Friday, January 31, 2020
Music for image Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Music for image - Essay Example Numerous theories are used in the film, The Golden Age which takes into account background music into to create emotions and rhythm for the film. In most and other cases, the emotion and rhythm is not always noticeable since it creates a tone for emotions or feelings for the characters and images used in the film. Moreover, in the film, music is used to over shadow change in mood for images and characters. An example is that dissonant music can be integrated to signify an approaching change of scenery or situation which is not visible for menace or disaster. Composers who have greatly influenced my piece include John Adams and James MacMillan whom am utmost indebted for gleaning from a lot of small but crucial compositional ideas. Nevertheless, I have listen to music by other composers who have written for film.These include: John Williams and Michael Giacchino, Ennio Morricone, Malcolm Anold Joe Hisaishi amongst others. The Golden Age is a constantly changing film that heads towards a particular goal,much the same way a piece of minimalistic music flows rhythmically gradually reaching its goal.The purpose of all these is not to interfere with the quality of the film,but to accord the audience more enjoyment space as they experience the ethereal and atmospheric changes in the sound and image. Thus creating a more natural synchronies of these two elements. In the film the Golden Age, background music in the film is used to assist viewers to understand the different linking of the film like scenes, images and others. An example is that the film for example uses particular music for known characters or situations by repeating them at the start or commencement of the situation. Its main purposes in the film are that it reminds the audiences of the motifs or ideas used in the film and their actual meanings. The film sound in the Golden Age is also comprised of numerous conventions and innovations. An example is that it has become quiet
Thursday, January 23, 2020
HP-48SX Scientific Expandable Calculator Essay -- Technology Calculato
HP-48SX Scientific Expandable Calculator History The HP-48SX Scientific Expandable calculator was manufactured by Hewlett Packard and the copyright is dated 1989. At the time of release, the HP-48 series was the most advanced line of scientific calculators available to those in the technical fields. I purchased the calculator in 1991 through a high school mathematics program. It has been used extensively since then for virtually every class I have taken. So far, the calculator has never malfunctioned. Material The main material of the HP-48SX is plastic. The case is hard brown plastic. The front panel is a thin metal sheet with soft plastic buttons. The screen is a large liquid crystal display. For a much more detailed description of a similar calculator, see Kim Myers' identification section for her HP-48G. Construction The internal parts of the HP-48SX consist mainly of a small CPU and its associated connections. These connections were made by soldering. The external case of the calculator was made using the technique of injection molding. The calculator was built for convenience of use. The size is perfect for the palm of the hand. Also, rubber stoppers on the bottom panel ensure the calculator does not slip on many surfaces. Design As mentioned above, the design and construction of the calculator make it convenient and easy to use. Also, the symbols used follow standard conventions which reduces the chance of confusion. The ability to produce characters of both the English and Greek alphabets gives the user the ability to write any word or equation. The keypad interface is arranged for simple use. All the buttons are labeled clearly with primary, secondary, and tertiary operations. Functions not contr... ... peers with respect to technological possessions. My HP represents my first step into high tech equipment. Lastly, my HP-48SX symbolizes success. With its assistance, I feel I can conquer any problem. Its functions gives me the capability to do so. Also, I can check my current success by accessing the grades I hold in memory. I feel that as long as I have and use my HP-48SX Scientific Expandable calculator I will never fail. I examined my calculator with a focus on academics. Many other students did not interpret their artifacts in the same terms. Alicia Moyer wrote on a turkey sandwich and the practical and recreational aspects of it. She considers her sandwich not only a meal, but also a "work of art," as well as a mental break from her schoolwork. Her artifact study is another example of one done on a utilitarian object but with a slightly different focus.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Examine the Advantages and Disadvantages to the Possible Future
There is a growing crisis over the world’s energy resources to try and find sustainable solutions to the world’s problems. There are 3 responses to help cover the crisis; Business as usual, Multi-energy solution and energy conservation. The business as usual scenario involve the world to keep using the fossil fuels and the International Energy Agency predicts that fossil fuels will still dominate energy into 2030, which cancels out the predictions of fossil fuels running out by then with the growing population and the rapid development of nations such as China and India.This solution would involve natural gas consumption doubling and oil to increase by 1. 4 billion barrels a day. There are a number of advantages and disadvantages to this solution. One advantage is that that development will continue without constraints which mean countries won’t have to spend time and money on developing any sustainable solutions, they can just continue with fossil fuels and deve lop as nations which would increase economic growth and the wealth of the countries would increase.Another advantage would include that it is very costly to switch to a sustainable solution because the energy will need to be collected and stored and would need to be implemented around the whole country which costs a lot, and for developing nations this would mean that they can’t use that money for better purposes. Disadvantages would include fuel cost increasing. Because of the growing demand from developing nations and the increasing populations within countries, this would mean a higher price because supply is running out so eventually only the rich countries would be able to afford the oil.Also, as it is such a necessity good, consumers are willing to pay any price to get the oil or resource. Another disadvantage is that global warming would accelerate faster. With this response, more fossil fuels are being burnt, hence increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the air wh ich would enhance the greenhouse effect. The second possible solution is Multi-Energy Solution which is meeting future energy demands from a mixture of renewable, recyclable and non renewable sources.This would mean countries would have energy security to maintain an affordable supply for people and industry. Some advantages of this solution are that the country is not dependent on one type of source meaning that its energy secure. For example, wind power is useful for windy places but if for some days there is a lack of wind, people won’t have energy, so the country could use solar or nuclear energy to support their needs.Another advantage would be using enough of the fossil fuels now, while developing the new type of sustainable renewable sources which will be very useful, thus creating jobs into that type of research and development. Disadvantages would include renewable energy has its costs such as it is very expensive to build and maintain, collecting and storing the ene rgy is difficult and it is very inconsistent. This type of energy would include solar and wind power, so they might not choose to use it when it is still developing as a type of sustainable source of energy which would ensure security.If a country is using nuclear power, then it could be very dangerous as the storing of the waste would become expensive and might harm the surrounding environment. Although it is a very reliable energy source, countries are unlikely to use it because of Chernobyl and if that happened today, the effects will be much worse. The last possible solution is Energy conservation which is a response to meeting the increasing demand based on decreasing the amount of energy we use.Reasons why they would want to reduce consumption are based on reducing costs, reducing harmful emissions and promoting energy security. Advantages are that it will satisfy environmentalists because they would be using sustainable solutions and cutting down on fossil fuels which would d ecelerate the greenhouse effect. Another possible advantage is that renewable energy would develop as the main source of energy countries would use, which means not using fossil fuels and so unnatural weather patterns and disasters won’t occur.Some disadvantages are that the transition from non-renewable to renewable is very expensive as installation, storing and distributing the power will all cost money and could be very unreliable at the start meaning countries won’t be energy secure. Also, countries will reject the plea of changing to renewable energy sources as they will want to develop as nations like we did and would want to have the industrial revolution and use up as much as they can to grow the country economically.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Discourse On Method And Meditations On First Philosophy
Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy was written by Rene Descarte. His main focus was to decide if God was real or not and if God created him or not. In Meditation Five, Descarte states that God existed because he has prior knowledge of materialistic things. He states that he recalls objects without prior knowledge of them, and that everyone perceives all the objects in the same type of manner. In the end of the mediation he closes it out by stating that, we all can think of non existent things with the same idea of what they are without them existing, thus proving that God exists in some manner, creating us with this information. In Meditation Five, Descarte focuses on proving God’s existence by considering the properties belonging to God s essence. In this paper Descarte is trying to prove the existence of God through his pre existing knowledge of objects and ideas. He is wrong due to his examples being based on the big picture and not the small details th at prove his ideas wrong. Descarte was big on the idea of morals and God. In meditation five, Descarte states â€Å"when I examine those ideas of corporeal objects that are distinct and not confused, I find that these are properties concerned with extension and duration: length, breadth, depth, size, shape, position, and movement†. What he means here is that basically everything has its own special characteristics and its own place in the world. Next, he states that â€Å"although they seem to be already inShow MoreRelated The Folly of Renà © Descartes’ Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy1462 Words  | 6 PagesThe Folly of Renà © Descartes’ Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy In order to embark on his quest for truth, Descartes first devises his four rules which should serve as a solid foundation for all else that he comes to understand. 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Descartes knew that if he has a mind and is thinking thoughts then he must be something that has the ability to think. While he did prove that he is a thinking thing that thinks (Meditation 3; 28), he was unable to formulate correct and true philosophical arguments and claims. For instance, his argument for faith that a non-deceiving God exists and allows us to clearly reason and perceive was a circular argument. Another issue with Descartes philosophy is that heRead MoreEssay Rene Descartess View on God1300 Words  | 6 PagesHis existence. After an unforgettable night in November 10, 1619, his interest in God became stronger, and had developed many views that concerned or were about God. 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Emerson’s thesis merely expounds from Descartes and Plato’s philosophies. He builds from Descartes’ search for self-identity and reconciles Plato’s skepticism with his views of self-trust and unconformity among scholars. Throughout â€Å"Mediations I and II†, Descartes disputes definitions of reality and identity, establishing a precursor to Emerson’s philosophy. Initially, Descartes questions all notions of being. In â€Å"Mediation I†, Descartes begins his argumentRead More A Humean Critique of Descartes Essay2559 Words  | 11 PagesA Humean Critique of Descartes Montreal has big potholes. Lots of them. If one is to truly understand the philosophy of Hume and Descartes, one must understand what they would do with crummy roads as civil engineers in Montreal. Hume would probably repave the roads based on the success of past designs and the results of empirical data. 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