Thursday, September 3, 2020
Strategy of An Organizational Changes †
Question: Talk about the Strategy of An Organizational Change. Answer: The referenced expressions are taken from the book, The Science of Successful Organizational Change by Paul Gibbons. In this book the writer mirrors his idea on the way that logical proof isn't essential to demonstrate everything. There are numerous books on authoritative change that absolutely features the strategies and techniques of progress however this book concentrated on the sound procedure of a hierarchical change which diminishes the requirement for a more extensive strategic mediation of progress. This book is sorted in three sections change nimbleness, change procedure and change strategies. A piece of progress authority is additionally included (Gibbons, 2015). The scope of progress issue brings up two issues in this book, one, what is the genuine measure of progress? Two, what amount change is fizzled? Change relies upon another significant factor, for example administration. So it tends to be inferred that because of the absence of business training numerous pioneers ar e not appropriately outfitted with the components which lead to change (Anderson, 2016). As indicated by the creators, the capacity to rapidly make, learn, adjust and imagine is a fundamental nature of this VUCA (unpredictability, vulnerability, multifaceted nature, vagueness) world. It isn't proper for each change to include broken trust, outer danger or inadvertent outcomes. In such a circumstance, the business endures because of the exhausted, debilitated and unready significant changes. Change deftness offers ascend to versatile associations, something that emerges because of disturbance in advances and set a standard for the business just as others to follow. Change procedure is looked onto when there is no strategic intercession to the faulty system and that which prompts determined changes in an association. It very well may be said that change strategies is better than the change procedure since this segment takes care of the contemporary human science for information to lead the people towards change (Battilana Casciaro, 2012). In an article Organizational change and improvement, it is referenced that hierarchical change is a significant factor in an association. Through this procedure, an association upgrades the presentation as it works and works to accomplish the perfect objective, as referenced by the creator. The change happens because of the progressions occurring in the earth, as a reaction to the ongoing emergency circumstance or now and then initiated by the pioneer himself. A hierarchical change to be fruitful should be balanced appropriately as well as legitimate overseeing characteristics. There are various variables which are considered for the hierarchical change to be effective. The article expressed the reasons answerable for the adjustments in association, the components, process, approaches, the board, obstruction and other such measure bringing about the breakdown. In the event that it is looked from an inactive perspective, the adjustments in an association are only responses to the stea dy change in the earth and the response of the ongoing emergency circumstance. In another manner, an increasingly enthusiastic perspective is that it is started by a functioning trough. Also, changes in an association are explicitly recognizable when it has recently experienced the move of official force (Beitler, 2013). It very well may be contended that as association is a social framework in this manner the entirety of its parts influence different parts as well. This is intended to state that the interconnection between the parts is solid to such an extent that the impact on one section gets moved to different parts. However, this association isn't simply constrained to the pieces of the association; it has spread to the general condition likewise, the writer referenced. With the activity of the association all the associations and connections gets more grounded and that prompts the deliberate and methodical conduct of the association (Blackmore Sachs, 2012). It is said that the complete arrangement of the association including the relationship among the parts is in a harmony state. It turns into a standard lifestyle and any disturbance in this arrangement of life applies some power on the components which have gotten adjusted to that standard of life. It develops a circumstance which may propose an acknowledgment of the circumstance or less of enthusiasm for it or there may be pressure instead of the interruption. There are a few circumstances where the acknowledgment or obliviousness of the interruption probably won't fluctuate however the acknowledgment alludes to participation while dismissal alludes to not being intrigued. Cameron and Green said that, the phrased importance of progress is the alteration that happens in the complete structure of an association or nature. It tends to be legitimately said that change is the law of nature. It is the main consistent thing. It has a few attributes like - change happens because of the power applied both inside and outside an association; there is an effect on the general association if there is any adjustment in any part; change is a predictable factor and it can shift in speed and degree yet it makes certain to occur (Cameron Green, 2015). Despite what might be expected, associations that neglect to achieve legitimate ideal changes in an association have a hopeless possibility of endurance. One reason for the pace of increment in change relies upon the information and innovation, developments being made at a consistent and rising rate. Change isn't something that will vanish or disappear out of nowhere. The quickening development in change will happen because of the innovation, late applications and the suddenness of imaginative thoughts and considerations. The troughs and their undertakings whether, administration or assembling, private or open, will consistently be assessed on their capacity to achieve successful change in the association and overseeing it proficiently (Choi, 2011). In any case, the supervisors of the mid 21st century, their capacity to oversee change were decided on the diminishing in time scales. The speed at which changes occur has expanded hugely. Supervisors nowadays need to confront increasingl y convoluted and dynamic workplaces. Assembly has been occurring between the advancements and items just as the enterprises that they support. Because of this assembly of administrations, items and ventures, there is an expanding acknowledgment of exhaustive methodology for the deals and promoting of items and administrations which will settle on the buying choices simple. The difficulties in system are intended to expand the worth and simultaneously, decline the gracefully cost. These are in the run of turning into the most utilized components for rivalry sooner rather than later (Fugate, Prussia Kinicki, 2012). Order over the flexibly chain just as its obliteration will make great business movement in the serious worldwide market. Makers these days make the items as well as circulates through appropriate system of vendors hence giving a decent scope of fund which can be identified with various protection bundles. To contend over the reality it very well may be said that change alludes to moving to an obscure state from the known, explicitly from present to what's to come. Associations simply plan, understanding and experience change by speculation if the change powers can be received or managed. Happened change can't be anticipated from previously and emerges because of the outside variables (March, 2013). It prompts enduring as it isn't in direct control however happens when the association arrive at the extraordinary purpose of any circumstance. Episodes like flattening which can happen whenever and the association has no influence over it. Receptive change happens totally as a delayed consequence of any circumstance or an occasion. The vast majority of the associations are commonly engaged with responsive changes which can be steady change. As it is clarified by the creators, such changes happen when the organization is sought after of items or administrations or an emergency circumstance emerges. Expectant change happens when there is a desire or expectation of any circumstance or an occasion. Now and again associations can reshape themselves as per the future requests to achieve an expectant change. An arranged or formative change happens when there is a need to actualize new ways for development (Engestrm Sannino, 2011). It is a deliberate change to accomplish a fixed yield. Steady changes are versatile in nature and guided at the essential level to concentrate on the littler units of an association. Operational changes happen when there is a need to improve the nature of items or administrations in the association to adapt up to the market rivalry (Schroeder, 2012). Vital change alludes to the adjustment in a general part of the association including its techniques. Directional changes happen when there is high rivalry or change in the arrangement and methodology. Central change alludes to forming of the crucial target of the association. Complete change covers a general correcting of staff, vision, and execution (Thomas, Hardy, 2011). The end that can be drawn from this contentious article is that the most well-known elements of hierarchical change incorporate technique, vision, framework, structure, culture, creation innovation and administration style. These components are a lot of persuasive for one another. The innovation of vision is reliant on the usage of ideal system for the associations culture. Along these lines, the technique where the progressions occur in an association, whenever considered from an orderly perspective, various focuses of progress are considered in totality for achieving an effective authoritative change. Authoritative change clarifies production of the awkwardness in the previously existing hierarchical example which will in general set up harmony in the earth. References Anderson, D. L. (2016).Organization turn of events: The way toward driving authoritative change. Sage Publications. Battilana, J., Casciaro, T. (2012). Change specialists, organize
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Jet Blue Case Study Essay Example for Free
Fly Blue Case Study Essay This paper will inspect in detail the human asset systems, arrangements, and practices that were created by Ann Rhoades who was the Executive Vice President of People at JetBlue Airways. Ms. Rhoades was creative with the advancement of the new HR arrangements, which up to that time had never been executed by some other startup carrier association. Alongside the methodologies, arrangements, and practices, there were ï ¬ ve fundamental beliefs that were additionally settled. These qualities gave an all-encompassing vision to JetBlue Airways so as to coordinate all association exercises whether inner or outside. The five guiding principle were security, mindful, uprightness, fun, and enthusiasm, which from JetBlue Airway’s the board perspective was that on the off chance that representatives were cheerful, at that point that would prompt more prominent fruitful enlistment and more noteworthy worker consistency standards, which would possibly diminish or dispense with the probability of an association endeavoring to unionize the organization. Three National Equal Employment Opportunity Laws JetBlue Airways recruiting rehearses were agreeable with the equivalent business opportunity laws, which incorporated the accompanying: †¢ Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title VII , which precludes work separation dependent on race , shading , religion , sex , or national starting point †¢ Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title VI, which forbids against avoidance from investment, trying to claim ignorance of advantages of, and segregation under governmentally helped programs on ground of race, shading or national source. †¢ Equal Pay Act of 1963, which ensures people who perform to an enormous degree equivalent work in a similar foundation from sex-based compensation separation. (The U.S. Equivalent Employment Opportunity Commission, 2009) The recruiting rehearses that were built up by Ms. Rhoades depended on five qualities, which were wellbeing, fun, mindful, uprightness, and enthusiasm. These qualities were the foundation of JetBlue Airways employi ng reasoning. So, JetBlue Airway’s new work model from the time the association was framed was to concentrate on choosing specific representatives that would best fit into the company’s fundamental beliefs rather than concentrating on the employee’s aptitudes and experience. This imaginative methodology could make a workplace that would advance a more elevated level of fulfillment among the employee’s and staff, yet would likewise make a work space that would be progressively uniform, which would imply that all representatives would have comparable work qualities and practices. Be that as it may, this procedure of recruiting requires a more noteworthy subjectivity. By Jetblue Airways own affirmation, they utilized â€Å"a focused on choice procedure to distinguish workers who were destined to ï ¬ t.†furthermore, JetBlue gave tweaked business bundles proposed to â€Å"ensure by and large value in treatment†(The contextual analysis of JetBlue Airways Sta rting from Scratch, 2001). For instance, when JetBlue Airways offered a work bundle for ï ¬â€šight orderlies, there was an inclination toward understudies. This inclination in recruiting undergrads was evident in light of the fact that JetBlue Airways offered more in the method of ï ¬ nancial remuneration and lower aberrant beneï ¬ ts. Furthermore, JetBlue Airways additionally offered an assortment of special and imaginative compensation and remuneration bundles for their pilots, incline laborers, and ticket operators, which were custom fitted around the employee’s needs as opposed to the requirements of the association. JetBlue Airways Internal Recruitment Method The primary focal point of an inward enlistment process inside an association is to fill empty places that become open after some time as well as to advance a worker in lieu of looking for an applicant outside of the association, which spares the association from paying the preparation costs related with the preparation of new representatives. Be that as it may, JetBlue Airways interior enrollment strategy was to enlist known veterans of the business from contending aircrafts. For instance, David Neelman CEO of JetBlue Airlines initially worked for Southwest Airlines as their official VP, so Mr. Neelman created working associations with numerous inside Southwest Airlines and in this manner enlisted those equivalent individuals to JetBlue Airways as his supervisory group, for example, Ann Rhoades. JetBlue Airways External Recruitment Method Outside enlistment by an association can be through an assortment of mediums, for example, notices, enrollment organizations, and individual suggestions. The upside of outside enrollment for an association is that it can make a bigger pool of candidates from which the association can pick the best up-and-comer from. JetBlue Airways followed the conventional course of publicizing in a paper. The promotion for reservation operators was put in a Salt Lake City paper, which brought about a holding up rundown of twenty 500 candidates. The result of JetBlue Airways enrollment process both interior and outer was exceptionally effective, which was credited to Ann Rhoades involvement with HR. Moreover, the techniques utilized by JetBlue to pull in representatives made an exceptionally vigorous and experienced supervisory crew and as previously mentioned a holding up rundown of twenty 500 candidates. Faculty Selection Numerous associations use a standard meeting determination process which comprises of a pre-built up inquiries so as to gauge the applicant’s aptitudes and capabilities. Notwithstanding, JetBlue Airways led a meeting procedure for their mechanics and pilots that was exceptionally one of a kind. The way toward meeting the pilots depended on JetBlue Airways five qualities that were converted into explicit unfortunate and attractive social circumstances. Inquiries questions were then presented in regard to the pilot’s past conduct and how that specific conduct related into their dynamic procedure, which was extraordinary considering a pilot must settle on the spot judgment calls each day inside a clamorous situation. Besides, numerous questioners were utilized in the meeting procedure; the thinking for the different questioners was that on the off chance that a pilot were to be chosen for recruit, at that point all questioners must arrive at an agreement as opposed to a normal. The meeting procedure for the technicians was fundamentally the same as that of the pilots, however somewhat extraordinary in that the repairmen were met with one of the five JetBlue Airway esteems as the point of convergence of the meeting. The one worth was respectability, which an intelligent methodology considering the wellbeing of travelers and the mechanical dependability of a plane is needy the repairman to do what is moral. Execution Appraisal System The idea of execution examinations have been around for more than sixty years and it is a strategy by which a boss assesses the activity execution of a subordinate in a formal organized condition. This audit appears as an intermittent meeting either semi yearly or yearly premise in which the work execution of the subordinate is inspected and talked about. Shortcomings and qualities in execution are distinguished and the director traces open doors for the subordinate to improve in those recognized territories. The three factors that impact a presentation evaluation framework incorporate the accompanying: †¢ The examination ought to be founded on standard †¢ Employee ought to have contribution to advancement of the standard †¢ Appraiser ought to be somebody who has watched employee’s work 360-Degree Feedback Evaluation 360 degree criticism is a representative improvement input component that is gotten from workers inside the organization. This incorporates administrators, collaborators, and subordinate staff, which is viewed as inner inside the association. Interestingly, outer criticism is gotten from the clients and providers. It otherwise called multi-rater input framework since it is closed from a few gatherings inside and outside the organization. The primary purpose behind utilizing the 360 degree input is to discover how you are thought of. What's more, to make the outcomes more target as opposed to subject; there is an unbiased gathering that is included. Ultimately, 360 degree input gives the best knowledge into representative presentation than some other examination technique. The three favorable circumstances of utilizing the 360 degree input incorporate the accompanying: 1. As the strategy of do the 360-degree examination need to have many individuals to do the assessment for the staff, it might remember the staff for the organization, from the top (administrator) to the base (partners), even some outer sources, for example, the clients. On the off chance that it is directed well, this can give the worker an increasingly extensive and precise view for the assessment and furthermore it is useful for the staff’s self-improvement. It is more exhaustive than other examination techniques since they may just need the director to do the assessment. 2. It builds the validity of the examination result. Since the 360-degree examination techniques need many individuals to complete it, as referenced before it might incorporate of the administrator additionally other staff, it can lessen the out of line of the outcome. It is on the grounds that it contain everyone’s perspective, not just the administrator or any single staff, at that point they can't give a few remarks that show the assessed representative is awesome or not, at that point help the staff effectively get the chance to elevate to higher position or cause the staff to lose the employment. It can show that this examination can assist with expanding the believability of the evaluation result. 3. The criticism from the friends can assist with upgrading the staff’s self-advancement. Few out of every odd evaluation techniques will likewise incorporate the criticism from the companions, that may just decide by the supervisor, so it isn't effortlessly show the genuine presentation of the staff since the administrator may not watch the exhibition of the staff in each and every minutes and they may just have an obscured impre
Friday, August 21, 2020
Growth of Facebook and Management Samples †
Question: Talk about the Growth of Facebook and Management. Answer: Different dangers to Facebook: Facebook has conveyed huge return over the period Industry hazard Facebook achievement can be upset due to advancing contending informal communities as far as quality of system of organization, client base and adaptation. Perhaps the greatest player in industry is MySpace. Expanding rivalry in industry has the chance of debilitating and uprooting the serious situation of Facebook. Market chance The valuation of organization can't be supported notwithstanding of utilizing to their monstrous clients. The promoting model of organization is in spite of the fact that creating astounding outcomes, the transformation of deals from versatile advertisements is low contrasted with work area choices. There exist hazard whether association will have any extensive improvement over this issue. Money chance Business of Facebook is ever developing at universal level and it is presented to danger of change in level of cash of various working organizations. An absolute income of $ 3.54 billion is recorded in year 2014 and it was said that income development would have been higher by 49% if there would not been any change in money level. Accordingly, it is gathered that income created by association is essentially affected by change in remote cash level as the recorded income would have been higher because of general reinforcing dollars outside United Sates. Execution ascribed to the executives of association: The majority of development of Facebook is baited to capacity of the board to keep connect an ever increasing number of guests to site. Facebook encounters fantastic increment in income produced and net gain year on year. Execution of organization is created from a few endeavors of the board, for example, making key acquisitions and recruiting specific representatives. So as to serve the current clients in a superior manner, association keeps on making interest in center administrations and items. One of the long piece of the executives system of Facebook is acquisitions for including corresponding administrations, items and specific organizations. In year 2016, obtaining of faciometrics by Facebook upgraded video enhancements and photograph of Facebook. Innovative news ways are created by the board for selling their administrations and items through applications. Publicizing business has been spread by organizations through improvement of photograph sharing applications and famous i nforming (Berk et al. 2012). In this manner, it tends to be said that endeavors of the executives has added to upgraded development and extension of business. References: Berk, Jonathan; DeMarzo, Peter Harford, Jarrad. 2012.Fundamentals of corporate account. Harlow: Pearson. Ezez. 2017. Facebook sign in or sign up.Facebook.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
The Theme of Freedom in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Free Essay Example
Freedom is Americas greatest attribute and characteristic, nevertheless, one can debate whether or not the idea has always been present in the country. Authors such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Walt Whitman, and Emily Dickinson demonstrate true American pride when writing. However, the dark side of the thought is shown as well. Slavery is a part of the sinful history of America, which in turn, inspired authors such as Mark Twain to write novels like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The book and character, Huckleberry Finn, face many struggles with freedom such as his need to become free from the Widows confinement, the choice of society or himself, and a debate of whether the book should be banned or not due to the choice of words Mark Twain uses. Mark Twain introduces the protagonist of the novel, Huckleberry Finn, as an uneducated, wild, and independent child. Shadowed by the Widow, Huck is sivilized into being well conformed and polite. However, the reader is quick to realize that Huck is an independent and adventurous person. Huckleberrys drive for freedom pushes him away from the Widow, and more towards himself. Being bound to the Widow does not allow him to express his personality, but steer him away from it instead. Near the beginning of the book, Huck argues, Then she told me all about the bad place, and I said I wished I was there. She got mad then, but I didnt mean no harm. All I wanted was to go somewheres; all I wanted was a change, I warnt particular. Huck expresses how he prefers to leave to a bad place than to spend himself trapped with the Widows teachings. Huck also understands that being free means that he can live his own life, by his own rules, and not worry about how he looks, talks, or acts. Throughout history, society has dictated mans rights to how one must act, look, believe, do, etc. Huckleberry Finn lived in a society where the color of a persons skin determined the result of ones life. Jim, the Widows African American slave, joined Huck on his adventure to freedom. Jim has convinced Huck to help him in his reach the North. Huck realizes that Jim IS a human being; despite Jims ethnicity and social principles. At the end of the book, Aunt Sally questions Huck and Tom about why they would want to help free a slave. Huck simply replies, No, I aint out of my head; I know all what Im talking about. We did set him free me and Tom. We laid out to do it, and we done it. And we done it elegant, too. Assertively, Huck defends Jim against the remarks that Aunt Sally is making. Mark Twain wanted to indicate that Huckleberry did not care about how Aunt Sally thought of him, because he was already used to that as a free-thinking person. The novel The founding fathers created a n ation based on the preservation of mans unalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Invisible Race and Gender in Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison
In Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, the unnamed narrator shows us through the use motifs and symbols how racism and sexism negatively affect the social class and individual identity of the oppressed people. Throughout the novel, the African American narrator tells us the story of his journey to find success in life which is sabotaged by the white-dominated society in which he lives in. Along his journey, we are also shown how the patriarchy oppresses all of the women in the novel through the narrator’s encounters with them. One of the major motifs in Invisible Man is blindness. The first time we’re shown blindness in the novel is at the battle royal. The blindfolds that all of the contestants wear symbolize how the black society is†¦show more content†¦Then in my minds eye I see the bronze statue of the college Founder, the cold Father symbol, his hands outstretched in the breathtaking gesture of lifting a veil that flutters in hard, metallic folds above the face of a kneeling slave; and I am standing puzzled, unable to decide whether the veil is really being lifted, or lowered more firmly in place; whether I am witnessing a revelation or a more efficient blinding†(Ellison 36). The empty-eyed statue is a symbol of the black society’s false freedom. He says that the veil is lowered more firmly into place to illustrate how American society is completely blinded from the fact that black men are not completely free. On the surface, it seems like they are free, but they are still oppressed. Our own narrator is still half-blind to this oppression of his race. They are unable to have success like the white man, even though the college fools them into thinking they can. They are still controlled by the white culture. The Founder is also a symbol himself of black identity within the white society. The founder was a successful black man who we never learn the name of. This is because his identity, along with our nameless narrator, doesn’t matter in the white dominated society. Although he founded the college to help black people find success just like he did, his actions were somehow lost within this bird-soiled statue. We are also shown blindness through Mr. Norton. Just like most ofShow MoreRelated Invisible Man Essay: Searching for Black Identity in a White World1229 Words  | 5 PagesInvisible Man: Searching for Black Identity in a White World       Ralph Ellisons Invisible Man was published at a time when America was racially divided. The novel presents the theme of the lack of black identity – a theme supported by the fact that the protagonist, Invisible Man, has no name. The reader knows the names of Dr. Bledsoe, Ras-the-Exhorter, Brother Jack and others - but the reader does not know the name of the main character. Ellisons leaves it to the reader to decide whoRead MoreSummary Of Invisible Man1450 Words  | 6 PagesRalph Ellison was a 20th century African-American writer and scholar, who also studied music before moving to New York City, where he worked as a writer. Ralph Ellison was born on March 1st, 1914 in Oklahoma City. In 1936, Ellison went to New York City for an internship and while he was there he earned money for his college expenses. He was a researcher and writer in New York for The Federal Writers Program. Plot Summary: Invisible Man is a story by Ralph Ellison, told in the point of view ofRead MoreEssay on Impact of Rasicm on Idenity in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man1293 Words  | 6 PagesIn society, there are many misconceptions in terms of racism. According to the merriam-webster dictionary, racism is define the belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others . Many people would agree with that definition. What is racism? The normal person if asked will simply reply, not liking someone for the color of their skin. Racism from my attitude which is substantiated by historical events is a system of power .ThereforeRead MoreIdenity Affected by Racism Essay1202 Words  | 5 Pages In society there is a lot of misconception of the term racism. According to the merriam-webster dictionary members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of others race which many people would agree with. What is racism? The normal person if asked will simply reply, not liking someone for their color of their skin. Racism from my attitude which is substantiated by historically events is a system of power .Thus is a system of power i.e. to control the world and its people. EmployedRead MoreTo look at Charles W. White’s paintings is to see early 1900s Black America through the lens of a800 Words  | 4 Pagespaintings is to see early 1900s Black America through the lens of a social realist. African-American novelist Ralph Ellison stood behind men and women, like Charles White who used art to express their personal views on their experiences of being Black in America (Heritage Gallery). â€Å"Most of the social realists of the period were concerned less with trag edy than with injustice,†said Ellison during a 1955 interview published in the Paris Review. â€Å"I wasn’t, and am not, primarily concerned with injusticeRead MoreAnalysis Of Double Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston And Invisible Man1335 Words  | 6 PagesNeale Hurston and Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison are considered a bildungsroman. In the case of those two novels, there is one unique concept that contributes to their examples of self discovery. Double consciousness is that idea. It emphasizes how a person may struggle to adapt to more than one varying identities in order to fill a role within society. Double consciousness is present in both novels through the mindset and actions of characters who try to conform to the gender and racial roles placedRead MoreInvisible, Invisible Man, By Ralph Ellison1994 Words  | 8 PagesInvisible Race and Gender in Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison In Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, the unnamed narrator shows us through the use motifs and symbols how racism and sexism negatively affect the social class and individual identity of the oppressed people. Throughout the novel, the African American narrator tells us the story of his journey to find success in life which is sabotaged by the white-dominated society in which he lives in. Along his journey, we are also shown how the patriarchyRead MoreAnalysis Of Ralph Ellison s Invisible Man1190 Words  | 5 PagesSocial Position in Invisible Man In Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man, the author portrays a world in which black men are dominated by a white, racist patriarchy. With this, Ellison draws a connection between both the plight of women and black menâ€â€both are oppressed by white males. The author repeatedly portrays women’s suffering from invisibility by continuously erasing their human presence throughout the novel since they only function as devices for men to use. More-so, Ellison depicts how menâ€â€includingRead MoreLiterary Analysis : `` Invisible Man `` Essay1905 Words  | 8 Pagesactivist, Pan-Africanist, author, and editor and he explored a societal idea that other authors, poets, and short story writers adapted in their pieces of writings as well. The theories of Du Bois’ â€Å"Double Consciousness†made its way into Ralph Ellison s novel Invisible Man, and Langston Hughes series of poems. All of these authors wrote about Double Consciousness in there own way but never cha nged the real meaning of it being, it describes the individual sensation of feeling as though your identity isRead More Racism and Identity in Ralph Ellison’s The Invisible Man Essay2209 Words  | 9 PagesIn Ralph Ellison’s novel The Invisible man, the unknown narrator states â€Å"All my life I had been looking for something and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what it was†¦I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself the question which I, and only I, could answer†¦my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with: That I am nobody but myself. But first I had to discover that I am an invisible man!†(13). throughout the novel, the search for
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Edgar Allan Poes The Cask of the Amontillado Essay
Something Unexpected Poe has written a several different stories relating to being buried alive, â€Å"The Premature Burial†and â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†being the most popular. Edgar Allan Poe â€Å"was one of the seminal American poets and short story writers of the nineteenth century†he was an influencer for writers like Charles Baudelaire and Jules Verne. Poe lost both of his parents as a child and was raised with a foster family and lost his foster mom early, too. He lost many of his loved ones throughout his life including his wife shortly after he was married. All of these losses had a significant effect on him and influenced his stories (Edgar Allan Poe - Biography). â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado is a well-known piece of literature by†¦show more content†¦According to Michael Jay Lewis’s â€Å"Refining a Fortunato Amontillado†, the process of making this wine can be compared to the plan that Montresor has for Fortunato. This is because as Montresor and Fortunato are going through the catacombs Fortunato starts to appear â€Å"as a piece of art, a product of his own creation (Lewis, Michael Jay 179-183). The revenge in this piece of literature is somewhat overwhelmingly drastic, ending in death by being buried alive. To get this point across, Poe has used several different literary devices. Throughout â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†Poe uses dramatic irony to show the revenge in its fullest. Dramatic irony can be defined as a plot device in which the audience or readers knowledge of events or individuals surpasses that of the characters (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica). Fortunato’s last words are â€Å"for the love of god,†with nothing said after that it signified his death and the revenge of Montresor being a success. Montresor has a precise plan ready to put into play. What Montresor knows is that Fortunato loves his wines and that he would not turn it down. Montresor uses this to get Fortunato hooked on the idea of going to get some of this amazing Amontillado. From this point,Show MoreRelatedEdgar Allan Poes Cask Of Amontillado1858 Words  | 8 PagesEdgar Allan Poe’s â€Å"Cask of Amontillado†is a grim masterpiece. In this work Edgar Allan Poe tells the story of Montresor and how he achieves revenge towards Fortunato. The use of first person narration in this story allows the audience to gain a better understanding of Montresor’s personality as the story unfolds. From reading and analyzing this story I have found that the main character Montresor is extremely intellectual, emotionally static or numb, and lastly he is unremorseful. With literatureRead MoreAnalysis Of Edgar Allan Poes The Cask Of Amontillado772 Words  | 4 Pagesdifferentiate one author from another. Poe, he was unique; one could recognize his work through his unique style. Edgar Allan Poe had a unique writing style and expressed this through the use of dashe s, first person point of view and dialogue. Dialogue tends to be a major element Poe uses to convey a message or feeling. His use of dialogue can be found in â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†when he writes; Nitre? he asked, at length.Nitre, I replied. How long have you had that cough? (Poe 43-44)Read More Edgar Allan Poes, The Cask of Amontillado as a Description of Poes Life791 Words  | 4 PagesEdgar Allan Poes, The Cask of Amontillado as a Description of Poes Life The cast of Amontillado was written by Allan Poe at a time when he felt he was being unjustly attacked. Most critics believe that the cask of Amontillado was written by Poe against his critics in the Mirror. I believe the cask of Amontillado is a story of Revenge and Hatred against some friends whom be believed had wrongfully accused him. A review of Allan Poe as a person and his experiences in life is essential a clearRead More Edgar Allan Poes The Cask of Amontillado and The Raven Essay608 Words  | 3 PagesEdgar Allan Poes The Cask of Amontillado and The Raven Edgar Allan Poe was one of the greatest writers of the nineteenth century. Perhaps he is best know for is ominous short stories. Two of these stories were The Cask of Amontillado and The Raven. In these short stories Poe uses imagery in many different forms to enhance the mood and setting of the story. In my essay I will approach three aspects of Poes use of imagery. These three are when Poe uses it to develop the setting, toRead MoreVowing Revenge in Edgar Allan Poe’s, The Cask of Amontillado861 Words  | 4 PagesIn Edgar Allan Poe’s, â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†begins by telling us that Montresor feels as Fortunato has hurt him. Fortunato has greatly insulted him, â€Å"the thousands of insults of Fortunato I had borne as best I could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge.†(Poe 165) Although, the lack of evidence throughout the story, we readers never know what the insult ever was. Montresor must get revenge. As Montresor is conducti ng hits revenge on Fortunato, it is the week of Carnival in ItalyRead More The Paradox of Revenge in Edgar Allan Poes The Cask of Amontillado1375 Words  | 6 PagesThe Paradox of Revenge in Edgar Allan Poes The Cask of Amontillado ?The Cask of Amontillado? raises a question pertaining to the multiple character of the self (Davidson 202); Can harmony of ones self be restored once primal impulses have been acted upon? This question proposes the fantasy of crime without consequence (Stepp 60). Edgar Allan Poe uses first person point of view, vivid symbolism and situational irony to show that because of mans inner self, revenge is ultimately not possibleRead MorePersonality In Edgar Allan Poes The Cask Of Amontillado785 Words  | 4 PagesIn paragraphs 1 through 23 of â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†Edgar Allan Poe takes the reader on a riveting mind game. As the reader reads the reader slowly realizes that the narrator is both an astute observer of his fellow humans and a frightening psychopath and he does this through steps and slowly letting the reader into the narrator’s mind. Early in the tale Montresor, the narrator, opens the story by stating that he has been irreparably insulted by his acquaintance, Fortunato, and that heRead MoreA Literary Reading of Edgar Allan Poes The Cask of Amontillado Using Traditional Approach802 Words  | 4 PagesEdgar Allan Poe was born in Boston on January 19, 1809. His parents were David and Elizabeth Poe. Edgars mother, Elizabeth, died when he was just 2 years old and after the death of his mother, he was adopted. His foster father was a successful merchant, so Edgar was able to go to good schools. When he was 6 years old, he went to England to study. He went to the University of Virginia when he was 17 years old. While in his university days, his father only gave him about a third of what he reallyRead MoreSymbolism and Irony Used in Edgar Allan Poes The Cask of Amontillado753 Words  | 3 PagesEdgar Allan Poe uses symbolism and irony in unison throughout â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†to demonstrate M ontresor’s villainous intentions. As the narrator, Montresor explains that although a friend named Fortunato has insulted him and deserves to be avenged. However, he has hidden his goal from Fortunato, giving no â€Å"cause to doubt [his] good will.†Montresor, aware of Fortunato’s influence, knows he must â€Å"not only punish, but punish with impunity.†Instead, he lures Fortunato to his grave with theRead MoreFor the Love of God, Poe! Essay1359 Words  | 6 PagesIt is not at all surprising that so many of Edgar Allan Poe’s works explore such themes as death, eyes, the power of the dead over the power of the living, retribution, the human conscience, and especially death and murder. From his disturbingly morbid short story â€Å"The Telltale Heart†to the mysteriously supernatural poem â€Å"The Raven†, Poe’s tales are a direct byproduct of the mayhem experienced in his life, as well as his (arguably) psychologically-tormented mind. Though all of this author†™s pieces
Art Controversy
Art Controversy-Piss Christ Essay When I initially saw Andres Serranos photo Piss Christ the piece was a complete turnoff. My first impulse was to judge the photo contrarily. There was a lack of understanding of how a piece like that could have creative qualities on the grounds that it was just so appalling and off-putting to take a gander at. I additionally felt that the photo was extremely annoying and disparaging to religions when all is said in done, regardless of what confidence one held. Likewise, the photo’s name elicited a similar response, Piss Christ, was similarly as offending as the photo itself. Despite the fact that Christ may not be a hallowed individual for a few, portraying him or some other sacrosanct individual in such a way is outstandingly inconsiderate and annoying. Despite the fact that I do not have confidence in Jesus, my abhorrence for the photo was less individual but rather more it was that I trusted it to be by and large impolite. My upbringing aimed to maintain the qualities for others’ convictions and religions and to never affront or ridicule them. Whats more, that is precisely what I thought Serrano was doing in Piss Christ; fundamentally, my first time seeing the photo made me feel sick. Nonetheless, as a man who comprehends and maintains the opportunities of this nation, I put stock in the right to speak freely or for this situation, the flexibility of expression. Thusly, in spite of the fact that I alongside numerous others may hate his work, I trust that he has the privilege to take pictures whatever he likes. Then again, on the grounds that he holds the privilege to photo what he wants, the group of onlookers holds the privilege to reject it. There is uncertainty to what Serranos thinking in shooting Piss Christ pertained to, or regardless of the possibility that it was his goal to affront or belittle Christ, yet in the wake of participating in this class I have come to comprehend that workmanship can be essentially anything one needs it to be. There are such a large number of craftsmen and thinkers that have contrasting conclusions on what craftsmanship is and what is correct or wrong in it, that there is no real way to genuinely ever have a set in stone classification for right and wrong. The submersion of Jesus Christ in urine is something that calls the attention of many people no matter their beliefs. Regardless, its specialty. The ungodly, alongside each other type of contention encompasses the colossal world we allude to as art. In the majority of its structures its motivations are general, and unavoidably subject to the feelings of all. In this manner, art is drawn closer and accomplished in an assortment of courses, speaking to each sort of individuals, socially, in a perfect world, religiously and politically. Art is man reaction to the reality that surrounds them. Defined art is the use of the creative energy keeping in mind the end goal to express thoughts or sentiments utilizing an assortment of media, one of a kind to each craftsman in the exact way it is executed (Phillips, 2016). Creative opportunity is critical, which means forced limits on these arrangements creates barriers to keep art from achieving its maximum capacity. We watch this in the government withholding of assets for artists whose pieces portray dubious, sexually unequivocal, or impious thoughts. An imaginative personality needs the flexibility to prosper. These minds require the fundamentals for development and profitability sufficient tutoring or preparing, and a satisfactory media amount to work with, at the very least (Shine, 2015). A few craftsmen are not as lucky as others, as you most likely are aware, and are a typical event. The occupation of craftsmen, and in addition the open door for one to achieve their maximum capacity depends frequently on the charity of others or the government funds the endeavor. Nowadays, we would expect that anybody sufficiently equipped to properly fill in a form for financial aid from the government would get himself or herself the vital help. However, artistic endeavors are not at the top of the list for government spending.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Truth about online custom writings Essay Example
Truth about online custom writings Paper The paper writing expresses the authors own opinion on a particular question or issue, without claiming to be fully interpreted, is consider as professional assignment writing. Such high quality papers are somewhere between a scientific article and a small essay-opinion. It does not require such strict narrative as a report. The manner of presentation of such essay writing occupies an average place between the scientific and journalistic style. During academic writing, you can insert citations into the text, but their volume should not exceed 1/3 of the volume of the text of the whole work. This means that professional writing involves working with literature and getting to know different opinions on the topic under consideration. In the other case you can just use custom writing services. They are ready and willing for college and university students whenever you need and whether you need. Writing essays term papers require some skill and inspiration. Writers and editors of essay writing industry will help you complete and cope with this task. It’s easy to order plagiarism free paper writing, just place order, fill out the application form and you will get the quality written essays done on the topic you need. Custom writing service can offer you the best value for money in the market. You can order custom essay writing online, and essay writers will follow your instructions. Scientific articles, electronic versions of books, legislative acts, information from electronic dictionaries (for example Wikipedia) are not considered as plagiarism. All writers check an essay for plagiarism free online on our website before submitting it to you and conform to the standard of our site. Works containing quotes from laws and regulations may have a lower percentage. The procedure of ordering the paper Click on the button Order essay on the main page of the site of writing company. 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Sunday, March 15, 2020
Harlem and the Blues essays
Harlem and the Blues essays The Harlem Renaissance marked the first time that mainstream publishers and critics took African American literature seriously. It was also the first time that African American literature and art attracted significant attention from the nation at large. Although it was primarily a literary movement, it was closely related to developments in African American music, art, theater and politics (Johnson 275). The movement emerged at the end of World War I in 1918, blossomed in the mid- to late 1920s, and then faded in the mid-1930s. There is a profound connection between the blues and the African–American literature and poetry that was produced during this significant time period. Much of what came out of the Harlem Renaissance can be credited to the use of blues. The blues created a social interaction between the blacks and whites, influenced some of America's greatest artists, allowed blacks to express their feelings and opened the eyes of many Americans by teaching the truth ab out Black heritage. In this essay, I will attempt to show the impact that the blues had on the Harlem Renaissance. The Blues evolved out of the African Americans struggle for freedom and equality. After the Civil War, Black churches were used for shelter and activity centers for former slaves. With the migration of Blacks from the South to the North, the Blues spread and became respected as a music genre (Nexum). In Harlem, the streets echoed of the blues flowing from the newest jazz clubs. For the first time in history, young middle-class whites were coming into black neighborhoods to listen to jazz. Blacks and whites began mixing in the speakeasies and cabarets. They joined on the dance floor and shared tables at the hottest jazz clubs to listen to the rhythms of a saxophone and the blues of man. The music connected the races as they etched a Black neighborhood onto the cultural map of the world (Anderson 199). Harlem was host to some of America's gre...
Friday, February 28, 2020
The Law of Electronic Commerce and the Internet Research Paper
The Law of Electronic Commerce and the Internet - Research Paper Example Irrespective of the contractual arrangements between the parties, the misleading and deceptive conduct provisions of the TPA and/or equivalent Fair Trading legislation may well apply, provided a sufficient jurisdictional nexus is established in relation to the relevant conduct. However, this is on particular problems arose by eBuy and Mr. John Online auction transactions. In the case of an eBay, auction company has control over the goods that are being auctioned. In this case of the auction, the buyers Mr. Paul paid $ 1500 the eBuy company for the goods Television. Misleading and deceptive conduct will extend to the layout of the site itself. In this regard factors such as the size, type, and color of the font, the prominence and location of hyperlinks, visibility and location of key terms and conditions, whether any distracting graphics or technology are used as well as other relevant circumstances, may be relevant to whether the Internet-based conduct is misleading or deceptive. In this case, terms and conditions of the eBay Company were not clear and the size was big so that customers clicking "I Accept" Button without reading and understanding the terms and conditions. And Mr. John was clicking "I Accept" Button without reading and understanding the terms and conditions.Mr. John's claim would depend, essentially, on whether he could establish that he was led to believe that the auction site eBay, through terms and conditions or through representations on the website, misled him as to the characteristics and security of the auction process. This issue was considered in the case of Evagora v eBay Australia & New Zealand Pty Limited [2001] VCAT 49, although, being a Tribunal decision, its precedent value is limited. In that case, Evagora successfully bid for a computer in an eBay hosted auction, which was paid for but never arrived. The seller of the computer was based overseas. Evagora claimed for his loss against eBay, arguing that he did not read eBay's user agreement and that eBay represented that the auction site was safe, which overrode the terms of the user agreement. eBay was held liable by the Tribunal for the loss suffered by Evagora. It is important that the terms and conditions on which a consumer participates in Online auctions website are clear, accurate, and accessible to avoid potential claims under sections 52 and 53. It is also important not to reduce or nullify the effectiveness of any terms and conditions by contrary or inconsistent representations or impressions given to users via the actual content of the website. Answer 2 Harry's Burger Farm collects personal details from Paul. Two years later Paul is upset when his health insurer charges a higher health insurance premium because he is deemed a 'high risk' heart attack candidate. Another insurer refuses to ensure his car, citing high clash statistics for owners of mobile phones.
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Limited Collection Brand in Marks & Spencer Essay
Limited Collection Brand in Marks & Spencer - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that Marks and Spencer Group (M&S) is a retailer of clothing, foods and Homeware. It operates through owned stores and franchise stores. The company has two reportable geographic segments: UK and international. M&S operates through a chain of 622 stores across UK and 278 international outlets throughout 34 countries worldwide The company's operations can be categorized under two divisions: food and general merchandise including clothing and home ware. The food division focuses on fresh, natural, healthy food; special celebration products; authentic ready meals and exceptional everyday food such as Oakham' chicken and Aberdeen Angus steaks. It chain of 205 franchised Simply Food' stores operates in railway stations, Heathrow Airport and motor service areas. These stores offers its customers an opportunity to shops between visits to the company's main stores. The clothing division product portfolio includes women's wear, men's wear, lingerie children's wear and footwear. Hong Kong, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Turkey offices provides the raw materials to the division. This division offers some prominent brands which includes: Autograph, Limited Collection, Cellozione, Blue Harbour, Girls Boutique, Per Una and Ceriso. The home division product and services caters homeware and home accessories; kitchen and tableware; lighting; and furniture products. The division also offers catalogue and online services.
Friday, January 31, 2020
Music for image Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Music for image - Essay Example Numerous theories are used in the film, The Golden Age which takes into account background music into to create emotions and rhythm for the film. In most and other cases, the emotion and rhythm is not always noticeable since it creates a tone for emotions or feelings for the characters and images used in the film. Moreover, in the film, music is used to over shadow change in mood for images and characters. An example is that dissonant music can be integrated to signify an approaching change of scenery or situation which is not visible for menace or disaster. Composers who have greatly influenced my piece include John Adams and James MacMillan whom am utmost indebted for gleaning from a lot of small but crucial compositional ideas. Nevertheless, I have listen to music by other composers who have written for film.These include: John Williams and Michael Giacchino, Ennio Morricone, Malcolm Anold Joe Hisaishi amongst others. The Golden Age is a constantly changing film that heads towards a particular goal,much the same way a piece of minimalistic music flows rhythmically gradually reaching its goal.The purpose of all these is not to interfere with the quality of the film,but to accord the audience more enjoyment space as they experience the ethereal and atmospheric changes in the sound and image. Thus creating a more natural synchronies of these two elements. In the film the Golden Age, background music in the film is used to assist viewers to understand the different linking of the film like scenes, images and others. An example is that the film for example uses particular music for known characters or situations by repeating them at the start or commencement of the situation. Its main purposes in the film are that it reminds the audiences of the motifs or ideas used in the film and their actual meanings. The film sound in the Golden Age is also comprised of numerous conventions and innovations. An example is that it has become quiet
Thursday, January 23, 2020
HP-48SX Scientific Expandable Calculator Essay -- Technology Calculato
HP-48SX Scientific Expandable Calculator History The HP-48SX Scientific Expandable calculator was manufactured by Hewlett Packard and the copyright is dated 1989. At the time of release, the HP-48 series was the most advanced line of scientific calculators available to those in the technical fields. I purchased the calculator in 1991 through a high school mathematics program. It has been used extensively since then for virtually every class I have taken. So far, the calculator has never malfunctioned. Material The main material of the HP-48SX is plastic. The case is hard brown plastic. The front panel is a thin metal sheet with soft plastic buttons. The screen is a large liquid crystal display. For a much more detailed description of a similar calculator, see Kim Myers' identification section for her HP-48G. Construction The internal parts of the HP-48SX consist mainly of a small CPU and its associated connections. These connections were made by soldering. The external case of the calculator was made using the technique of injection molding. The calculator was built for convenience of use. The size is perfect for the palm of the hand. Also, rubber stoppers on the bottom panel ensure the calculator does not slip on many surfaces. Design As mentioned above, the design and construction of the calculator make it convenient and easy to use. Also, the symbols used follow standard conventions which reduces the chance of confusion. The ability to produce characters of both the English and Greek alphabets gives the user the ability to write any word or equation. The keypad interface is arranged for simple use. All the buttons are labeled clearly with primary, secondary, and tertiary operations. Functions not contr... ... peers with respect to technological possessions. My HP represents my first step into high tech equipment. Lastly, my HP-48SX symbolizes success. With its assistance, I feel I can conquer any problem. Its functions gives me the capability to do so. Also, I can check my current success by accessing the grades I hold in memory. I feel that as long as I have and use my HP-48SX Scientific Expandable calculator I will never fail. I examined my calculator with a focus on academics. Many other students did not interpret their artifacts in the same terms. Alicia Moyer wrote on a turkey sandwich and the practical and recreational aspects of it. She considers her sandwich not only a meal, but also a "work of art," as well as a mental break from her schoolwork. Her artifact study is another example of one done on a utilitarian object but with a slightly different focus.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Examine the Advantages and Disadvantages to the Possible Future
There is a growing crisis over the world’s energy resources to try and find sustainable solutions to the world’s problems. There are 3 responses to help cover the crisis; Business as usual, Multi-energy solution and energy conservation. The business as usual scenario involve the world to keep using the fossil fuels and the International Energy Agency predicts that fossil fuels will still dominate energy into 2030, which cancels out the predictions of fossil fuels running out by then with the growing population and the rapid development of nations such as China and India.This solution would involve natural gas consumption doubling and oil to increase by 1. 4 billion barrels a day. There are a number of advantages and disadvantages to this solution. One advantage is that that development will continue without constraints which mean countries won’t have to spend time and money on developing any sustainable solutions, they can just continue with fossil fuels and deve lop as nations which would increase economic growth and the wealth of the countries would increase.Another advantage would include that it is very costly to switch to a sustainable solution because the energy will need to be collected and stored and would need to be implemented around the whole country which costs a lot, and for developing nations this would mean that they can’t use that money for better purposes. Disadvantages would include fuel cost increasing. Because of the growing demand from developing nations and the increasing populations within countries, this would mean a higher price because supply is running out so eventually only the rich countries would be able to afford the oil.Also, as it is such a necessity good, consumers are willing to pay any price to get the oil or resource. Another disadvantage is that global warming would accelerate faster. With this response, more fossil fuels are being burnt, hence increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the air wh ich would enhance the greenhouse effect. The second possible solution is Multi-Energy Solution which is meeting future energy demands from a mixture of renewable, recyclable and non renewable sources.This would mean countries would have energy security to maintain an affordable supply for people and industry. Some advantages of this solution are that the country is not dependent on one type of source meaning that its energy secure. For example, wind power is useful for windy places but if for some days there is a lack of wind, people won’t have energy, so the country could use solar or nuclear energy to support their needs.Another advantage would be using enough of the fossil fuels now, while developing the new type of sustainable renewable sources which will be very useful, thus creating jobs into that type of research and development. Disadvantages would include renewable energy has its costs such as it is very expensive to build and maintain, collecting and storing the ene rgy is difficult and it is very inconsistent. This type of energy would include solar and wind power, so they might not choose to use it when it is still developing as a type of sustainable source of energy which would ensure security.If a country is using nuclear power, then it could be very dangerous as the storing of the waste would become expensive and might harm the surrounding environment. Although it is a very reliable energy source, countries are unlikely to use it because of Chernobyl and if that happened today, the effects will be much worse. The last possible solution is Energy conservation which is a response to meeting the increasing demand based on decreasing the amount of energy we use.Reasons why they would want to reduce consumption are based on reducing costs, reducing harmful emissions and promoting energy security. Advantages are that it will satisfy environmentalists because they would be using sustainable solutions and cutting down on fossil fuels which would d ecelerate the greenhouse effect. Another possible advantage is that renewable energy would develop as the main source of energy countries would use, which means not using fossil fuels and so unnatural weather patterns and disasters won’t occur.Some disadvantages are that the transition from non-renewable to renewable is very expensive as installation, storing and distributing the power will all cost money and could be very unreliable at the start meaning countries won’t be energy secure. Also, countries will reject the plea of changing to renewable energy sources as they will want to develop as nations like we did and would want to have the industrial revolution and use up as much as they can to grow the country economically.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Discourse On Method And Meditations On First Philosophy
Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy was written by Rene Descarte. His main focus was to decide if God was real or not and if God created him or not. In Meditation Five, Descarte states that God existed because he has prior knowledge of materialistic things. He states that he recalls objects without prior knowledge of them, and that everyone perceives all the objects in the same type of manner. In the end of the mediation he closes it out by stating that, we all can think of non existent things with the same idea of what they are without them existing, thus proving that God exists in some manner, creating us with this information. In Meditation Five, Descarte focuses on proving God’s existence by considering the properties belonging to God s essence. In this paper Descarte is trying to prove the existence of God through his pre existing knowledge of objects and ideas. He is wrong due to his examples being based on the big picture and not the small details th at prove his ideas wrong. Descarte was big on the idea of morals and God. In meditation five, Descarte states â€Å"when I examine those ideas of corporeal objects that are distinct and not confused, I find that these are properties concerned with extension and duration: length, breadth, depth, size, shape, position, and movement†. What he means here is that basically everything has its own special characteristics and its own place in the world. Next, he states that â€Å"although they seem to be already inShow MoreRelated The Folly of Renà © Descartes’ Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy1462 Words  | 6 PagesThe Folly of Renà © Descartes’ Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy In order to embark on his quest for truth, Descartes first devises his four rules which should serve as a solid foundation for all else that he comes to understand. Those rules are here evaluated in terms of what they fail to take into consideration. The rules are examined individually and consecutively, and are therefore also reiterated in order to be clear about them. Furthermore, the approach of usingRead MoreThe Relationship of the Mind and the Body: The Person1071 Words  | 5 Pagescoma, yet the mind can still be alive and active. But can either really exist in its entirety on its own, performing its functions as usual, and in the same manner as if it was still in union with its partner? In his book, Discourse on the Method and Meditations on First Philosophy, Rene Descartes analyzes the mind and the body as two entirely distinct and separate entities. Through his analysis, he concludes that the mind does not need the body to exist. Descartes argues that since we are at t he basestRead More Weaknesses of Descartes Arguments Essays1641 Words  | 7 Pagesas solid (Meditation 4; 32). Descartes knew that if he has a mind and is thinking thoughts then he must be something that has the ability to think. While he did prove that he is a thinking thing that thinks (Meditation 3; 28), he was unable to formulate correct and true philosophical arguments and claims. For instance, his argument for faith that a non-deceiving God exists and allows us to clearly reason and perceive was a circular argument. Another issue with Descartes philosophy is that heRead MoreEssay Rene Descartess View on God1300 Words  | 6 PagesHis existence. After an unforgettable night in November 10, 1619, his interest in God became stronger, and had developed many views that concerned or were about God. When he expressed his investigations of applying inductive methods of science and mathematics to philosophy by the Cogito ero sum (I think, therefore I am), he start ed to argue the existence of God by saying that God and science could co-exist, since he proved that he existed.  Rene Descartes, a Catholic, had the benefitRead MoreA Brief Look at Rene Descartes829 Words  | 3 Pagesthings Rene Descartes created, he wrote a book called Discourse on the Method and Meditations. Descartes discusses how there are two main proofs of God’s existence, the casual argument in meditation three and the ontological argument in meditation five. There are a few differences between these two meditations and one is more convincing of the other, but Descartes needed these two proofs to prove a certain point. Also, he shares in meditation four how human error is possible even though a perfectRead MoreDescartes s Meditations On First Philosophy986 Words  | 4 Pagesas Renà © Descartes would call it, meditation. These ‘meditations’ are moments of reflection, time spent with one’s thoughts, and time to figure out where one is placed within the world. During one of these meditations, Descartes creates the phrase, â€Å"cogito ergo sum†, I think, therefore I am, in his monumental book, Principles of Philosophy, though it was written in another form earlier, â€Å"ego sum, ego existo†, I am, I exist, in his book Meditations on First Philosophy. This phrase, put so eloquentlyRead MoreThe Dream Argument by Rene Descartes Essay1008 Words  | 5 PagesOne of Rene Descartes’s most famous arguments, from his not only from his first meditation but all of the meditations, is his Dream Argument. Descartes believes that there is no way to be able to distinguish being in awake from being in a state of dreaming. In fact you could actually be in a dream right now. Rene Descartes’s theory that one is unable distinguish being awake from dreaming, as interesting as it is, can be at times a little farfetched, along with a few contradictions to himself, Descartes’sRead MoreDescartes on the Distinction Between Body and Mind1181 Words  | 5 PagesName Tutor Course Date Descartes Premise for Distinguishing Body and Mind In the Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes discusses the nature of the body and mind. By drawing from three lines of thought, Descartes launches a powerful premise that the body is something distinct from the mind. He conceptualizes his argument by using the uncertainty of knowledge argument, appealing to God’s omnipotence, and describing the indivisibility of the body and mind. Therefore, the purpose of this paperRead MoreEmerson’s Unifying Philosophy Essay1143 Words  | 5 Pagesfrom these three differing hypotheses. Emerson’s thesis merely expounds from Descartes and Plato’s philosophies. He builds from Descartes’ search for self-identity and reconciles Plato’s skepticism with his views of self-trust and unconformity among scholars. Throughout â€Å"Mediations I and II†, Descartes disputes definitions of reality and identity, establishing a precursor to Emerson’s philosophy. Initially, Descartes questions all notions of being. In â€Å"Mediation I†, Descartes begins his argumentRead More A Humean Critique of Descartes Essay2559 Words  | 11 PagesA Humean Critique of Descartes Montreal has big potholes. Lots of them. If one is to truly understand the philosophy of Hume and Descartes, one must understand what they would do with crummy roads as civil engineers in Montreal. Hume would probably repave the roads based on the success of past designs and the results of empirical data. Descartes, on the other hand, would probably leave nothing unscathed after attacking the problem with reason, scrapping the existing roadmap and re-building roads
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