam review sheets will be distributed on the last day of lecture. You will not be tested on anything that is not on the review sheet. Exams will consist of short answers and fill-in questions. You should bring a blue book to both exams. Policy on lecture notes: I will not post or give out my lecture notes. Please do not ask for them. Powerpoint presentations will always be posted 24 hours AFTER the lecture. Academic honesty: Academic honesty is expected at all times. Any instance of plagiarism will be dealt with according to university and departmental policies. Schedule: FIRST HALF Week 1 Th 9/27 Course intro: What is Asian America? Week 2 Tu 10/2 Coolies, miners, and railroad workers Th 10/4 Nineteenth-century American orientalism Read for section: Major Problems, ch. 1. John Luther Long, Madame Butterfly Week 3 Tu 10/9 Labor and anti-Asian movements Th 10/11 Legal rights Read for section:

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