Monday, December 30, 2019
Learn About the Applications of Fiberglass Composites
The use of fiberglass started during the Second World War. Polyester resin was invented in 1935. Its potential was recognized, but finding a suitable reinforcing material proved elusive – even palm fronds were tried. Then, glass fibers which had been invented in the early 1930’s by Russel Games Slaytor and used for glass wool home insulation, were successfully combined with the resin to make a durable composite. Although it was not the first modern composite material (Bakelite - cloth reinforced phenolic resin was the first), glass reinforced plastic (‘GRP’) quickly grew into a worldwide industry. By the early 1940s, fiberglass laminates were being produced. The first amateur use – the building of a small dinghy was in Ohio was in 1942. Early Wartime Use of Glass Fiber As a new technology, resin and glass production volumes were relatively low and as a composite, its engineering characteristics were not well understood. Nevertheless, its advantages over other materials, for specific uses, were apparent. Wartime metal supply difficulties focused on GRP as an alternative. Initial applications were to protect radar equipment (Radomes), and as ducting, for example, airplane engine nacelles. In 1945, the material was used for the aft fuselage skin of the US Vultee B-15 trainer. Its first use of fiberglass in main airframe construction was that of a Spitfire in England, though it never went into production. Modern Uses Almost 2 million tons a year of the unsaturated polyester resin (‘UPR’) component are produced worldwide, and its widespread use is based on a number of features besides its relatively low cost: low technology fabricationdurabilityhigh flexing tolerancemoderate/high strength/weight ratiocorrosion resistanceimpact resistance Aviation and Aerospace GRP is used extensively in aviation and aerospace though it is not widely used for primary airframe construction, as there are alternative materials which better suit the applications. Typical GRP applications are engine cowlings, luggage racks, instrument enclosures, bulkheads, ducting, storage bins and antenna enclosures. It is also widely used in ground-handling equipment. Automotive For those who love automobiles, the 1953 model Chevrolet Corvette was the first production car to have a fiberglass body. As a body material, GRP has never succeeded against metal for large production volumes. However, fiberglass has a big presence in the replacement body parts, custom and kit auto markets. Tooling costs are relatively low as compared with metal press assemblies and ideally, suit smaller markets. Boats and Marine Since that first dinghy in 1942, this is an area where fiberglass is supreme. Its properties are ideally suited to boat building. Although there were problems with water absorption, modern resins are more resilient, and the composites continue to dominate the marine industry. In fact, without GRP, boat ownership would never have reached the levels it has today, as other construction methods are simply too expensive for volume production and not amenable to automation. Electronics GRP is widely used for circuit board manufacture (PCBs) – there is probably one within six feet of you now. TVs, radios, computers, cellphones – GRP holds our electronic world together. Home Almost every home has GRP somewhere – whether in a bathtub or a shower tray. Other applications include furniture and spa tubs. Leisure How much GRP do you think there is in Disneyland? The cars on the rides, the towers, the castles – so much of it is based on fiberglass. Even your local fun park probably has water slides made from the composite. And then the health club – do you ever sit in a Jacuzzi? That’s probably GRP as well. Medical Because of its low porosity, non-staining, and hard wearing finish, GRP is ideally suited to medical applications, from instrument enclosures to X-ray beds (where X-ray transparency is important). Projects Most people who tackle DIY projects have used fiberglass at one time or another. It is readily available in hardware stores, easy to use (with a few health precautions to be taken), and can provide a really practical and professional looking finish. Wind Energy Building 100’ wind turbine blades is a major growth area for this versatile composite, and with wind energy a massive factor in the energy supply equation, its use is certain to continue to grow. Summary GRP is all around us, and its unique characteristics will ensure that it remains one of the most versatile and easy to use composites for many years to come.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Poverty Within The Caribbean - 1940 Words
This paper seeks to examine the extent to which theories on the culture of poverty, can be used to explain poverty within the Caribbean. Poverty is one of the most globally recognized social problems across the world with countries on all continents experiencing it whether they are classified as developed, developing or underdeveloped. It is characterized by a lack or deficiency of something considered vital to society. According to the World Bank (2000), poverty can be defined as â€Å"the economic condition in which people lack sufficient income to obtain certain minimal levels of health services, food, housing, clothing and education generally recognized as necessary to ensure an adequate standard of living. A global problem such as this leads to many theories being developed about it - what causes it and how it can be rectified, as well as the accompanying criticisms and oppositions. One of the most popular theories, if not the most popular, is the theory of the culture of poverty. This theory was introduced to the world by Oscar Lewis, an American anthropologist, as a result of his study of the ‘urban poor’ of Puerto Rico and Mexico. This theory postulates that persons in poverty essentially shared a general consensus that this will always be their place in life and therefore see no reason to try to change it. Lewis (1959) believed that this view led to them creating their own value systems since they were too uneducated and lazy to operate within those of the middle andShow MoreRelatedEnvironmental Damage Due to Development Has Affected Tourism in the Caribbean: Inevitable.830 Words  | 4 PagesTOPIC: Environmental Damage Due to Development Has Affected Tourism in the Caribbean: Inevitable. Audience: Faculty of built environment and tourism management students. 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Friday, December 13, 2019
Big Data Architecture, Goals and Challenges Free Essays
string(85) " other viable options that are available in the market, such as in-memory analytics\." Big Data Architecture, Goals and Challenges Coupons Jose Christianity Dakota State University Abstract Big Data inspired data analysis is matured from proof of concept projects to an influential tool for decision makers to make informed decisions. More and more organizations are utilizing their internally and externally available data with more complex analysis techniques to derive meaningful insights. This paper addresses some of the architectural goals and challenges for Big Data architecture in a typical organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Big Data Architecture, Goals and Challenges or any similar topic only for you Order Now Overview In this fast paced information age, there are many different sources on corporate outworks and internet is collecting massive amounts of data, but there is a significant difference in this data compared to the conventional data, much of this data is semi- structured or unstructured and not residing in conventional databases. â€Å"Big data†is essentially a huge data set that scales to multiple potables of capacity; it can be created, collected, collaborated, and stored in real-time or any other way. However, the challenge with big data is that it is not easily handled using traditional database management tools. It typically consists of unstructured data, which includes text, audio and video files, photographs and other data (Kavas, 2012). The aim of this paper is to examine the concepts associated with the big data architecture, as well as how to handle, process, and effectively utilize big data internally and externally to obtain meaningful and actionable insights. How Big Data is Different? Big data is the latest buzzword in the tech industry, but what exactly makes it different from traditional Bal or data analysis? According to MIT Sloan Management Review, big data is described as â€Å"data that is either too voluminous or too unstructured to be managed and analyzed through traditional meaner†(Davenport, Thomas, Berth, Bean, 2012). Big data is unlike conventional mathematical intelligence, where a simple sum of a known value yields a result, such as order sales becoming year-to-date sales. With big data, the value is discovered through a complex, refined modeling process as follows: make a hypothesis, create statistical models, validate, and then make a new hypothesis (Oracle, 2012). Additionally, data sources are another challenging and differentiating factor within big data analytics. Conventional, structured data sources like relational databases, spreadsheets, and yogis are further extended into social media applications (tweets, blobs, Faceable, linked posts, etc. ), web logs, sensors, RIFF tags, photos/videos, information-sensing mobile devices, geographical location information, and other documents. In addition to the unstructured data problem, there are other notable complexities for big data architecture. First, due to sheer volume, the present system cannot move raw data directly to a data warehouse. Whereas, processing systems such as Unprepared, can further refine information by moving it to data warehouse environment, where invitational and familiar Bal reporting, statistical, semantic, and correlation applications can effectively implemented. Traditional data flow in Business Intelligence Systems can depict like this, (Oracle. (2012). An Oracle white paper in enterprise architecture) Architectural Goals The preeminent goal of architecture big data solutions is to create reliable, scalable and capable infrastructure. At the same time, the analytics, algorithms, tools and user interfaces will need to facilitate interactions with users, specifically those in executive-level. Enterprise architecture should ensure that the business objectives remain clear throughout big data technology implementation. It is all about the effective utilization of big data, rather than big architecture. Traditional IT architecture is accustomed to having applications within its own space and performs tasks without exposing internal data to the outside world. Big data on other hand, will consider any possible piece of information from any other application to be instated for analysis. This is aligned with big data’s overall philosophy: the more data, the better. Big Data Architecture Big data architecture is similar to any other architecture that originates or has a inundation from a reference architecture. Understanding the complex hierarchal structure of reference architecture provides a good background for understanding big data and how it complements existing analytics, 81, databases and other systems. Organizations usually start with a subset of existing reference architecture and carefully evaluate each and every component. Each component may require modifications or alternative solutions based on the particular data set or enterprise environment. Moreover, a successful big data architecture will include many open- source software components; however, this may present challenges for typical enterprise architecture, where specialized licensed software systems are typically used. To further examine big data’s overall architecture, it is important to note that the data being captured is unpredictable and continuously changing. Underlying architecture should be capable enough to handle this dynamic nature. Big data architecture is inefficient when it is not being integrated with existing enterprise data; the same way an analysis cannot be completed until big data correlates it with other structured and enterprise-De data. One of the primary obstacles observed in a Hoodoo adoption f enterprise is the lack of integration with an existing Bal echo-system. Presently, the traditional Bal and big data ecosystems are separate entities and both using different technologies and ecosystems. As a result, the integrated data analyses are not effective to a typical business user or executive. As you can see that how the data architecture mentioned in the traditional systems is different from big data. Big data architectures taking advantage of many inputs compared to traditional systems. (Oracle. (2012). An Oracle white paper in enterprise architecture) Architectural Cornerstones Source In big data systems, data can come from heterogeneous data sources. Typical data stores (SQL or Nouns) can give structured data. Any other enterprise or outside data coming through different application Apish can be semi-structured or unstructured. Storage The main organizational challenge in big data architecture is data storage: how and where the data can be stored. There is no one particular place for storage; a few options that currently available are HATS, Relation databases, Nouns databases, and In-memory databases. Processing Map-Reduce, the De facto standard in big data analysis for processing data, is one of any available options. Architecture should consider other viable options that are available in the market, such as in-memory analytics. You read "Big Data Architecture, Goals and Challenges" in category "Papers" Data Integration Big data generates a vast amount of data by combining both structured and unstructured data from variety of sources (either real-time or incremental loading). Likewise, big data architecture should be capable of integrating various applications within the big data infrastructure. Various Hoodoo tools (Scoop, Flume, etc. ) mitigates this problem, to some extent. Analysis Incorporating various analytical, algorithmic applications will effectively process this cast amount of data. Big data architecture should be capable to incorporate any type of analysis for business intelligence requirements. However, different types of analyses require varying types of data formats and requirements. Architectural Challenges Proliferation of Tools The market has bombarded with array of new tools designed to effectively and seamlessly organize big data. They include open source platforms such as Hoodoo. But most importantly, relational databases have also been transformed: New products have increased query performance by a factor of 1,000 and are capable of managing a wide variety of big data sources. Likewise, statistical analysis packages are also evolving to work with these new data platforms, data types, and algorithms. Cloud-friendly Architecture Although not yet broadly adopted in large corporations, cloud-based computing is well-suited to work with big data. This will break the existing IT policies, enterprise data will move from its existing premise to third-party elastic clouds. However, there are expected to be challenges, such as educating management about the consequences and realities associated with this type of data movement. Nonparametric Data Traditional systems only consider the data unique to its own system; public data never becomes a source for traditional analytics. This paradigm is changing, though. Many big data applications use external information that is not proprietary, such as social network modeling and sentiment analysis. Massive Storage Requirements Moreover, big data analytics are dependent on extensive storage capacity and processing power, requiring a flexible and scalable infrastructure that can be reconfigured for different needs. Even though Hoodoo-based systems work well with commodity hardware, there is huge investment involved on the part of management. Data Forms Traditional systems have typically enjoyed their intrinsic data within their own vicinity; meaning that all intrinsic data is moved in a specified format to data warehouse for further analysis. However, this will not be the case with big data. Each application and service data will stay in its associated format according to what the specific application requires, as opposed to the preferred format of the data analysis application. This will leave the data in its original format and allow data scientists to share existing data without unnecessarily replicating it. Privacy Without a doubt, privacy is a big concern with big data. Consumers, for example, often want to know what data an organization collects. Big data is making it more challenging to have secrets and conceal information. Because of this, there are expected to be privacy concerns and conflicts with its users. Alternative Approaches Hybrid Big Data Architecture As explained earlier, traditional Bal tools and infrastructure will seamlessly integrate with the new set of tools and technologies brought by a Hoodoo ecosystem. It is expected that both systems can mutually work together. To further illustrate this incept, the detailed chart below provides an effective analysis (Arden, 2012): Relational Database, Data Warehouse Enterprises reporting of internal and external information for a broad cross section of stakeholders, both inside and beyond the firewall with extensive security, load balancing, dynamic workload management, and scalability to hundreds of terabytes. Hoodoo Capturing large amounts of data in native format (without schema) for storage and staging for analysis. Batch processing is primarily reserved for data transformations as well as the investigation of novel, internal and external (though mostly external) ATA via data scientists that are skilled in programming, analytical methods, and data management with sufficient domain expertise to accordingly communicate the findings. Hybrid System, SQL-Unprepared Deep data discovery and investigative analytics via data scientists and business users with SQL skills, integrating typical enterprise data with novel, multi-structured data from web logs, sensors, social networks, etc. (Arden, N. (2012). Big data analytics architecture) In-memory Analytics In-memory analytics, as its name suggests, performs all analysis in memory without enlisting much of its secondary memory, and is a relatively familiar concept. Procuring the advantages of RAM speed has been around for many years. Only recently; however, has this notion become a practical reality when the mainstream adoption of 64-bit architectures enabled a larger, more addressable memory space. Also noteworthy, were the rapid decline in memory prices. As a result, it is now very realistic to analyze extremely large data sets entirely in-memory. The Benefits of In-memory Analytics One of the best incentives for in-memory analytics are the dramatic performance improvements. Users are constantly querying and interacting with data in-memory, which is significantly faster than accessing data from disk. Therefore, achieving real- time business intelligence presents many challenges; one of the main hurdles to overcome is slow query performance due to limitations of traditional Bal infrastructure, and in-memory analytics has the capacity to mitigate these limitations. An additional incentive of in-memory analytics is that it is a cost effective alternative to data warehouses. SMB companies that lack the expertise and resources to build n appropriate data warehouse can take advantage of the in-memory approach, which provides a sustainable ability to analyze very large data sets (Yellowing, 2010). Conclusion Hoodoo Challenges Hoodoo may replace some of the analytic environment such as data integration and TTL in some cases, but Hoodoo does not replace relational databases. Hoodoo is a poor choice when the work can be done with SQL and through the capabilities of a relational database. But when there is no existing schema or mapping for the data source into the existing schema, as well as very large volumes of unstructured or MME-structured data, then Hoodoo is the obvious choice. Moreover, a hybrid, relational database system that offers all the advantages of a relational database, but is also able to process Unprepared requests would appear to be ideal. How to cite Big Data Architecture, Goals and Challenges, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Free Trade Versus Government Regulated Trade
Question: Write a essay evaluating the role of governments in assuring that developing countries obtain a fair and adequate share of the benefits of international grade? Answer: Introduction: International trade is the share of capital, merchandise as well as services from corner to corner international borders and regions. Trading all the way through the globe provides customers as well as the nations the chances to be uncovered in terms of goods as well as services not accessible in their own nations. It has enormous economic, social and political importance not only for a particular country engaged in international trade but also for the world at large. Types of international trade: Trade for an economy can be either free that is market determined or through intervention from governments. In the international market place, the term free trade is commonly known as a policy with the help of which governments carry out both imports or exports operation without any restriction. It is characterized by absence of any trade distorting policies like taxes or quotas (Dent, 2010). On the other hand, in order to raise revenue and protect domestic industries of the country can impose some protectionist policies in the form of import substitution and export promotion. Importing similar goods poses challenges for domestic markets leading to loss in the domestic market share for those sectors. Governments can influence this trade from beginning to end with the help of tariffs along with quotas to manage the proportion of importation as well as their capability to contend with local companies (Graham, 1980). The government can also take certain export promotion measures like organizing trade fairs, giving pre-shipment and post shipment finance, subsidies, creating SEZs etc. Free trade versus government regulated trade: In order to evaluate the topic of this essay of evaluating the function of governments in ensuring a fair as well as ample share of the advantages of international trade, there is requiring critical assessment of untrammeled market commotion in against the government intervention. Analysis of free trade: Free trade as described in the Theory of Comparative Advantage by David Ricardo, (Ricardo, 1857) explores that there is requiring incorporation of economic welfare activities, if the particular nation evidenced a lower opportunity cost. Also, removal of trade barriers like tariffs, leads to lower price for the imported goods increasing their demand. So, producers will get more incentive to produce. As the scales of production increase, investment and income multiplier effect works to expand the economy. Also, firms exporting goods grows. However there are several disadvantages of free trade also, like unbalanced development of the economy of only those sectors in which the country has a comparative advantage. Also cut throat competition leads to dumping in which exporters to retain foreign market share sell their products at very cheap rates. Analysis of government regulated trade: According to Carbaugh, the most prevalent concept that free trade is the best is challenged by the idea of industrial policy, which states that the domestic economy as a whole can be made better off by strategically implementing trade restrictions (Carbaugh, 1980). According to the views of Protectionists, it can be said that novel or newly established organizations irrespective of the industries must be secluded to provide them chances to enhance their activities as well as compete internationally through measures like export finance, subsidies etc. On the other hand, there are critics that opined that some of these newly established organizations irrespective of the industries do not have opportunity to grow up because of the industry giant. At the same time regulations followed by the industry also makes sure that exploration of the economy is the best way to maintain the balance in trade activities. Therefore, it is become obvious that while a nation conduits all its capital into a small number of industries, the economy as whole evidence the major due to such dependency. Role of government in developing countries: Developing countries mainly focus on the export of primary goods like agricultural goods, raw materials and fuel. According to economists, for achieving self sustaining growth and to be self reliant, a country should focus on taking advantages on its international trade. But at the same time, dependence on exports of primary goods makes a country unstable because prices of goods in international markets tend to be indecisive. Elasticity of the demand for primary products are usually low, so changes in price of these products do not bring out expected amount of changes in the quantity demanded. So, government regulation in primary markets of developing countries may not be of much help (Carbaugh, 1980). But in certain cases, government regulation may be preferred to free trade. Carbaugh cited a classic example of industrial policy actions in Japan, during its early years of development, when the Japanese government protected and provided generous subsidy to launch and sustain what have now become its key industries namely, telecommunications equipments, semiconductors, pharmaceuticals and software. Without government regulation, the private sectors, or more specific way, the growers as well as small and medium size organization will face major issue in terms of production. These particular scenarios arise in Senegal, while it engaged in free trade with EU. Senegal in 1990 produced about 73,000 tons of tomatoes. In free trade with EU, in 1996, its production came down to 20,000 because of availability of cheaper tomatoes from EU. Here, government could have regulated by increasing import duties. Conclusion: Because of the questionable benefits from both aspects, the free trade policy still considered as the most debatable aspect. However, from the above analysis it can be said that poorer nations in against their trading partners, undergo major issues mainly because of the unfairness as well as expensive nature of a free trade agreement. Free trade is not fair trade (Fridell, 2010). By engaging in free trade, nations will enforce their private sector to involve in race with public sectors of stronger economies. The regulation is certainly equal but the capacities of the countries are not. The above mentioned case example of Senegal related Free Trade comes to explores how nations that do not have an equivalent aggressive advantage are predictable to engage in recreation alongside a stronger player and, in the process, fail miserably. But this debate is never ending. Economist Milton Friedman is against the concept that globalization would marginalize developing and poorer countries. Instead, he stresses on the fact that a third world country will also benefit from free trade. Increased world free trade will spread technology and knowledge from the so called rich countries worldwide, so that it will be beneficial for these new entrants as well as their natives (Friedman, 1980). Thus, the desirable trade policy for an economy is an optimum mix of free trade (for weaker sectors) and government regulation (for sectors which have comparative advantage). References: Carbaugh, R. (1980).International economics. Cambridge, Mass.: Winthrop Publishers. Dent, C. (2010). Freer Trade, More Regulation? Commercial Regulatory Provisions in Asia-Pacific Free Trade Agreements. Competition Change, 14(1), 48-79. doi:10.1179/102452910x12587274068114 Fridell, G. (2010). Fair Trade, Free Trade and the State. New Political Economy, 15(3), 457-470. doi:10.1080/13563460903288213 Friedman, M., Friedman, R. (1980).Free to choose. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Goldman, R., Rubin, S., Graham, T. (1984). Environment and Trade: The Relation of International Trade and Environmental Policy.The American Journal Of International Law,78(2), 513. doi:10.2307/2202305 Lumina, C. (2010). Free trade or just trade? The World Trade Organisation, human rights and development (Part 1). Law, Democracy Development, 12(2). doi:10.4314/ldd.v12i2.52892
Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Progressive Era Essay Example For Students
The Progressive Era Essay The Progressive Era Essay The progressive era was a time of great change, the way people thought and what they did began to change quickly. Industry and business also changed a great deal in this era, with the many new inventions and strong businessmen things where rapidly changing. The progressive era lasted about 40 years, from 1879-1920. In 1879 Tomas Edison invented the electric light, I guess you could say he just lit the way for may other inventions that people made during this time period. We will write a custom essay on The Progressive Era specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The progressives where middle class people that where mostly composed of young people who wanted things to change, they believed that educating people was the best way to overcome a problem. They formed volunteer organizations that people would come to and they would educate them on what they thought the problem was with something. Some of the organizations I found where: (American Bar Association, U.S Chamber of Commerce, National Association for the advancement of Colored People, and many others. I think that they did this to increase the awareness of a problem and try to fight that problem with strength in numbers and educations, both are very strong weapons when tackling a problem. Muckraking was another way people got their point across, they would find out all the information that they could on a person and they would basically, just drag their good name thought the mud, telling the people about, the things that they might not know, the corrupt things and bad deals and kickbacks those types of things. A well known muckraker would be Ida Tarbell, She dragged John D. Rockefellers name thought the mud, exposing bad trust and how he was a ruthless business man, Another muckraker was Upton Sinclair, He wrote a book, to show the American people how bad, the food was, and how disgusting it was, a famous quote of his was I aimed for the peoples hearts and I hit them right in the stomach, making reference to how gross the book really was. Teddy Roosevelt was a very strong influence during the progressive era; He used his power a president to get what he wanted as a progressive. He helped things like the pure food and drug act pass, and used the Sherman Antitrust act to dissolve Carnegies Monopoly. He was a very strong leader and was not about to be pushed around, so it was very good to have him as president during the Progressive era when some are fighting for the new and some are fighting for the old. The city and state reforms, where to stops powerful figures like boss Tweed who was very corrupt and, had everyone in the city in his back pocket. They Reformed so that their wouldnt be just a boss, (a person that made every decision), they made it so the people had to stand behind him on his decisions, their needed to be a vote on all laws that where passed, and all people could try to pass laws with enough peoples support. Also with the reform, workmans compensation became, now if people where hurt to the point they couldnt work, they would be compensated until they could come back. Education was a very big thing to the progressives; they believed that an educated person could handle any problem. They pushed for more women to go to college and for more children to start school. The progressives believe that by putting large numbers of children in school they will soon have and enlightened population. Womens rights where fought for during the progressive era. Women began to hold steady jobs, Even though the jobs where the ones that where the least paying, and the ones with the least opportunity. .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195 , .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195 .postImageUrl , .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195 , .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195:hover , .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195:visited , .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195:active { border:0!important; } .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195:active , .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195 .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue3611f5cb873151890bbebf642c48195:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Technology's Effect on the Acquisition of Knowledg Essay Poor women also benefited from the progression, they could receive birth control pills for free to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Now I know this is not all that happened during this era but I think that I was about to show what the major points where and the things that effected us the most. People dont realize what was gone through to make the U.S what it is like today. What do you think that it would be like if we didnt have so much change in the progressive . The Progressive Era Essay Example For Students The Progressive Era Essay The Progressive Era Essay was a period that showed the goals and contradictions found in American society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Theodore Roosevelt summed up the Progressive/Reform feeling in his Square Deal speech that it was all about morals, not economics. His goal was the moral regeneration of the business world. He preached that it was wrong for some people to get ahead in business and politics by tricks and schemes, while others were cheated out of the opportunity. This was the kind of talk that millions of Americans from all areas of society could understand and respond to. We will write a custom essay on The Progressive Era specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Roosevelt simply acted in the interests of the common working man, fixing things that they found unjust. For years, the poor and immigrants were unhappy with treatment from their big-business employers. Their long working hours and exploitation of children were, among other things, exposed by the Muckrakers. The Muckrakers were journalists who exposed corruption in business and politics and made many of their readers angry. These new reformers took over the old Populist idea that the government should work for the publics economic well being. Reform groups near the turn of the century were interested in the moral changes of the way the government and businesses were run. They wanted the government to be more open and listen to the people. Also, they wanted the government to put more effort into protecting the well being of all citizens. This would require government action to regulate business, improve public health and safety and make sure that every citizen had the chance to succeed and to be happy. Today there are also many reform groups. Just like the progressives of the early twentieth century, modern reformers are trying to change things for the better. One modern reformer is Ralph Nader. Nader is a leader in the consumer-protection movement. He organized investigative teams of young lawyers, consumer specialists, and students, popularly called Naders Raiders, to conduct surveys of numerous companies, federal agencies, and the U.S. Congress. Nader is a controversial man; his investigations have at times been criticized as biased against big business and government. Cesar Chavez was another modern reformer. The issues that he dealt with included: Women Farmworkers, Farmworker Health Issues, and Migrant Labor. Many issues that progressives of the early 1900s dealt with are the core of many of todays issues, however there are still some reforms that are different than those of a hundred years ago. American reform movements have generally been started as a rebellion against the control of big businesses and corrupt government. The poor conditions of schools and the entire education system at the turn of the twentieth century were a major cause for reform. That reform movement has influenced the entire education system and has made it better and more suitable for students. Civil rights for African-Americans and women was just beginning to become an issue in the late 19th century. Many progressivists spoke out for suffrage for women and equal rights for black people. Today, civil rights for minorities is still a big cause for reform. There are many different oraganizations whose goal is to reform the way society, the government and businesses treat any type of minority, including Hispanics, homosexuals and Native Americans. However civil rights is just one of the many causes of modern reform groups. Others include reform of huge companies and monoplolies, welfare programs, education systems and many, many other issues. A reform movement is a shout against people, businesses, governments or ideas that are morally corrupt. .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081 , .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081 .postImageUrl , .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081 , .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081:hover , .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081:visited , .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081:active { border:0!important; } .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081:active , .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081 .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u61cafa264aaff34ac533f663cf22a081:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Canterbury Tales: A View Of The Medieval Christian Church Essay Not all reform movements are successful in making an actual change, however even if a significant change isnt made their message is still shared with the public. Reform group leaders are usually involved in the government and have a strong charisma, which helps them convey their message. Jesse Louis Jackson is one of Americas strongest political figures. Over the past three decades he has played a major role in just about every movement for empowerment, peace, civil rights, gender equality, and economic and social justice. Reverend Jackson has been called the conscience of the nation and the great unifier, challenging America to establish just and humane priorities, and bringing people together on . The Progressive Era Essay Example For Students The Progressive Era Essay The Progressive Era Essay was a period that showed the goals and contradictions found in American society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Theodore Roosevelt summed up the Progressive/Reform feeling in his Square Deal speech that it was all about morals, not economics. His goal was the moral regeneration of the business world. He preached that it was wrong for some people to get ahead in business and politics by tricks and schemes, while others were cheated out of the opportunity. This was the kind of talk that millions of Americans from all areas of society could understand and respond to. We will write a custom essay on The Progressive Era specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Roosevelt simply acted in the interests of the common working man, fixing things that they found unjust. For years, the poor and immigrants were unhappy with treatment from their big-business employers. Their long working hours and exploitation of children were, among other things, exposed by the Muckrakers. The Muckrakers were journalists who exposed corruption in business and politics and made many of their readers angry. These new reformers took over the old Populist idea that the government should work for the publics economic well being. Reform groups near the turn of the century were interested in the moral changes of the way the government and businesses were run. They wanted the government to be more open and listen to the people. Also, they wanted the government to put more effort into protecting the well being of all citizens. This would require government action to regulate business, improve public health and safety and make sure that every citizen had the chance to succeed and to be happy. Today there are also many reform groups. Just like the progressives of the early twentieth century, modern reformers are trying to change things for the better. One modern reformer is Ralph Nader. Nader is a leader in the consumer-protection movement. He organized investigative teams of young lawyers, consumer specialists, and students, popularly called Naders Raiders, to conduct surveys of numerous companies, federal agencies, and the U.S. Congress. Nader is a controversial man; his investigations have at times been criticized as biased against big business and government. Cesar Chavez was another modern reformer. The issues that he dealt with included: Women Farmworkers, Farmworker Health Issues, and Migrant Labor. Many issues that progressives of the early 1900s dealt with are the core of many of todays issues, however there are still some reforms that are different than those of a hundred years ago. American reform movements have generally been started as a rebellion against the control of big businesses and corrupt government. The poor conditions of schools and the entire education system at the turn of the twentieth century were a major cause for reform. That reform movement has influenced the entire education system and has made it better and more suitable for students. Civil rights for African-Americans and women was just beginning to become an issue in the late 19th century. Many progressivists spoke out for suffrage for women and equal rights for black people. Today, civil rights for minorities is still a big cause for reform. There are many different oraganizations whose goal is to reform the way society, the government and businesses treat any type of minority, including Hispanics, homosexuals and Native Americans. However civil rights is just one of the many causes of modern reform groups. Others include reform of huge companies and monoplolies, welfare programs, education systems and many, many other issues. A reform movement is a shout against people, businesses, governments or ideas that are morally corrupt. .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5 , .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5 .postImageUrl , .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5 , .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5:hover , .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5:visited , .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5:active { border:0!important; } .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5:active , .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5 .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc00cd72f1c139b84c3e4f74dbafe7cf5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Crucible Thoughts Essay Not all reform movements are successful in making an actual change, however even if a significant change isnt made their message is still shared with the public. Reform group leaders are usually involved in the government and have a strong charisma, which helps them convey their message. Jesse Louis Jackson is one of Americas strongest political figures. Over the past three decades he has played a major role in just about every movement for empowerment, peace, civil rights, gender equality, and economic and social justice. Reverend Jackson has been called the ;conscience of the nation; and ;the great unifier,; challenging America to establish just and humane priorities, and bringing people together on . The Progressive Era Essay Example For Students The Progressive Era Essay Word Count: 2763 was a period that showed the goals and contradictions found in American society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Theodore Roosevelt summed up the Progressive/Reform feeling in his Square Deal speech that it was all about morals, not economics. His goal was the moral regeneration of the business world. He preached that it was wrong for some people to get ahead in business and politics by tricks and schemes, while others were cheated out of the opportunity. This was the kind of talk that millions of Americans from all areas of society could understand and respond to. We will write a custom essay on The Progressive Era specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Roosevelt simply acted in the interests of the common working man, fixing things that they found unjust. For years, the poor and immigrants were unhappy with treatment from their big-business employers. Their long working hours and exploitation of children were, among other things, exposed by the Muckrakers. The Muckrakers were journalists who exposed corruption in business and politics and made many of their readers angry. These new reformers took over the old Populist idea that the government should work for the publics economic well being. Reform groups near the turn of the century were interested in the moral changes of the way the government and businesses were run. They wanted the government to be more open and listen to the people. Also, they wanted the government to put more effort into protecting the well being of all citizens. This would require government action to regulate business, improve public health and safety and make sure that every citizen had the chance to succeed and to be happy. Today there are also many reform groups. Just like the progressives of the early twentieth century, modern reformers are trying to change things for the better. One modern reformer is Ralph Nader. Nader is a leader in the consumer-protection movement. He organized investigative teams of young lawyers, consumer specialists, and students, popularly called Naders Raiders, to conduct surveys of numerous companies, federal agencies, and the U.S. Congress. Nader is a controversial man; his investigations have at times been criticized as biased against big business and government. Cesar Chavez was another modern reformer. The issues that he dealt with included: Women Farmworkers, Farmworker Health Issues, and Migrant Labor. Many issues that progressives of the early 1900s dealt with are the core of many of todays issues, however there are still some reforms that are different than those of a hundred years ago. American reform movements have generally been started as a rebellion against the control of big businesses and corrupt government. The poor conditions of schools and the entire education system at the turn of the twentieth century were a major cause for reform. That reform movement has influenced the entire education system and has made it better and more suitable for students. Civil rights for African-Americans and women was just beginning to become an issue in the late 19th century. Many progressivists spoke out for suffrage for women and equal rights for black people. Today, civil rights for minorities is still a big cause for reform. There are many different oraganizations whose goal is to reform the way society, the government and businesses treat any type of minority, including Hispanics, homosexuals and Native Americans. However civil rights is just one of the many causes of modern reform groups. Others include reform of huge companies and monoplolies, welfare programs, education systems and many, many other issues. A reform movement is a shout against people, businesses, governments or ideas that are morally corrupt. Not all reform movements are successful in making an actual change, however even if a significant change isnt made their message is still shared with the public. Reform group leaders are usually involved in the government and have a strong charisma, which helps them convey their message. Jesse Louis Jackson is one of Americas strongest political figures. Over the past three decades he has played a major role in just about every movement for empowerment, peace, civil rights, gender equality, and economic and social justice. Reverend Jackson has been called the ;conscience of the nation; and ;the great unifier,; challenging America to establish just and humane priorities, and bringing people together on . The Progressive Era Essay Example For Students The Progressive Era Essay What do Lincoln Steffens, Ida M. Tarbell, Upton Sinclair, Alice Paul and Samuel Hopkins Adams all have in common? All five contributed to exposing the truth behind The Progressive Era Essays corrupt politics and social injustice. They were an elite group known by society as muckrakers. Journalists who in the twentieth century dared to challenge the evils of business, life and government and unearth them to the middle class. Unafraid of these powers their articles appeared in many reform newspapers and magazines, especially McClures. Together and solo they attacked corporate abuses, city government, working conditions and many other heated issues. Each specializing and taking interest in his or her unaccompanied battle. For instance, Ida M. Tarbell, a writer and editor of a handful of publications took it upon herself to tackle the Standard Oil Company. She described their methods of eliminating other competitive businesses as cutthroat. Publishing two volumes on her nemesis history in 1904, examining the corporations dominating trusts and intriguing strategies. We will write a custom essay on The Progressive Era specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Lincoln Steffens, also a writer, was responsible for the ingenious and very famous articles Shame of the Cities (1904), The Struggle for Self-Government (1906) and Upbuilders (1909). Steffens pieces were instantly successes and helped gain support for reform. Both journalist and author, Samuel Hopkins Adams, preached on the hidden secrets behind the scrupulous patent-medicine industry. Fearless, he also confronted President Warren G. Harding and the sins of his leadership, in his 1926 novel Revelry. In the twentieth century it was rare for a common middle-class society member to stand up for what they believed. The people you have just read about were an influential few. Not only did they protest for themselves, but for all hardworking, trusting, right deserving Americans. They contributed to reforming a time of strict faiths and powerful commanders, never looking back. Bibliography: .
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Conrad Hilton and Hilton Hotels Corporation
Conrad Hilton and Hilton Hotels Corporation Hilton has set records as one of the largest hotels globally providing high quality and stylish hospitality. Currently Hilton provides full hotel services to more than seventy five countries with more than five hundred and forty hotel brands.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Conrad Hilton and Hilton Hotels Corporation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is a rare achievement that makes Hilton a leader in the hotel industry. The reason why Hilton has been able to maintain high standards in the long run is the innovative move towards the provision of quality products, facilities and services. Hilton has always led the way in coming up with new ideas like having televisions in the guest houses. Hilton was also the primary initiator of the notion in franchising hotels, in the industry, opened the first airport hotel and initiated the first system to provide multi-hotel reservation services (Walker 76). For the past nine ty years, Hilton has worked hard to ensure that it remains the top in the industry and consistently revealed an unbeatable expertise. The other feature that has been emulated by thousands of other hotels in the industry is Hilton’s spirit to uphold hospitality and its unique culture. Hilton members have always formed a strong team that works on shaping the traveler’s events every day. The team members are given an opportunity to explore their careers in hospitality in all Hilton hotels and resorts globally. Besides the hospitality, Hilton undertakes a function in the global society by participating in charitable activities and encouraging others to join them in these activities (Walker 78). Hilton also values and appreciates the community in which it operates in (Walker 88). Hilton is an impressive hotel that no one can resist its services. High levels of hospitality and team work in ensuring quality services makes all the difference. What makes Hilton even more appeal ing is the creativity to provide maximum customer satisfaction. Making itself part of the global community is also remarkable. Walker, John R. Title Introduction to Hospitality. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall Higher Education, 2008.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - Research Paper Example Given the frequency of this disorder, it is one that all medical professionals should be familiar with. What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? Fetal Alcohol Syndromeâ€â€the number one preventable cause of birth defects and developmental disorders in the United Statesâ€â€was first given its name in 1973 (Warren, Hewitt, & Thomas, 2011). Though there had been many instances of women drinking during pregnancy, the symptoms caused in the fetus and child hadn’t been a focus of study. It occurs in .5 to 7.0 cases per 1,000 births in this country (Warren et al., 2011). Subcategories of the syndrome have also been identified to describe disorders of lesser severity. These include partial Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Effects, alcohol-related birth defects, alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder, and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (Warren et al., 2011). â€Å"Partial Fetal Alcohol Syndrome†describes some of the same features as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome but does no t require all of the same diagnostic criteria to be met (Warren et al., 2011). The term â€Å"Fetal Alcohol Effects†is used when symptoms of maternal exposure are present but not severe enough to meet criteria for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (Warren et al., 2011). ... Clearly, alcohol has the capacity to impact the fetus on many levels and with a multitude of possible manifestations. Although Fetal Alcohol Syndrome falls within the range of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, the term encompasses many other varieties of the disorder. When taking the entire range of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders into account, these disorders are estimated to occur in 1 percent and possibly many more births (Warren et al., 2011). Though there is a spectrum of severity amongst fetal alcohol disorders, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is the most profound (Warren et al., 2011). Obviously, all of these disorders have a profound impact on the sufferer, no matter what diagnostic label is chosen. It goes without saying that the pregnant woman’s use of alcohol will harm the fetus to some degree. There are a variety of factors contributing to the degree of damage maternal alcohol use exerts on the fetus (Davis, Desrocher, & Moore, 2011). First, the quantity of alcohol consume d by the mother will determine the level of alcohol in the blood stream of the fetus, and the regularity or pattern of maternal consumption also plays a role (Davis et al., 2011). If a mother consumes alcohol during the first trimester of pregnancy, the development of brain cells is disturbed, while third trimester exposure damages areas of the brain structure (Davis et al., 2011). Indeed, the amount, timing, and duration of alcohol use determines the severity of the disease (Larkby & Day, 1997). Another factor that affects the severity of damage done to the fetus relates to the mother’s genetics, which determine in part the body’s rate of metabolizing alcohol as well as sensitivity to it (Davis et al., 2011). The fetus that inherits sensitivity to alcohol based on
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
White Paper Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
White Paper - Case Study Example Frequent downtime of the Organization’s network turned out to be a serious business problem for MMPS. Considering the potential problems associated with the existing network of MMPS, a new technology that addresses the above discussed issues has to be incorporated in the Organization. Virtual Private Network technology (VPN) claims to be the most appropriate technology for MMPA to bridge the gaps left by the current environment. VPN is a fast, reliable, secure technology developed to cater the needs of the growing Organizations which have multiple offices or customer locations across the globe. A remote user who needs to access Organizations’ network is also benefited by this technology. 1. Economic Efficiency – VPN replaces expensive leased or frame relay lines and it enables to connect remote users to their corporate networks with reduced overall operational cost. In the case of a managed VPN service the savings can be even greater 3. Scalability - Organizations using a VPN can support expansion of network capacity and reach of the network by simply opening more accounts with their ISP (Internet service provider) without adding significant physical infrastructure Security risk -Inadequate protection of data at the point just before entering the VPN, or once after leaving the VPN because of improper assessment of risk arising out of VPN. Poor user credentials for authentication will cause cracking of credentials. Spread of viruses, worms, and Trojans from remote computers to the internal network is also a risk/ Third-party risk – Poor Choice of an third party service provider which follows poor management of processes. Poor relationship management with the third party may lead to abuse of data passing through VPN n.a (n.d). IS Auditing Guideline: G25 Review of Virtual Private Networks. Retrieved From
Monday, November 18, 2019
The wholesale clothing Industry in the US Essay
The wholesale clothing Industry in the US - Essay Example But as the century approached its midpoint, more and more respectable Americans started to buy their clothes off the rack. This was especially true of men whose clothes were loosely fitted and not subject to the volatility of fashion as that of women (Soyer, 2005). During the 1830s, the textile industry became more established in America and machine-made clothes were made available to average households. The ready-made garment industry marked its beginning in America history in the early eighteenth century. The first clothing factory was established in 1831 in New York City. Ready-made clothing, however, remained a small part of the American garment production which was still dominated by home-made clothing. New York rapidly became the center for ready-made garment trade because of its regular shipping connections with southern states. The Civil War brought in demand for soldier's uniforms and this increased production and led to the introduction of standardized sizes. This period also marked a substantial technical change in the mode of manufacture of garments. Sewing machines were introduced into the manufacturing sector and the shift moved from manual to machine labor. This important technical innovation also paved way for mass production of clothing in the industry. Between 1880 and 1920, over 2 million Jews migrated to America to escape persecution in their home countries and to take advantage of the economic opportunities in America. Their skills as artisans and factory laborers became important assets in their adopted homeland. The sheer concentration of Jewish immigrants within the industry helped shape the American garment industry, especially in New York. From the middle of the nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth, the garment industry was the largest manufacturing industry in New York City. By 1900, Eastern European Jews constituted a majority of both workers and employers within the industry. One of the many accomplishments of the Jewish contractors was the priority given to ethnic ties in the industry, as they hired mostly members from their own community. The Jewish immigrants built the New York based garment business into a billion dollar industry. By 1900, ready-made clothing was within reach of the average working family as well. Distribution was handled through a network of department stores and shops across the country. The stores offered a wide range of goods that catered to a broad spectrum of customers. Special sales, newspaper advertisements and window displays worked to entice customers. Mail order catalogues were introduced to reach customers in small towns ( Followed closely behind the Jews, in flooding the garment industry, were Italians, especially Italian women. On the one hand, they worked in large, modern shirtwaist factories and on the other, they made up approximately 98 percent of the home workers within the industry (Soyer, 2005). The garment industry also played a crucial role in shaping the American labor movement. Many of the rights taken for granted by workers today were fought for by the garment unions. Concepts of such significance today, such as arbitration and collective bargaining, emerged out of the struggles of the then garment unions ( By the second decade of the twentieth century, workers formed unions that became powerful forces within the indus
Friday, November 15, 2019
Finding Forrester Analysis
Finding Forrester Analysis The film Finding Forrester is a movie about a young boy, Jamal Wallace (Rob Brown) that lives in the Bronx. He has an intellectual talent for writing, quite contrary to his stereotypical ghetto friends. Jamal meets and befriends William Forrester, once a great Pulitzer Prize winning author who now lives in solitary. Forrester mentors Jamal and teaches him life lessons. Jamal in turn helps Forrester break free of his tough, leathery shell and reclusive life. This movie, although slightly boring and predictable, highlights the breakdown of stereotypes in our culture and the relationships that blossom through pure chance. I do not recommend watching this movie in theaters; save your money. Overall, the storyline is unoriginal and dull. It begins during a casual basketball game. Jamal and his friends notice someone hiding behind a window curtain, looking down at them. Known to the boys as The Window, William Forrester (Sean Connery) lives alone, never leaving his apartment. This may sound interesting, but to me, this is the only part of the movie that raises curiosity and suspense. After school one day, Jamals friends dare him to break into the authors apartment. Jamal climbs in through the window and ultimately gets spooked by Forrester, leaves his book bag behind, and flees down the fire escape. If it were my home, the police would be called; however, Forrester doesnt find it necessary. Surprisingly, the next day Jamals backpack is dropped to the street. Well, Jamal recovers his book bag and he finds his journals marked up with corrections, praises and other remarks. Unbelievably, Jamal, wishing to discuss the editorial markups in his journal, returns to Forresters ap artment. I cannot imagine a teenager returning to confront the owner of the apartment he broke into the day before. After knocking on the door, the grumpy author hollers at him to stay away and tells him he should consider writing a 5000 word essay on why he belongs out of his house. The following day, Jamal returns to deliver the essay by leaving it outside Forresters door. Can you guess what happens next? I can. These two characters officially meet face to face the following day when Jamal returns to ask about the essay he left behind. Forrester allows Jamal to enter his home. After a few racist remarks were sputtered, testing Jamals character, a unique friendship begins. Would you befriend Jamal after he breaks into your home? Also, I do not believe black men or women would tolerate racial slurs or remarks that Forrester feels necessary to express. To me the clichà ©, only in the movies rings true. Resuming with the plot, Forrester is amazed at Jamals writing and begins to couns el him on intellect, writing, and life. During this time Jamal receives a scholarship to an à ©lite private school typically attended by rich children with a far different background than him. There he meets Claire Spence (Anna Paquin) and his professor, Henry Crawford (F. Murray Abraham). Claire shows Jamal around his new school and a strong bond cultivates. However, Professor Henry Crawford believes Jamal is only attending the school for his basketball skills and cant believe he is there for any other reason. After all, Jamal is an avid basketball player. The school is inevitably hoping to receive the coveted trophy at the end of the season and Jamal is the boy to do it. After several weeks, Crawford accuses Jamal of plagiarism when he submits a paper he wrote for a writing contest. Conflict and unexciting suspense finally happens again when the professor claims the paper had similarities to an essay Forrester once published. When Jamal refuses to admit he plagiarized or received permission from Forrester himself, he was eliminated from the competition. I would not go out of my way to watch this movie. The ending, with its rather soft climax and humdrum resolution provides entertainment for Sunday mornings when you have absolutely nothing else to do, but watch television. Although, Sean Connery did a wonderful job playing the character of author, William Forrester, I would rather see him playing the role of 007 in James Bond or something with a bit more excitement. I do not think he could do a horrendous job acting even if he was casted in this monotonous movie. Rob Browns acting of Jamal Wallace is rather mediocre. His movements and actions throughout the film were forgettable. I believe he did a satisfactory job representing his character; I just cant brag about his acting abilities in this film. Although, he never plays a leading role, F. Murray Abraham, is also an experienced actor. He ranks near the top of the list with Sean Connery. He did an acceptable job performing his role as Professor Henry Crawford. Even though his character was slightly far-fetched, his acting was believable. At the very end of the film, Matt Damon makes an appearance as Forresters attorney. He is an excellent actor, but the part he plays in Finding Forrester is extremely small. Overall the actors received a passable grade for their abilities to play their parts in this somewhat lame movie. We expect far-fetched movie plots in science fiction or movies about green, three-headed monsters. While watching this flick, you want to believe what you see is true and some aspects are indeed genuine. Every day, we see intellectual children and teenagers do remarkable things, achieve the unachievable. Personally, if you are going to make a film that others can relate to, specifically, black, inner city teenagers, then everything in the storyline should be realistic. Honestly, I have to admit, I find movies that break stereotypical boundaries motivational, but I would not waste my money paying inflated ticket prices to see Finding Forrester in the theater. I suppose every movie cant be full of suspense and action. To me, this 3 out of 5 star movie is best watched on HBO or Showtime. Save your money. Dont see it at the theaters. Finding Forrester, Dir. Gus Van Sant, 2000, Columbia; Fountainbridge Films; Laurence Mark Productions, DVD, 136 minutes. CAST: Sean Connery: William Forrester Rob Brown: Jamal Wallace F. Murray Abraham: Professor Henry Crawford Anna Paquin: Claire Spence Busta Rhymes: Terrell April Grace: Ms. Joyce Michael Pitt: Coleridge Michael Nouri: Dr. Spence Richard Easton: Matthews Glen Fitzgerald: Massie Zane R. Copeland Jr.: Damon Stephanie Berry: Janice Fly Williams III: Fly Damany Mathis: Kenzo Damien Lee: Clay Matthew Noah Word: Coach Garrick Charles Bernstein: Dr. Simon Matt Malloy: Bradley Matt Damon: Sanderson RATING: C 3 out of 5 stars
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Australian Rugby League :: essays research papers
This report investigates the epic battle between the Australian Rugby League which has been around for 87 years and the Super League concept for the control of Rugby League in Australia. One man, Mr Rupert Murdoch, is trying to take over and run a rebel Super League to enhance his power and for financial gain. This Super League is proposed to run in 1996 with a 10 team competition as its prospectus. This report reviews the history of the Australian Rugby League, the battle between Mr.Murdoch and Mr.Packer, the battle of who controls pay television, the players future and junior development. This conflict is mainly based on power, greed and money. The two protagonist's are prepared to go to any lengths to achieve supremacy. I have researched archives, newspapers, pamphlets and watched television to accumulate information of this divisive conflict. 2. The History of the A.R.L. The Australian Rugby League originated in 1908 which was then known as the N.S.W. Rugby League. The game of Rugby League was born long ago and faraway, on the 29th of August 1895 in the stately George Hotel Huddersfield Yorkshire, England. Originally 15 a side teams were reduced to 13 in 1906 and Rugby League's trademark the play the ball was introduced. The changes large and small laid the foundations for the fast moving thrilling game that Rugby League has become. On the evening of August 8 the N.S.W Rugby League was formed with a secret meeting at Sydney's Batemans Hotel. The men driving the new game were: The entrepreneur James Joseph Giltinan, the great cricketer Victor Trumper, the influential politician Henry Clammond Hoyle. The supreme master stroke being the signing of Rugby Unions champion Herbert Henry Dally Messenger at a fee of 180 pounds. In the summer of 1907-08 more meetings resulting in the formation of 9 clubs: Glebe, Newtown, South Sydney, Eastern Suburbs, Western Suburbs, Balmain, North Sydney, Newcastle which only lasted until 1909, and Cumberland. However Cumberland had trouble enticing sufficient players and was forced to amalgamate with Western Suburbs the following season. Rugby League's first season began on Easter Monday 1908 on a wave of unrivalled enthusiasm. To South Sydney went the honour of being Rugby Leagues first champions 14-12 victors over Eastern Suburbs in the premiership final. Over the years more teams have been introduced to make an expanded competition, to strengthen and promote the game locally, nationally and at this present time internationally. The teams that have joined since the inaugural competition include: 1910 Annandale which folded in 1920. 1920 University which folded in 1937. 1921 St George. 1935 Canterbury. 1947 Manly and Parramatta. 1967 Cronulla and Penrith. 1982 Canberra and Illawarra. 1983 Newtown were expelled due to financial problems. Australian Rugby League :: essays research papers This report investigates the epic battle between the Australian Rugby League which has been around for 87 years and the Super League concept for the control of Rugby League in Australia. One man, Mr Rupert Murdoch, is trying to take over and run a rebel Super League to enhance his power and for financial gain. This Super League is proposed to run in 1996 with a 10 team competition as its prospectus. This report reviews the history of the Australian Rugby League, the battle between Mr.Murdoch and Mr.Packer, the battle of who controls pay television, the players future and junior development. This conflict is mainly based on power, greed and money. The two protagonist's are prepared to go to any lengths to achieve supremacy. I have researched archives, newspapers, pamphlets and watched television to accumulate information of this divisive conflict. 2. The History of the A.R.L. The Australian Rugby League originated in 1908 which was then known as the N.S.W. Rugby League. The game of Rugby League was born long ago and faraway, on the 29th of August 1895 in the stately George Hotel Huddersfield Yorkshire, England. Originally 15 a side teams were reduced to 13 in 1906 and Rugby League's trademark the play the ball was introduced. The changes large and small laid the foundations for the fast moving thrilling game that Rugby League has become. On the evening of August 8 the N.S.W Rugby League was formed with a secret meeting at Sydney's Batemans Hotel. The men driving the new game were: The entrepreneur James Joseph Giltinan, the great cricketer Victor Trumper, the influential politician Henry Clammond Hoyle. The supreme master stroke being the signing of Rugby Unions champion Herbert Henry Dally Messenger at a fee of 180 pounds. In the summer of 1907-08 more meetings resulting in the formation of 9 clubs: Glebe, Newtown, South Sydney, Eastern Suburbs, Western Suburbs, Balmain, North Sydney, Newcastle which only lasted until 1909, and Cumberland. However Cumberland had trouble enticing sufficient players and was forced to amalgamate with Western Suburbs the following season. Rugby League's first season began on Easter Monday 1908 on a wave of unrivalled enthusiasm. To South Sydney went the honour of being Rugby Leagues first champions 14-12 victors over Eastern Suburbs in the premiership final. Over the years more teams have been introduced to make an expanded competition, to strengthen and promote the game locally, nationally and at this present time internationally. The teams that have joined since the inaugural competition include: 1910 Annandale which folded in 1920. 1920 University which folded in 1937. 1921 St George. 1935 Canterbury. 1947 Manly and Parramatta. 1967 Cronulla and Penrith. 1982 Canberra and Illawarra. 1983 Newtown were expelled due to financial problems.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Expenditures and Revenues Summary: Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office Essay
The Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office, a statutory government agency, is responsible for providing services to three mandated programs in Palm Beach County, Florida (, 2013). Those programs are Law Enforcement, Corrections Services throughout Palm Beach County’s jails, and finally Bailiff and Court staff. Palm Beach Sheriff’s office is required to respond to law enforcement calls throughout the county and all unincorporated areas of Palm Beach County. Palm Beach Sheriff’s office is also responsible for providing services to certain municipalities throughout Palm Beach County, if a contract exists between the municipality and the Sheriff’s office. The municipality must come to a fee agreement with the Palm Beach Sheriff’s office before a contract is established. The following will elaborate on the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office revenue and expenditures and the impact of the expenditures on the revenue source. The following will also elaborate on who the key players are in terms of making budget decisions and whether or not there is any influence of political and public policies on the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office. Finally, recommended organizational financial analysis alternatives for the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office will be researched. The Impact of the Expenditures on the Revenue Source Palm Beach County is located in South Florida and is the largest county in square mileage in Florida at 2,268 square miles. Palm Beach County is Florida’s third largest populated county with just under 1.4 million residents (, 2014).The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office maintains 3,949 allocations throughout Palm Beach County and boasts 1,333 sworn law enforcement officers, 7,757 civilian support staff, 689 sworn Corrections officers and 170 sworn Court services and Bailiff; therefore a large portion of the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office budget is allocated to programs. Personal services, according to the Sheriff’s Office (2014) means this part of the budget is considered to pay employee wages and benefits. This program is divided in to thee parts, Law Enforcement, Corrections and Court Services and Bailiff, which in turns means three different expenditures. A total of $510,102,878.00 for the Sheriff’s was requested for the 2014 fiscal year in order to support the three programs. This amount is an increase of about 5.8% from the 2013 fiscal year (, 2014). The Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office is funded through various revenues generated from Law Enforcement services, ad-valorem taxes and utility taxes. The Sheriff’s Office collects 15% of all revenues collected through adult entertainment and revenue is also received by the State of Florida for Crime Laboratory Operations. Funds are established by the Florida Crime Laboratory Council. Safety services also generate revenue for the Sheriff’s Office. The charges and fees are ultimately determined by the Statute and fee schedule approved by the Sheriff. These contracts include airport security, Private and Governmental Off-Duty permits and other law enforcement contract. The Safety Service fees make up a large portion of the Sheriff’s revenues (PBSO. org, 2014). Other revenues include fines and forfeitures, commission on coin telephones used by the county’s inmates, taxes levied on assessed properties in Palm Beach County and utility tax. According to Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office (2014), each program is divided in to three expenditures. Those expenditures are Law Enforcement, Corrections and Court Services and Bailiff. Each of the three program categories is broken down even further. Those parts are listed as Personal Services, Operating and Capital Outlay. Each variable requires funds in order to operate; for example, the Law Enforcement Program was budgeted for a total budget of $347,035,274.00 out of the $510,102,878.00. As stated this program is further broken down in to three variables, Personal Services, Operating and Capital Outlay. A total of $276,397,453.00 is budgeted for personal services. $60,185,099 is budgeted for Operating and $10,452,722.00 is budgeted for Capital Outlay. This brings the total to $347,035,274.00 dollars budgeted for the Law Enforcement Program. This total is about 60% of the total budget for 2014. It is important to understand that 81% of the operating budget consists of wages, overtime and employee benefits. These are items which are set through collective bargaining, policy, contracts and also receive protection under to Career Service Bill (, 2014). Key Players Involved in Deciding on a Budget Because the Sheriff’s Office is large and requires time to create a reasonable budget, the budgeting process begins in December of the preceding year (, 2014). In January, the Palm Beach Sheriff discusses the philosophy for the approaching fiscal year. The Sheriff’s Office had an established budget staff which provides an overview of the budget process and provides details regarding the upcoming budget preparation and procedures. Executives and Senior Staff conduct a series of internal reviews before the proposed budget is presented the Sheriff. The Sheriff then reviews the proposed budget and either accepts or denies the budget. Once the Sheriff approves the budget a signed copy is sent to the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioner by May 1. The Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Office of Finance Management and Budget would then schedule a number of workshops for the County’s proposed budget. It is during these workshops that modifications to the Sheriff’s budget can be presented. Budgets may be modified based on the receipt of grant funds, donations or other sources outside of the Sheriff’s adopted budget. In September, there are two public hearing scheduled during which the final budget is adopted. The budget must be adopted for October 1, the start of the new fiscal year. The Influence of Politics and Public Policies on the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office The Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Office of Finance Management and Budget is a governmental organization which oversees the Sheriff’s proposed budget on a yearly basis. The Constitutional Officers who oversee the budget include Clerk and Comptroller Office, Tax Collector and Property Appraiser (Palm Beach County, 2014). All three entities are those of local government. These three organizations are responsible for reviewing not only the Sheriff’s budget, but all other budgets relating to cities in Palm Beach County who provide public assistance. Politics can play a huge role when considering a budget proposal. In this case, these three entities know what funding is available as they are responsible for collecting different revenues. If the money is not available to fund the entire budget request, then cuts will be made to the budget; furthermore, because budgets are able to be accessed by the public, is important to ensure that all decisions regarding the budget are ethical decisions. Financial Analysis Alternatives In the event that there is a loss of revenue source, there are many other options the Sheriff’s Office can explore in order to obtain funding. The Sheriff’s Office, like any other police department, has many departments which are responsible for investigating certain crimes; for example, the Sheriff’s Office created a department specifically for tracking online sexual predators. The United States Department of Justice provides funding to the Sheriff’s Office for strategically targeting online predators. The Sheriff’s office would be able to continue funding this department and maintaining its multidisciplinary team to assist in the development and implementation of the strategy. The COPS hiring Program (CHP) is dedicated to enhancing community policing by addressing the needs of a state, local or tribal law enforcement agency. The COPS Hiring Program (CHP) provides funding so that law enforcement agencies are able to hire new or career law enforcement officers. Employing more officers would increase crime prevention efforts in a given district (U.S. Department of Justice, 2014). The COPS Hiring Program (CHP) will provide up to 75% of any approved entry-level salary and fringe benefits. The officers must be hired as full-time officers for the length of grant period, which is 36 months. A minimum of 25% of the officer’s salary must be matched by the hiring agency and a maximum federal share of $125,000 per officer. Under the COPS Hiring Program, the agency is only able to hire up to 5% of the agency’s sworn police officers (U.S Department of Justice, 2014). According to the Sheriff’s Office (2014), there are two other sources of alternative funding. Alternative funding can be obtained through forfeiture funds which are obtained from cases which assets and cash are seized and eventually released to the law enforcement agency. Forfeiture funds may come from state and federal governments and ought to be used to purchase equipment which was unable to be funded. Secondly, alternative funds may come from the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office grant program. This program generates millions of dollars annually. In the past, grant funding has enabled the Sheriff’s Office to purchase patrol boats; additionally, the grant funding, the Sheriff’s Office has also purchased 245 square miles of waterway in Palm Beach County and 45 miles of shoreline (, 2014). Conclusion In conclusion, The Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office is large law enforcement agency within Palm Beach County which provides law enforcement, corrections and court services to Palm Beach County. The Sheriff’s office is also contracted by a number of cities within Palm Beach County to perform law enforcement duties within that area. Drafting a budget proposal can be challenging and difficult for such a large organization. Upon completing this research, one can easily see the much thought and preparation is needed to complete a budget which will allow the Sheriff’s Office to continuously provide services to those within the jurisdictions. The preceding elaborated on the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office revenue and expenditures and the impact of the expenditures on the revenue source. The preceding also elaborated on who the key players are in terms of making budget decisions and whether or not there is any influence of political and public policies on the Palm Beach Sh eriff’s Office. Finally, the organizational financial analysis alternatives for the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office were discussed. References Palm Beach County (2014). Preparing for Budgets. Retrieved from website, (2014). Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office Budget. Retrieved from website U.S. Department of Justice (2014). COPS Hiring Program. Retrieved from website
Friday, November 8, 2019
Choosing an Import Agent
Choosing an Import Agent Free Online Research Papers In exporting, an agent overseas might be a company or partnership or an individual working on a self-employed basis. The agent agrees to try to win orders for you (the principal, i.e. the would-be exporter), and pass such orders on to you for possible acceptance, without the agent taking title to the goods. That’s how the word agent is used narrowly, but it’s also used in a wider sense to include some intermediaries who do buy and sell on their own account. Thus, there are several different types of agent in international trade. As an assessor for the professional body The Institute Of Export IOE International Trade I have set questions regarding various aspects of import agents; and this essay looks at the different types of possible agent overseas; the qualifications such an agent should have; steps involved in choosing such an agent; and the ways in which a principal and its overseas agents (once appointed) should help each other. In this essay, I’ll use UK English (e.g. stock) rather than, say, US (inventory). This is no criticism of any particular variety of English: I have enjoyed living and working in the US for two years, but I am more familiar with UK English. What are the different types of agent overseas? A commission agent does not hold stock, apart perhaps from samples. An agent del credere is a commission agent who bears the credit risk (that is to say, the risk of the importer not paying). A stocking agent is a commission agent who holds stock, without buying on her/his own account. A distributor has preferential rights to buy and sell specified products in a specific territory. A stockist is a distributor but one who generally receives greater reward because s/he undertakes to carry a specified level of stock. Distributors/stockists usually operate on their own account, so they risk making losses. Any of these agents/distributors/stockists might also agree to offer and provide after-sales service. What qualifications/qualities should an import agent possess? An import agent very probably needs to have the following positive qualifications/qualities: local knowledge and contacts; marketing ability; product/service enthusiasm; and the disposition to learn, and update her/himself; the resources to cover the entire proposed territory (sales; and, if agreed, after-sales); the official (and, if relevant, minority) language(s) of the importing country, and preferably the principal’s language also; plus solvency, probity, and good health. If the agency is a company as opposed to an individual, there is somewhat less chance of business being interrupted through illness, accidents, or death. An agent probably also needs to have the following negative qualifications/qualities: NOT represent too many other principals (i.e. the potential agent should NOT be a so-called agency collector); and NOT hold conflicting agencies, although complementary agencies are often very useful, e.g. let’s say you manufacture cutlery (knives, forks, etc), and the prospective agent might already represent manufacturers of crockery (bowls, dinner plates, cup, saucers, etc), and glassware, for example, but NOT cutlery. Having generated a list of potential agents, one should take the following steps: make a short-list; obtain status/credit reports (from a bank and/or a credit-vetting agency); if possible, make a personal visit to see the potential agents and their organisations; preferably bring one or two of the potential agents over to see your operations; and, if things look favourable, move towards written agreement. How can you help each other? Well, even if it is not made explicit in the written agreement, there needs to be good two-way traffic between principal and agent in all relevant information (within reasonable bounds of commercial sensitivity). From the agents side, changes in, for example, import regulations, customs duties, quotas, exchange controls, competition, social/market/marketing trends, technical standards, and trademark and service-mark regulations. From the principals side, development plans for production capacity and new products and services, and any expected delivery problems. Additionally, holding conferences for agents from various territories can be useful, as can the (e-)mailing of company newsletters. In certain circumstances and subject to appropriate safeguards, the principal might be prepared to consider providing loans to the agent, possibly even on lenient terms. To conclude, no exporter should leave everything to the agent: the exporter (and not just the agent) should participate in trade fairs and exhibitions in the target market, and periodically visit the premises of customers and potential customers. Best wishes. Bon voyage. 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