Monday, September 30, 2019
Death Be Not Proud
The novel, Death Be Not Proud, by John Gunther, is the story of the struggle of a child to stay alive. Johnny Gunther Jr. ’s constant hope got him out of bed every morning with a positive attitude. His outright opposition to the fact that he was going to die and his determination not to, kept a fiery spirit in him so that he didn’t give up. Johnny’s stubborn determination to not accept defeat at so early an age, along with the tremendous courage he showed when realizing that he must accept his defeat, is a strong point portrayed in this novel. Johnny’s hope, determination, and courage kept his death at bay. One of the main reasons that Johnny remained alive for so much longer than he should have lived, was the hope that he possessed. He hoped every day of his illness that he would get better, that his parents would be spared their grief, or that some doctor would come up with a revolutionary idea that would heal him. Because of his hope, Johnny never complained or protested during the entire course of his illness. He always obeyed the doctors’ wishes and followed their instructions to a  «T » because he wanted so desparatly to get well. Although he realized that eventually his life would end, he still never gave up the hope that perhaps he could outsmart his fate to die, if just to steal a few extra hours. Each day, until his last, the determination Johnny had to get well, live a normal life, and even maintain his schoolwork was phenominal. After being away from school for sixteen months, being tested constantly by doctors, and having a rapidly deteriorationg brain, Johnny still managed to graduate with his class and be accepted into Harvard. Throughout his illness, Johnny always had an unwavering will to survive, to awake the next morning and find that he was well, that he had only been dreaming the nightmare of his illness. When Johnny awoke each morning however, he felt the bandage on his head and realized that he was living this horrific nightmare. But even through this tremendous disappointment, Johnny kept fighting, determined to recuperate. Johnny should be admired for not giving up under the intense emotional burden of knowing that each breath may be his last. Johnny’s story is one that will be remembered because of the courage he had. If he had had any fears of death, they were unknown because of his consideration for others and not wanting to burden others with his troubles. One can only imagine what it must have been like to lie awake at night alone in a hospital room, wondering what it is like to die and to awaken the next morning, shed all questions and fears of the night before, and cheerfully greet those around you. Johnny’s inner struggle and turmoil was something that no one knows nor will ever know. Throughout his many medical treatments and moments of pain, Johnny was always strong and brave. He always smiled and hung in there fighting. Even with his final unconcious breath, there was still animation in him, he was still determined to live. Thankfully he died with a smile on his lips, without pain, with dignity, and with courage and strength to face the next world he would enter. Johnny’s gallant fight for life, against the most hopeless odds, should convey a message to anyone who has ever been ill. Through a child’s hope, determination and courage when about to die, a for of a hero is made. Johnny’s manner in facing the awful reality of dying is something that is looked up to by all and we should all strive to achieve this manner. Johnny Gunther accepted his fate to die and not live his life to the fullest with complete acceptance, if not full understanding. By the story of his life and death, we are in awe of how one so young could have achieved an attitude that most people will never reach.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Tanyag Na Manunulat
Intro to internet What is Internet The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (often called TCP/IP, although not all applications use TCP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies.The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructureto support email. Advantage & Disadvantage of Internet Advantage: Faster Communication The foremost target of Internet has always been speedy communication and it has excelled way beyond the expectations. Newer innovations are only going to make it faster and more reliable. Now, you can communi cate in a fraction of second with a person who is sitting in the other part of the worl Information ResourcesInformation is probably the biggest advantage that Internet offers. Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet. Entertainment Entertainment is another popular raison d'etre why many people prefer to surf the Internet. In fact, the Internet has become quite successful in trapping the multifaceted entertainment industry Social Networking One cannot imagine an online life without Facebook or Twitter.Social networking has become so popular amongst youth that it might one day replace physical networking. It has evolved as a great medium to connect with millions of people with similar interests Online Services The Internet has made life very convenient. With numerous online services you can now perform all your transactions online. You can book tickets for a movie, transfer funds, pay utility bills, taxes etc. , right from your home. Some travel websites even plan an Itinerary as per your preferences and take care of airline tickets, hotel reservations etc. -commerce The concept of e-commerce is used for any type of commercial maneuvering or business deals that involves the transfer of information across the globe via the Internet Disadvantages: Theft of Personal Information If you use the Internet for online banking, social networking or other services, you may risk a theft to your personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc. Unscrupulous people can access this information through unsecured connections or by planting software and then use your personal details for their benefit.Needless to say, this may land you in serious trouble. Spamming Spamming refers to sending unwanted e-mails in bulk, which provide no purpose and needlessly obstruct the entire system. Such illegal activities can be very frustrating for you as it makes your Internet slower and less reliable. Virus Threat Internet users are often plagued by virus attacks on their systems. Virus programs are inconspicuous and may get activated if you click a seemingly harmless link. Computers connected to the Internet are very prone to targeted virus attacks and may end up crashing.Pornography Pornography is perhaps the biggest disadvantage of the Internet. Internet allows you to access and download millions of pornographic photos, videos and other X-rated stuff. Such unrestricted access to porn can be detrimental for children and teenagers. It can even play a havoc in marital and social lives of adults. Social Disconnect Thanks to the Internet, people now only meet on social networks. More and more people are getting engulfed in virtual world and drifting apart from their friends and family.Even children prefer to play online games rather than going out and mingling with other kids. This may hamper a healthy social development in children. Thing you needs to have Inter net: To connect to the internet you simply need a modem, an ethernet cable, and a high speed internet connection. the connection can be set up by your cable company, phone company, or a private Internet provider. Of course a computer is needed to view the internet but to connect you simply need the three things above. To connect to the internet you need an ip address, a subnet mask and a default gateway Tanyag Na Manunulat Intro to internet What is Internet The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (often called TCP/IP, although not all applications use TCP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies.The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructureto support email. Advantage & Disadvantage of Internet Advantage: Faster Communication The foremost target of Internet has always been speedy communication and it has excelled way beyond the expectations. Newer innovations are only going to make it faster and more reliable. Now, you can communi cate in a fraction of second with a person who is sitting in the other part of the worl Information ResourcesInformation is probably the biggest advantage that Internet offers. Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet. Entertainment Entertainment is another popular raison d'etre why many people prefer to surf the Internet. In fact, the Internet has become quite successful in trapping the multifaceted entertainment industry Social Networking One cannot imagine an online life without Facebook or Twitter.Social networking has become so popular amongst youth that it might one day replace physical networking. It has evolved as a great medium to connect with millions of people with similar interests Online Services The Internet has made life very convenient. With numerous online services you can now perform all your transactions online. You can book tickets for a movie, transfer funds, pay utility bills, taxes etc. , right from your home. Some travel websites even plan an Itinerary as per your preferences and take care of airline tickets, hotel reservations etc. -commerce The concept of e-commerce is used for any type of commercial maneuvering or business deals that involves the transfer of information across the globe via the Internet Disadvantages: Theft of Personal Information If you use the Internet for online banking, social networking or other services, you may risk a theft to your personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc. Unscrupulous people can access this information through unsecured connections or by planting software and then use your personal details for their benefit.Needless to say, this may land you in serious trouble. Spamming Spamming refers to sending unwanted e-mails in bulk, which provide no purpose and needlessly obstruct the entire system. Such illegal activities can be very frustrating for you as it makes your Internet slower and less reliable. Virus Threat Internet users are often plagued by virus attacks on their systems. Virus programs are inconspicuous and may get activated if you click a seemingly harmless link. Computers connected to the Internet are very prone to targeted virus attacks and may end up crashing.Pornography Pornography is perhaps the biggest disadvantage of the Internet. Internet allows you to access and download millions of pornographic photos, videos and other X-rated stuff. Such unrestricted access to porn can be detrimental for children and teenagers. It can even play a havoc in marital and social lives of adults. Social Disconnect Thanks to the Internet, people now only meet on social networks. More and more people are getting engulfed in virtual world and drifting apart from their friends and family.Even children prefer to play online games rather than going out and mingling with other kids. This may hamper a healthy social development in children. Thing you needs to have Inter net: To connect to the internet you simply need a modem, an ethernet cable, and a high speed internet connection. the connection can be set up by your cable company, phone company, or a private Internet provider. Of course a computer is needed to view the internet but to connect you simply need the three things above. To connect to the internet you need an ip address, a subnet mask and a default gateway
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Sixteen
When Stefan walked by Elena's room again, the daisy was gone, and the subtle scent of her citrusy shampoo lingered in the hal way. No doubt she was out with Meredith and Bonnie, and he could depend upon Meredith to protect her. He wondered if Damon was watching them, if he'd approach Elena. A bitter strand of envy curled in Stefan's stomach. It was hard being the good one sometimes, the one who would abide by the rules, while Damon did whatever he wanted. He leaned back against the door to Elena's room. There was a window across the hal , and as he watched the cold crescent of the moon sailing high in the sky, he thought of his silent room, of the books of economics and philosophy waiting for him. No. He wasn't going back there. He couldn't be with Elena, but he didn't have to be alone. Outside, there was a chil in the air for the first time since school had started; the sultry heat of a Virginia summer was final y giving way to autumn. Stefan hunched his shoulders and tucked his hands into his jeans pockets. Not real y knowing where he was going, Stefan headed off campus. Vague thoughts of hunting in the woods crossed his mind, but he wasn't hungry, just restless, and he turned away from the trail that led that way. Instead he wandered the streets of the smal town around the col ege. There wasn't much to do. There were a few bars hopping with col ege kids and a couple of restaurants, already closed up. Stefan couldn't imagine wanting to press into a hot and crowded bar right now. He wanted to be around people, maybe, but not too many, not too close, not close enough to sense the thrum of blood beneath their skins. When he was unhappy, like tonight, he could feel something hard and dangerous rising up inside him, and he knew he needed to be careful of the monster he carried within him. He turned down another block, listening to the soft pad of his own steps against the sidewalk. Near the end of the street, a faint thud of music came from a dilapidated building whose buzzing neon sign read EDDIE'S BILLIARDS. None of the few cars in the parking lot had a Dalcrest parking sticker. Clearly a townie spot, not a student one. If Stefan hadn't had this burning, angry loneliness inside him, he wouldn't have gone in. He looked like a student – he was a student – and this didn't look like a place that welcomed students. But the ugly thing inside him stirred at the thought of maybe having a reason to throw a punch or two. Inside, it was Welllit but dingy, the air thick and blue with smoke. An old rock song was playing on a jukebox in the corner. Six pool tables sat in the middle of the room, with smal round tables around the sides, and a bar at the far end. Two of the pool tables and a few of the round tables were occupied by locals, who let their eyes drift over him neutral y and then turned away. At the bar, Stefan saw a familiar back, a sleek dark head. Even though he'd been sure Damon would be fol owing Elena, he wasn't surprised to see him. Stefan had reined his Power in, concentrating on his own misery, but he'd always been able to sense his brother. If he had thought about it, he would have known Damon was there. Damon, equal y unsurprised, turned and tipped his glass to Stefan with a wry little grin. Stefan went over to join him. â€Å"Hel o, little brother,†Damon said softly when Stefan sat down. â€Å"Shouldn't you be holed up somewhere, crying over your loss of the lovely Elena?†Stefan sighed and slumped on the barstool. Propping his elbows on the bar, he rested his head on his hands. Suddenly, he was terribly tired. â€Å"Let's not talk about Elena,†he said. â€Å"I don't want to fight with you, Damon.†â€Å"Then don't.†Patting him lightly on the shoulder, Damon was up and out of his seat. â€Å"Let's play some pool.†One thing about living for hundreds of years, Stefan knew, was that you had time to get real y good at things. Versions of bil iards had been around as long as he and Damon had, although he liked the modern version best – he liked the smel of the chalk and the squeak of the leather tip on the cue. Damon's thoughts seemed to be running on the same track. â€Å"Remember when we were kids and we used to play bil iart on the lawns of Father's palazzo?†he asked as he racked up the bal s. â€Å"Different game, though, back then,†Stefan said. â€Å"Go ahead and break.†He could picture it clearly, the two of them fooling around when the adults were al inside, shoving the bal s across the grass toward their targets with the heavy-headed maces, in a game that was a cross between modern pool and croquet. Back in those days, Damon was wild, prone to fights with stable boys and nights prowling the streets, but not yet as angry as he would be by the time they grew into young men. Back then, he let his adoring, more timid younger brother trail after him and have a share in his adventures. Elena was right about one thing, he admitted to himself. He liked hanging out with Damon, being brothers again. When he'd spotted Damon at the bar just now, he'd felt a little lightening of the loneliness he was carrying around with him. Damon was the only person who remembered him as a child, the only person who remembered him alive. Maybe they could be friends, without Katherine or Elena between them for a while. Maybe something good could come out of this. Bil iart, bil iards, or pool, Damon had always liked playing. He was better than Stefan, and, after hundreds of years of practice, Stefan was pretty good. Which was why Stefan was so surprised when Damon's break sent bal s spinning merrily al over the table, but none into the pockets. â€Å"What's up?†he asked, cocking an eyebrow at Damon as he chalked his own cue. I've been watching the locals, Damon said silently. There are a couple of slick hustlers in here. I want to draw them over to us. Hustle them for a change. Come on, Damon added quickly when Stefan hesitated. It's not wrong to hustle hustlers. It's like killing murderers, a public service. Your moral compass is seriously skewed, Stefan shot back at him, but he couldn't keep himself from smiling. What was the harm, real y? â€Å"Two bal in the corner pocket,†he added aloud. He made the shot and sank two more bal s before intentional y scratching and stepping back to let Damon take his turn. They went on like that, playing pretty Wellbut not too Well, careful to look like a couple of cocky col ege kids who knew their way around a pool cue but would be no chal enge to a professional hustler. Damon's pretense of frustration when he missed a shot amused Stefan. Stefan had forgotten, it was fun to be part of Damon's schemes. Stefan won by a couple of bal s, and Damon whipped out a wal et ful of money. â€Å"You got me, man,†he said in a slightly drunken voice that didn't sound quite like his own and held out a twenty. Stefan blinked at him. Take it, Damon thought at him. Something about the set of his jaw reminded Stefan again of the way Damon was when they were children, of the way he lied to their father about his misadventures, confident Stefan would back him up. Damon was trusting him without even thinking about it, Stefan realized. Stefan smiled and slipped it into his back pocket. â€Å"Rack'em up again?†he suggested, and realized he was also pitching his voice a little younger, a little drunker, than he normal y would. They played another game, and Stefan handed the twenty back. â€Å"Another?†he asked. Damon started to rack the bal s, and then his hands slowed. He flicked a glance up at Stefan and then back down at the bal s. â€Å"Listen,†he said, taking a deep breath, â€Å"I'm sorry for what's happening with Elena. If I – †He hesitated. â€Å"I can't just stop feeling the way I do about her, but I didn't mean to make things harder for you. Or for her.†Stefan stared at him. Damon never apologized. Was he serious? â€Å"I – thank you,†he said. Damon looked past him and his mouth twitched into his sudden, bril iant smile. Bait taken, he said silently. So much for the heartfelt brother moment. Two guys were coming toward them. One was short and slight with sandy hair, the other big, bulky, and dark. â€Å"Hi,†the shorter one said. â€Å"We wondered if you guys wanted to play teams, mix it up a little.†His smile was bright and easy, but his eyes were shrewd and watchful. The eyes of a predator. Their names were Jimmy and David, and they were real pros. They kept the games close, waiting until after the third game to suggest raising the stakes to make things a little more interesting. â€Å"A hundred?†Jimmy suggested casual y. â€Å"I can just about do it, if you want.†â€Å"How about more?†Damon said, sounding drunk again. â€Å"Stefan, you stil got that five hundred in your wal et?†Stefan didn't, nowhere near it, but he didn't think he'd need to pay up. He nodded but, at a glance from Damon, played reluctant. â€Å"I don't know, Damon†¦Ã¢â‚¬ he said. â€Å"Don't worry about it,†Damon said expansively. â€Å"Easy money, right?†Jimmy was watching them, his eyes alert. â€Å"Five hundred it is,†he agreed, smiling. â€Å"I'l break,†Damon said, and went into action. After a moment, Stefan rested his pool cue against the wal . He wasn't going to get a chance to shoot, none of them were; Damon was moving with clockwork precision to pocket one bal after another. He wasn't making any effort to hide that he and Stefan had been running a hustle, and Jimmy's and David's faces darkened dangerously as the last few bal s rattled into their pockets. â€Å"Pay up,†Damon demanded sharply, setting down his cue. Jimmy and David were moving toward them, scowling. â€Å"You two think you're real smart, don't you?†David growled. Stefan poised himself on both feet, ready to fight or run, whatever Damon wanted. They wouldn't have any trouble fending off these guys, but with the disappearances and attacks al over campus, he'd rather not cal attention to themselves. Damon, cool and relaxed, gazed at Jimmy and David, his hands open. â€Å"I think you want to pay us the money you owe us,†he said calmly. â€Å"Oh, that's what you think, do you?†Jimmy said sarcastical y. He shifted his grip on his pool cue, and now he was holding it more like a weapon. Damon smiled and unleashed a wave of Power into the room. Even Stefan, who was half expecting it, was chil ed as Damon lifted his human mask for a moment, his black eyes cold and deadly. Jimmy and David staggered backward as if they'd been shoved by invisible hands. â€Å"Okay, don't get upset,†Jimmy said, his voice shaking. David was blinking as if he had been slapped with a wet towel, clearly unsure of what had just happened. Jimmy opened his wal et and counted out five hundred dol ars in fifties into Damon's hand. â€Å"Now it's time for you to go home,†Damon said softly. â€Å"Maybe you don't want to play pool for a while.†Jimmy nodded and didn't seem to be able to stop nodding, his head bobbing like it was on a spring. He and David backed away, moving quickly toward the door. â€Å"Scary,†Stefan commented. There was a hol ow place inside his chest stil , an empty ache of missing Elena, but he felt better than he had since that day she walked out the door alone. Tonight, he realized with a slight shock, he'd had fun with Damon. â€Å"Oh, I'm a terror,†Damon agreed lightly, pocketing al the money. Stefan raised an eyebrow at him. He didn't care about the money, but it was typical of Damon to assume it was his. Damon grinned. â€Å"Come on, little brother, I'l buy you a drink.â€
Friday, September 27, 2019
Effective teaching in schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Effective teaching in schools - Essay Example For example schools located in rural areas or schools serving marginalised communities such as the blacks and immigrants may have to adopt different teaching strategies so as to be effective in teaching. Such schools are likely to go for the strategies, which meet the needs of the vulnerable children they enroll. When designing or determining the most suitable or effective strategies for schools it is important to bear in mind the level of the pupils. Strategies, which may be effective in primary school level, may fail terribly if applied to higher education level. Developmental stages must be considered by teachers. For example primary school pupils are more likely to experience emotional imbalances than high school students. This calls for teachers to be careful on the way they plan for their teaching sessions. Evidence of behavioural changes in children was evidenced by the increase in the number of children who faced exclusion from school in the years following the removal of elusion targets in schools in 2001 (Evans, Harden, Thomas, & Benefield, 2003.31-79). There was an increase of about 11 percent in secondary schools and an increase in exclusion of about 19% in primary schools (Evans, Harden, Thomas, & Benefield, 2003.31-79). ... The effectiveness of teaching in the UK has in the past been measured by performance of the students. However this kind of measurement is faulty and may place on the teacher a heavy burden of blame when performance is low and at the same time lead to praising of the teacher when performance goes up. According to (Tiffin, & Rajasingham, 1995.12-68), there is a lot to effective teaching than the exam results. For instance there is the issue of legislation, the kind of legislation in place can hinder or promote effective learning depending on how well suitable they are. Equally important is the class environment, which may include the size of the class, the facilities available in the school, the level of training of the teachers as well as kind of pupils or students in the class. Very important is the methodology teachers' use in the teaching. For example in a Chemistry class, effectiveness cannot be realised if the teacher uses only one methodology of teaching. Teaching Chemistry class calls for a number of learning activities such as laboratory practicals. In Chemistry there is a need for peer coaching or group collaboration given the fact that in a class some students will always learn at a faster rate than their colleagues. This calls for the effective teachers to integrate al l the applicable learning and teaching methods. The above serves to underscore the fact that teaching is just one component of learning which plays an important role in determining learning outcomes. According to the Department for Education and Employment, (1997.4 -19) the social context of learning influences teaching and learning. These social contexts may be beyond teachers' control in most cases. This implied that the kind of
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Management accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Management accounting - Essay Example But, desirability and effectiveness of accounting for organization control is a critical issue because accounting procedures consists of few integrative devices of organizations where business activities are not only drawn together by values but those are integrated in a quantitative manner. So, accounting is most efficient tool of organizational control system where standard qualitative procedures are followed to evaluate qualitative performance of the organizations for management control over the organizations. These facilitates other external stakeholders of the organizations like investors, creditors etc. for their valuable financial decision making which are highly depends on actual performance of the organizations. So, this study analyzes the effectiveness or relevance, desirability, faithfulness or reliability of accounting information for management control over organizations. Introduction Organizations show stable and consistent types of behaviour in interaction with the bus iness environment which is consistently changing. They have wide range of external influences from external business environment but have enough capability to change internally to protect their integrity. This stability and flexibility of organizational internal behaviour and control possess through effective and integrative control mechanism. One of the most important control mechanisms of organizational is internal accounting system. This consists of integrative process of accounting for implementation of accounting information in management control. So, management accounting systems has major importance in organizations as it consists of some integrative mechanisms that are capable for summarizing the qualitative effect of organizational actions or activities in quantitative values. This study review the major functions of accounting information that helps the management in the area of integrative process of organizational control. Efficient accounting provides integrative langua ge for analysing the impact of diverse internal and external influences on organizations that have substantial positive or negative impact on organizational performance. Nature of organizational control with respect to implication accounting information is qualitatively reviewed in this paper to assess the necessary conditions for control. These conditions are derived and applied in management control. Main objective of accounting policy is to produce fair valued accounting information that is highly reliable and relevant to the purpose and objectives of financials statement (WBS, 2012). The extent of desirability and effectiveness of accounting information are analysed with respect to management control and strategic decision making process. Further, scope of faithful or reliable accounting information on organizational control by management is also analysed. Again, measurement process of organizational performance both quantitative and qualitative is analysed with reference to the implication of relevant and reliable accounting information in organizational performance measurement and essential internal reconstruction with respect to change in external business environment. Desirability and Effectiveness of accounting information for organizational control There are two broad purpose of accounting information, external and internal. External purpose includes the investment decision making by the shareholders and potential new investors of an organization, credit
FedEx's HR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
FedEx's HR - Essay Example The FedEx Team integrates a range of technological solutions, Management Information Systems, and leadership ideas to deliver quality services by maintenance of cohesion in its team and monitoring of performance levels. Use of innovative technology begins right with the collection of the shipments. FedEx ® Ship Manager Software gives a unique track record of the shipment from collection to delivery. The software also helps the company in risk mitigation during transit. FedEx Compatible Solutions Program gives, the customer, flexible shipping options linked with time and cost. White Glove Services ® and FedEx Custom Critical also provide customer specific deliverables. The company’s intellectual properties are owned, operated and protected by its IT division. The increased focus on quality deliverances go hand in hand with strengthening of the company’s human resource infrastructure. FedEx allows strategic decision making at all levels and has a well-oiled system to monitor its implementation by managing the upward, downward and lateral flow of information. Four business divisions of FedEx are integrated by a centralised IT system that has an annual budget of $1.5 Billion. 7 Habits ® training module keeps the IT team in a dynamic improvement of key skills mode. The company used the exclusive FXTV and IP multi-cast technology to keep the employees, worldwide, abreast of a change management initiative. The training curriculum in FedEx, the Leadership Evaluation and Awareness Process (LEAP) carried out in-house at Leadership Institute moulds employees into middle rung managers, sometimes catapulting them to the top echelons of the company. An Internet based program helps the employees to look up and seek company wide promotion oppo rtunities available. This doesn’t exclude company’s policy to take into its ambit, at any level, HR talent from outside. Creativity, aptitude, and to undertake
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Business and Economics of the Olympics Can Ireland Benefit from the Essay
Business and Economics of the Olympics Can Ireland Benefit from the London 2012 Olympics - Essay Example Research has shown that those bidding countries that do extensive pre-planning, including those that secure financial backing from private enterprise and corporate businesses so as to not directly enter into agreements to obtain funding from city coffers, have successful Games as there is no direct involvement of the public's money. By also utilizing many of the buildings, like in the Calgary Winter Olympics, for training centers to accommodate future Olympic athletes and open them up for public use, these facilities will also continually fund their operation. As in the example of the Olympic arena in Montreal, the facility became a constant maintenance problem due to an extremely leaky roof and thus has rendered it unusable. The scope of this paper is to not only examine those Olympic Games that have proven to be a financial opportunity for those businesses pre and post game hosting, but, also how the next Olympic Games to be held in 2012 in London can transfer that knowledge to a potential host, Ireland. Evidence will be shown via tables as to the financial benefit to businesses that have occurred through two successful Olympic Games, Los Angeles and Sydney, and provide documentation as to the full involvement the governments of both countries had in encouraging business financing in order to fulfil the greater use of facilities once the Games have moved on to the next host country. Introduction Business enterprise has always had a vested interest and need by many athletes in pursuing their dreams of Olympic greatness. The governments of host cities and host countries have a further vested interest in ensuring the Olympics make it to their city of choice. By having the government work in cooperation with businesses, the ability to fund the Games proves to be an extremely involved and long process that can either make the Games a success or a failure. There are many key economic issues that are associated "with the holding of Olympic Games and the factors that are important in ensuring the potential benefits are realized, are those associated with the macro-economic environment" (Treasury Department, NSW 1997). These such issues that will be
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
How Life Would Change if We All Had a Better Memory Essay
How Life Would Change if We All Had a Better Memory - Essay Example Perhaps we have a tendency to forget things as a way of working with people around us without going totally postal on them. At the same time, we wouldn’t need to sit up all night cramming for tests since a simple read-through the notes would give us the information we need to pass the test. Of course, then tests might be restructured to test whether we can actually think or just regurgitate information we’ve been fed. But maybe that would be a good thing, too. Memory actually turns out to be a fascinating subject when one stops to consider the possibilities. If everyone had a better memory, the entire structure of school would need to be changed. We wouldn’t need to take US history in middle school, then high school and then college, we could spend that extra time working on other subjects or investigating different things to a greater degree. As I’ve mentioned, the structure of tests would necessarily be different, not focusing so much on whether we can remember the right dates for a particularly important battle, since that would be too easy, but instead testing whether or not we can analyze the significance of that battle, why it was decisive (not what we read about why it was important but actually coming up with our own ideas about it) and then relating the lessons learned through that battle to events occurring in the present. If Americans actually began thinking instead of just trying to repeat what they’ve heard, we might have an entirely better country.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Leininger's Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Leininger's Model - Essay Example The author asserts that if one realizes the meaning of care and its processes, one is in a position to explain and predict well being or health. Transcultural nursing or the culture care mainly deals with the way of life or nursing of clients. Moreover we are nurses and we do work in different locations and nursing fields, our group figured out how culture care can be adapted into our career. In search of more knowledge on it and the way it applies to our occupation, will develop and build each person more as efficient nurses (Sitzman, &  Eichelberger, 2011). According to leininger the cultural care theory intends to give a culturally harmonious nursing care through cognitively based supportive, enabling, assistive, or facilitative decisions or acts that are mainly customized to fit with groups, institutions or individual’s life ways, cultural beliefs or values. The major purpose for this type of care is that it is aimed at providing advantageous health outcomes and meanings for the people of the same or different cultural differences (Leininger, & McFarland, 2006). The society is too diverse in terms of norms, value beliefs and behaviors and due to constant environmental and internal stimuli which builds a mark in the mind of each person or character and well seen through religious structures, artistic expression and social practices. The end outcome of such transformation is what the society recognizes as a culture. Culture directs peoples doing, being and thinking. In the perspective of nursing practice, different cultural backgrounds can greatly affect the views on well being, illness and health, which on the other hand will have an influence on people’s mentality about healthcare and its outcomes. There are so many challenges which keep reoccurring in the health sector due to its diverse culture thus transcultural care has been of great help in developing health care services (Sitzman, &
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Globalization of North America, South America and the Caribbean Essay Example for Free
Globalization of North America, South America and the Caribbean Essay Globalization is the result of a development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets (http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/globalization). Not everyone is a proponent of globalization. This is especially true for North America. Although the textbook says North Americans have become a highly affluent society by means of transforming the environment and by extending their global, economic, cultural and political reach, the fact remains, that many citizens of North America are not wealth by any stretch of the imagination. The same can also be said about Latin America. The affluence has spread so unevenly, particularly in the United States, that many of the previously middle class have lost their homes and many are now living in tent cities. Recent college graduates are finding it very difficult to obtain employment in their chosen field. Many people have been unemployed long enough that their unemployment benefits have run out. These people are considered to be not actively seeking employment – this is hardly a fair opinion to form. Much of this can be accounted to work being outsourced, mainly to places like Mexico, or even as far as India. â€Å"Multinational corporations are often accused of social injustice, unfair working conditions (including slave labor wages and poor living and working conditions), as well as a lack of concern for the environment, mismanagement of natural resources, and ecological damage. †http://www. manufacturing. net/articles/2010/06/the-pros-and-cons-of-globalization. However, there are some benefits of globalization. Some people argue that money is now able to flow freely across boundaries that were once limited. An article found in Forbes Magazine explained how Sony could sell a Playstation game console or TV just as easily in the United States as Tokyo. The same goes for Apple with its iPhones and other tech toys. (http://www. The textbook points out how uneven development is in Latin America. Frustrated workers, whether highly skilled or low skilled look to emigration as their only hope. Migrants frequently relocate to the United States, Europe and Japan looking for work. Remittances are sent back to their native countries, which results in billions of dollars annually directed to Latin America.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The similarities of leadership styles
The similarities of leadership styles Purpose of this study is to examine the similarities of Servant leadership, transformational and transactional theories and also examine the Contribution those theories make to the understanding of leadership. Introduction: Leadership has a major role in 21st century in all sectors. Here I am going to discuss about understanding of what leadership is, is there any similarities among three theorists on what fine or valuable leadership ought to be. Expectation, in the 21st Century leader should be moral, social and ethical responsible. What is leadership? Leadership is a process of influencing the people to obtain the desired goal. There are many authors giving different definition. Goleman (2000): A leaders singular job is to get results. House et al (2004): Leadership is the ability to motivate, influence and enable individuals To contribute to the objectives of organizations of which they are members. Stogdill (1974): Leadership is an influencing process aimed at goal achievement. Johns T (2008) says: A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they dont necessarily want to be, but ought to be.There are a number of types of leaders who adopt different leadership styles According to Richard Bolden (2004), Different leadership theories were revealed and classified. And also only few leadership theories reached to people. They are: Great Man Trait Contingency Situational Behavioral Participative Management ( transactional leadership theory ) Relationship (transformation , servant and team leadership) Now I am going to discuss about transformational, transactional and servant leadership. Transformational leadership: James Macgregor Burns was the first person who forward concept of transforming Leadership. Burns (1978) states, Transforming leadership as a process where leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of morality and motivation(p.20). Transforming leadership can answer in a relationship of mutual Stimulation and elevation that converts followers into leaders and may convert Leaders into moral agents(p. 4) and then bass b.m was developed the transformation leadership. Bass (1996), Transformational headship happens when a Leader encourage followers to share a vision, allowing them to achieve the vision, and providing the opportunity to develop their individual potential. covey (1992) says, The goal of transformational leadership is to transform people and organizations in a literal sense, to change them in mind and heart; enlarge vision, insight and understanding; clarify purposes; Make behavior congruent with beliefs, principles, or values; and bring about changes that are permanent, self-perpetuating, and momentum building(p.287).Transformational lea ders serve as role models, and also (Kelly, 2003) mentioning about how transformational leadership motivates its followers by following Maslows hierarchy. Transformational leader raise people from low levels of need (food, water, etc) to higher levels (self actualization). Components of transformational leadership: Four common Is are, 1. Idealized influence: Transformational leaders behave in ways that result in their being role models for their followers. The leaders are admired, respected, and trusted. 2. Inspirational motivation. Transformational leaders act in ways that inspire and encourage those around them by providing sense able and challenge to their followers, work. Team spirit is aroused. The leader creates clearly communicated expectations that followers want to meet and also demonstrates commitment to goals and the shared vision. 3. Intellectual stimulation. Transformational leaders encourage their followers hard work to be inventive and new, modern by questing assumptions, reframing the troubles, and approaching mature situations in new or different ways. Creativity is encouraged. Followers are encouraged to try new approach and are not criticized because they differ from leaders idea. 4. Individualized consideration. Transformational leaders pay special focus to each individuals needs and to help them achieve their higher level needs. Trace over individual talents. Being a coacher and mentor to his followers and colleagues are developed to consecutively higher levels of potential. Source: (Kelly, 2003) Characteristics of transformational leader: According to (Tichy and Devanna, 1986), they have seven characteristics to inspire their followers to achieve beyond the expectation. 1. They visibly see themselves as change agents 2. They are brave 3. They believe in people 4. They are driven by a strong set of values 5 .They are life-long learners 6. They can cope with complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity 7. They are visionaries Example of successful transformation leadership: There are many leaders succeed in the way transformational leadership qualities. Mahatma Gandhi is Transformational leader representing charismatic qualities. Lou Gerstner is a transformational leader retired Chairman and CEO of IBM (1993 to 2002). He entered in IBM when it was in $8.1 billion loss in 1993 after recognizing the companys problem are wrong validation, only looking for results and values. IBM had become small-minded and nonflexible (Sheppard, 2002). Lou Gerstner entirely transformed organizational culture. For example, shut down infamous IBMs dress code to reproduce better the clothing of their customers (Sheppard, 2002). Another example for transformational leader is Lee Iacocca, who is accredited with saving the Chrysler Corporation (1980-1992). Chrysler Corporation when it was on the edge of bankruptcy. He taken responsibility and he set about transforming the principles to his contiguous subordinates. He began to restructure the corporations culture. Because a trans formational leader gives confidence to others to become transformational leaders, soon the whole organization was packed with successful leaders (Kelly, 2003). Transactional leadership: Transactional leadership emphasizes Social transaction or exchange between followers and a leader that involves involves a number of transactions based on reward. The transactional leader makes clear what he want, Performance expectations, goals, link between goals and rewards. The leader also watches followers performance And if any mistakes occurring towards the goal, the leader appear to correct (Burns 1978). In practice, these leaders use more closed and leading questions (Randell, 1997). Components of transactional leadership: (Bass Avolio, 1994) Contingent rewards: It refers to a prearranged agreement: If you do as we agreed then it specifies expectation and sets goals. Active management-by-exception : It refers to behavior where the leader is actively monitoring a follower: I am seeing to it that you (do not) the leader is strongly supervising and has specified corrective actions for mistakes. Passive management-by-exception: It occurs when the leader is passively monitoring a follower: If I happen to notice that you (did not) ; the leader takes corrective action in the case of mistakes if these are found out. All these behaviors work on the principles of expectancy of reward and fear of punishment, related to needs that are lower on Maslows hierarchy Characteristics of transactional leadership: according to Marcbowles (2003), They setting a clear goal. They create targets for each individual and the team They spot performance gaps. They wont trust their followers, they monitor their performance. They take corrective actions when necessary. They gaining promise to performance and tasks through pay, reward, appreciation and honor. Example of successful transactional leadership: Transactional leadership is mostly follow by managers and CEO in many organizations in 21st century. Ezine (2010) mentioning about Steve Jobs chairman and CEO Apple inc.he got award best CEO OF 2009 by TIMES. He is the famous transactional leader. Steve Jobs was famous for his down to world and job oriented nature of his leadership in apple computer. Servant leadership: Servant leadership sights a leader as a servant. Servant leadership was developed by green leaf in 1970, he said that The servant-leader is servant first. It begins with the natural emotion or feelings that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then mindful choice brings one to aspire to lead. Such a person is sharply different from one who is Leader first, perhaps because of the need to assuage an unusual power drive or to acquire material possessions. (Greenleaf et al, 1998). Katzenbach and Smith (1993) highlights The importance of leaders knowing when to follow The importance of the leader acting as supportive person to their followers to achieve task rather than just directing. They propose that the leader should ask questions rather than giving answers; provide opportunities for others to lead them; Components of servant leadership: According to (Laub, 1999) cited in (Smith et al, 2004), Servant leadership has six distinct components: Respecting people Rising people Building society Displaying legitimacy offering leadership shared leadership Characteristics of servant leadership: They Serve others needs before their needs They believe in people They are very simple and caring personalities They Provide opportunities to learn and grow They create Strong interpersonal relationships divide power and release control divide status and promote others Example of Successful servant leadership: Maxwell j (2007) add the new law in The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Leaders Add Value by Serving Others, he described about serving others ,can make huge values(profit) in the organization. Adding Profits by Adding Value Costcos CEO, Jim Sinegal, believes the success of Costco comes from treating his employees well. Transactional versus Transformational leadership: According to Bass (1985) transactional leader motivates subordinates by exchanging rewards for services provided. Transactional Leader mainly focused on goal. Leader has been gaining promise to performance and goals through pay, reward, recognition and praise. Transformational leaders, on the other hand, motivate subordinates to perform beyond expectations.. Bass argued that such performance cannot be achieved through transactional leadership alone. A Comparison of Transactional and Transformational Leadership: Leithwood and Jantzi (2000) end that transactional leader more generally apply teleological principles (teleology is the study of goals, ends and purposes.) Where as transformational leaders deploy deontological ethics. Servant Leadership versus Transactional Leadership: Servant leadership and transactional leadership are evident in a number of ways. Servant leaders emphasize activities that fans of well-being, while transactional leaders focus on the activities of routine maintenance and resource allocation followers of monitoring and management to achieve organizational goals. Contrary to the chief servants who influence followers through personal development and empowerment, the transactional leader influences followers through the use of rewards, sanctions, and formal authority and position to induce behavior consistent. According to Blanchard and Johnson (1985), transactional leaders create strong expectations about the behavior of employees, as well as clear guidance on employees receive rewards for meeting the expectations of transactional leader.Li Thus, leaders use transactional contingent reward behavior to implement transactions with followers to achieve work goals (Bass, 1985). Servant Leadership versus Transactional Leadership: According to the stone and his colleague point of view servant leadership and transformational leadership, both models incorporate characteristics such as value, vision, power, molding, belief, honesty, and designation (Stone et al., 2003).Transformational leadership and servant leadership have similar qualities such as individualized appreciation and consideration of followers. A Comparative Model: Servant and Transformational Leadership The Servant Leader model, the leaders motivation to lead occurs from a fundamental attitude of social equality. The servant leaders system believes that He or she is no better than those headed. The All associates of the organization have equal privileges to vision, value, and information. The leaders role is to make easy the appearance of a community within the organization. According to (Laub, 1999), the key inventiveness for Servant leadership is importance of people, rising people, structuring community, displaying legitimacy and sharing management. Possible impacts of these drivers could be: higher capable people, more moral people, better negotiator, well-built interpersonal relationships, establishment of shared visions, and clear tasks. It is discussed here that these results in combination with the leader initiatives that produce them to form a spiritual generative culture. Transformational leader model, the key initiatives for the transformational leader is II or charisma behavior, IM, IS and IC. These Components lead to: role modeling, high moral standards, caring about others needs requirements, communication of hope, shared visions, innovations, risk taking, and quizzical of practices and systems. Servant leadership tends to develop a more fixed method to the exterior environment than transformational leadership. The transformational leaders motivation is aimed at for more toward achieving targets for the organization, which will reveal on his/her capabilities, and the success of these leaders is calculated by the level to which they acquire organizational rewards. The Servant leaders motivation is mainly focus on its follower the personal growth, thus the servant leaders achievement is calculated by the level to which the follower moves on the way to self actualization. Source: smith .B et al( 2004) CONCLUSION: leadership is attitude not a role. Leadership in Leadership, It seems, is increasingly becoming the universal remedy of the 21st Century and its emphasis is turning towards the moral, social and ethical responsibilities of leaders. Transformational leadership is suitable for dynamic organization and servant leadership suitable for static organization such as church, non-profit organization, non-government organization. Most of leader using transactional leadership theory while they using transformational leadership. There is nothing as practical as a good theory (Lewin, 1935). So Todays leaders need to be skilled in change management to adopt in any situation CHRISTINA OSBORNE (2008).
Friday, September 20, 2019
Michael Porters Theory Of National Competitive Advantage Economics Essay
Michael Porters Theory Of National Competitive Advantage Economics Essay Porters Diamond suggests that the national home base of a firm plays an important role in shaping the extent a nation can create new advanced factors such as skilled labour, advanced technology and knowledge base, government support, and culture. Government and chance are two elements are not included in the four basic ones that form the diamond but integral nonetheless as either-or can influence the entire diamond. It is with these six forces and their interactions were studied for 100 industry case studies (Porter, 1990 26-27). The importance of this model is integral on these elements support or hinder these firms from developing advantages in the global arena, specifically from a firm-based perspective. Factor conditions pertain to the situation in a nation regarding various production factors, both man-made and inherited. These national factors directly affect the industries that subsequently develop. Demand conditions reflect the state of home market demand for products produced within the country, encompassing customer needs/wants, their scope and growth rate, and the mechanisms that transmit domestic preferences to foreign markets. Relating and supporting industries are key in determining a firms success, as the existence or non-existence of internationally competitive inputs reinforce and firms ability to innovate and remain competitive in the global arena. Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry pertain to the conditions in a country that influence a firms establishment, its organization and managemen t, as well as the characteristics of domestic competitors. Porter argues that domestic rivalry and subsequent quest for competitive advantage help provide the elements for repeating those same results in the global marketplace. In applying a real-world example, Porters Diamond will be used to offer explanation as to why the internet market is dominated by firms from the United States of America. Factor Conditions: An industry requires an appropriate supply of factors in its home base if it is to be successful. In the United States there are many specialized factors which apply to the internet industry in addition to generalized advantages that span across domestic industries. A high national income in unison with a large population meant expensive computer hardware and monthly internet fees could be obtained by millions and millions of U.S citizens. It is not selective factor disadvantages, but rather an abundant supply of capital, entrepreneurial orientation, and world-class educational infrastructure (computer technology included) that explain the industries dominance. Demand Conditions: The internet has been rapidly adopted by consumers and businesses alike. The United States has a high penetration of internet access. Virtually every major firm has a website. High disposable income means American consumers can afford to purchase a variety of goods online. This climate has created a rich environment for online only firms to develop and prosper within the U.S. Notable examples include worldwide heavyweight Google,, Ebay, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, and Netflix. Related + supporting industries: The United States benefits from local suppliers eager to help prosper by helping industries production, marketing, and distribution needs. Notable is Silicon Valley for its incredibly dense population of high-technology firms; creating an ideal climate with input suppliers closely and the human capital necessary. A culture that fosters entrepreneurship means many individuals are not afraid to risk capital in creating a new venture Firm Strategy, Structure, and rivalry: Following the tech-bubble of the new millennium, which saw the NASDAQ ** technology firms never truly recovered from their reputation as an industry that is volatile, ultra-competative, and ever changing. Many firms have sprung up with impressive growth only to crash-and-burn. This competitive environment however is key to understanding the nature of the industry. Obtaining and sustaining a competitive advantage can be enormously profitable for firms, but by being forced to closely monitor costs, raise productivity, boost product quality, and develop innovative products U.S based internet firms have been able to transfer these advantages only at a costs much lower. Having already obtained the advantage in their home market, they can enter the international marketplace with additional leverage in areas such as Research and Development, quality control, human capital, and overall management. In order to truly understand Porters Diamond theory, the International aspect is integral in forming the platform for which this trade takes place. In The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Porters fundamental objective from the start was to uncover why some social groups, economic institutions and nations advance and prosper (Porter, 1990, p. xi). In todays business environment with Globalization playing and ever more important role, Porter suggests that the competitive advantage of a nations industries is determined by the configuration of the four aforementioned elements forming the Diamond: factor conditions; related and supporting industries; and firm strategy, structure, and rivalry. Foreign subsidiaries with strong internal capabilities and the ability to capitalize on host country opportunities may take strategic initiatives that areas important to a firm or industry as home country determinants(Morrison and Crookell. 1991). Although the domestic environment in which firms compete shapes their ability to compete in international markets, there is likely other circumstances beyond facing vigorous competition domestically in terms of continuously striving to improve their products that influence and offer insight into Firm based National Advantage. National policy and economics considerably influence firms ultimate ability to compete in the global marketplace; while Porter notes national policies may also affect firms international strategies and opportunities in more subtle ways, merely portraying various cultural influences, the geography, religion, climate, and political factors that greatly influence firm-based national advantage by acknowledging they affect each element of the Diamond is not adequate. Porters insisted that a firms ability to compete depends largely upon the strength of the diamond within its home national and the assertion that national economic performance depends on this. Both of these can be critiqued for relevance at a time when the world economy has become increasingly globally oriented, and the multinational corporation increasingly important. ***Dunning (1993, pp. 9-10) points out that in the 1990s an increasing proportion of the assets of firms in a particular country are either acquired from or are located in, another country. Despite this, many firms have a large proportion of their operations away from their home base and it is debatable to suggest that their competitive position rests uniquely upon the strength of diamonds in their home base. It is important not to confuse this with their initial move abroad which it may have initially been the catalyst. In questioning the Clarity of Porters Diamond, Daly (1993) for instance claimed to have significant reason to reject Porters claim that exchange rates and wages are not integral to determining competitiveness. He was able to demostrate that export growth and export shares are impacted by variations in exchange rate as well as labour costs. Despite this, Porters definition of competitiveness is more focused on national productivity compared to export shares. In asserting that competitiveness cannot be meaningfully defined in terms of low labour costs and favourable exchange rates (CAN, p. 7). claim Porters case studies lack a homogenous analytical tool to determine the importance and precise impact of each determinant on the industries competitive position (Rugman, A. M., Verbeke, A. 1993). They that it is extremely difficult to operationalize Porters diamond when putting theory into practice such as what a consultant or strategic planner would attempt I would argue that Michael Porters Theory of National Competitive Advantage is in fact important and a useful tool in understanding the factors affecting firm-based trade-theory, while still offering some analysis as to how country-based specifics influence firms actions and products and ultimately national advantage. As per Porter the determinants of national advantage reinforce each other and proliferate over time in fostering competitive advantage in an industry, thus nations achieve success in international competition where they possess advantages (Porter, 1990). Porter portrays that domestic rivalry as the major spur to innovation and hence success in international competition. It is clear no theory can single-handedly all trade flows in international trade but Porters Diamond is more relevant in understanding intra-industry trade of differentiated goods. This pertains in particular to competitive and dynamic industries where each element in Porters Diamond would be very releva nt in influencing product change while other country-based specifics play a minimal role. Rugman, A. M., Verbeke, A. (1993). How to Operationalize Porters Diamond of International Competitiveness. International Executive, 35(4), 283-299. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Dunning. John H. (October 1990) Dunning on Porter. paper to the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Toronto. Morrison, Alan and Crookell, Harold (1991) Free Trade: The Impact on Canadian Subsidiary Strategy. in Earl H. Fry and Lee H. Radebaugh (eds.). Investment in the North American Free Trade Area: Opportunities and Challenges, Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Chemistry planning and designing lab :: essays research papers
Lab# Date: Topic: The reactivity series Problem: Which of the following metals are more reactive with acids – magnesium, zinc, aluminum, iron, lead, and copper? Hypothesis: Aluminum is the most reactive with acids because it occurs in group III. Aim: To perform a comparative test on which metal is the most reactive with acids. Experiment: A comparative test is done using time to find which metal has the fastest reaction Skill: P & D Apparatus : Equipment: 1. 6 beakers 2. Water 3. Measuring cylinder 4. Watch or Clock Materials: 1. Aluminum foil 2.Copper coin 3.Lead pellets 4.Zinc from a battery 5. Magnesium from Antacid 6. Iron Shavings Reagents: 1. HCl Procedure: 1 Rinse the containers with distilled water. 2. Pour 25cm3 of HCl in each beaker by use of measuring cylinder. 3.Insert each of the different sample metals into a beaker one at a time. 4.Observe and record the amount of time before the reaction stops with clock. 5. Make a table of your observations. 6. Setup a control using water as the reagent. Variables: Independent: Aluminum foil, Copper coin, lead pellets, Zinc from a battery,     Magnesium from Antacid, and Iron Shavings. Dependent: Reaction Time Controlled: HCl Control: This is an identical experiment using water as your reagent. Data: The reaction time for the different metals , to show which is the most reactive in acids. Metals     Reaction Time/seconds in acids. Magnesium     Aluminum     Zinc     Iron     Copper     Prediction: Aluminum will be the most reactive because it is in group 3 which has the least amount of electrons to loose. Results: The results for reaction time of the different metals, to show which is the most reactive in acids.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Elderly Health Care in Massachusetts is a Struggle :: Health Care Medicine Insurance Essays
Elderly Health Care in Massachusetts is a Struggle Despina and her husband Peter Angelopoulos are not eligible to receive any financial help from the state because they don’t qualify for free health care, and they are extremely worried about their future. The couple, in their early 70’s, both have a series of medical problems resulting in them taking heavy medication. They own a house in Somerville and they are struggling to pay for their medications. They average about eight pills a day each. Despina said that because they own a house they are forced to pay for doctor’s visits covered by their social security plan A. Plan B allows them hospital coverage. The problem is if they have to go to the emergency room, they have a high co-pay. â€Å" Medical care should not be subject to laws of economics,†said Mr. Angelopoulos. An item of necessity should not be treated in economic terms, and especially should not have a money price placed upon it.†Health care is a scarce good. From the individuals who perform acts of medical care to the medicines and various medical devices used to deal with health issues. The Angelopoulos' social security is at the minimum of $630 each and with the taxes going up in Somerville, they have a hard time maintaining their old home so they can generate rent income from it. They have to rent both apartments on the second and third floor at all times to be able to have a steady income. â€Å"What will happen to us if we become disabled and need more care?†Mrs. Angelopoulos asked. â€Å"Do we have to sell our house to be able to afford better care when we need it the most?†The present system seems to help retirees with no income other than their social security. If you own your home, that is a problem. Medicare is an essential health care program for people age 65 and older, people with certain disabilities, and people with End-State Renal Disease. . Medicaid became law in 1965 and it is jointly funded by the federal and state governments to assist states in providing medical long-term care assistance to people who meet certain eligibility criteria. Medicaid is the largest source of funding for medical and health-related services for people with limited income. Recently, President Bush and Congress worked together to pass a new law to bring people with Medicare more choices in health care coverage and better health care benefits.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Global Positioning System (Gps) Research Paper
The Global Positioning System With the proliferation of satellite-based defense systems and their continuing presence in the media it makes us more aware of our national defense. The United States is large, economically strong and a sometimes tumultuous presence in the global community. Although we may feel secure because of our superior technology and defense capabilities, our size and position in world affairs can make us a target for some countries. We can no longer be concerned with just our borders and now what comes from the skies and the sea is more of a threat than ever before. The United States government had to develop a way to counter these possible attacks and the Global Positioning System (GPS) was conceived. The Global Positioning System was initiated in 1973 by the Department of Defense (DOD). It was developed by the the DOD because at a cost of over twelve billion dollars the government had the monetary resources to achieve these idealistic goals. Since that time it has grown from one satellite used strictly by the military to twenty-six satellites that can be used by civilians also. This satellite system is used to determine the speed and position of an object anywhere in the world within one hundred meters to mere millimeters depending on the size and quality of user equipment. (GPS JOINT PROGRAM OFFICE. ICD-GPS-200:GPS INTERFACE CONTROL DOCUMENT. ) The original purpose of GPS was to maintain a strategic military advantage over our enemies. Toward the end of the arms race the targeting of ballistic missiles became so exact they could land directly on an enemy missile silo and destroy any missiles inside of it. The ability to take out your enemies missiles from great distances had a major effect on the balance of power. To maintain the balance of power the United States government had to develop a way to locate surfacing submarines in a matter of minutes anywhere in the world. With the use of satellites in orbit the Global Positioning System was created. GPS uses twenty-six satellites and ground tracking stations around the world to compute distances using time. This is done by finding the difference between the time a signal is sent and the time it is received. The satellites have atomic clocks so the time is extremely accurate. The receivers position is determined by using three satellites, this is called triangulation. (kAPLAN,eLLIOTT. UNDERSTANDING GPS:PRINCPLES AND APPLICATIONS) GPS is made up of three segments: space, control and user. The space segment includes the satellites and the rockets that launch them from Cape Canaveral. The satellites are powered by solar cells and continuously point their solar panels toward the sun and their antennae toward earth. The control segment includes the master control station in Colorado and monitor stations around the world. This segment makes sure orbits and clocks operate within acceptable limits. The user segment includes the equipment used by the military and civilians who receive GPS signals. Kaplan, Elliott. UNDERSTANDING GPS:PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS) The military applications of GPS are used in fighters, bombers, helicopters, submarines and soldier's gear. Wartime defense is now more accurate and dependable than ever. While still the most important aspect of this technology, GPS is not used strictly for navigation anymore. Other uses include but are not lim ited to: target designation, air support, soldier rendezvous and â€Å"smart†weapons. â€Å"Smart†bombs use GPS to receive location information so they can guide themselves to a preset target. This technology is a great asset in battle as it basically casts a net over a battlefield and can locate tanks, vehicles or even soldiers who may be in immediate danger. In the everyday world, GPS has also made life easier and safer. Hikers and hunters can carry hand held receivers in case they should get lost in the wilderness. On-board navi destinations through voice-activated user equipment. Drivers can also make cellular calls using these GPS computers should something happen to them in transit. Other aspects of this technology are used in farming. Maps can be created of the fields during harvest and used the next season to plant and fertilize areas that need more attention. This increases crop production while reducing the use and expense of fertilizers, pesticides and fuel which also helps our environment. This process is called â€Å"Precision Farming'. Another very important use of GPS is the avoidance of in-flight collisions. Airlines are in the process of equipping their airplanes with GPS receivers. This will enable each aircraft to detect other planes in the vicinity and make sure they don't cross paths in the air. This is much more accurate and reliable system than is currently available and is sure to make the people flying in these planes more comfortable and secure. The Global Positioning System has grown into a resource that goes far beyond the initial design goals. These days scientists, farmers, soldiers, pilots and delivery drivers are using GPS in ways that make their jobs safer and more productive. The benefits of GPS are not limited to job related aspects alone. The future of this technology is limitless and will change and develop rapidly as new and varied applications are introduced. Works Cited Bibliography Kaplan, Elliott. Understanding GPS: Principles and Applications. Boston: Artech house Publishers, 1996 Thompson, Steven D. An Introduction to GPS, (Everyman's Guide To Satellite Navigation. ARINC Research Corporation, 1994 â€Å"The Untold Story of CALCM: The Secret Weapon Used in the Gulf War†. GPS World January 1995 page 16 GPS Joint Program Office. ICD-GPS-200:GPS Interface Control Document. ARINC Research Corporation. Available On-line from United States Coast Guard Navigation Center. Dana, Peter H. GPS User's Overview. Available on-line at www. utexas. edu/depts/grg/gcraft/notes/gps/gps. h tml
Monday, September 16, 2019
Review of “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl”
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl: A Review Harriet Jacobs wrote Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl to show Northern free people what was actually happening to slaves. She hoped her eyewitness stories would convince them that they should speak up against slavery and unite in the effort to end it. She was especially interested in showing free white women the difference between her life and theirs. She wanted them to see that many things they took for granted were denied slave girls and women.Jacobs was asking free people to look at slavery through her eyes and imagine the pain, both physical and emotional, that she and other slaves were forced to endure. Even though she was a slave, her first six years were happy ones. Her father had skills that made him valuable to the white people so he was allowed more freedom than the average slave. Her grandmother was the daughter of a slave holder. She was granted freedom but then recaptured. She was allowed to make money by selling crack ers after her slave duties were done.An injustice Jacobs describes early in her book is the pain suffered by slave families who are separated when one member is auctioned off to the highest bidder. She tells about this happening to her grandmother who helplessly watched as her son was auctioned off at the age of ten for $720. Jacobs knew the pain of a family being torn apart would weaken a free woman’s stand on slavery. Males were auctioned off more than females because owners were more likely to keep females as sex partners and to father children by them.Slave owners made promises to slaves but never felt obligated to keep those promises. Jacobs’ grandmother had been promised freedom when her mistress died. The executor of the 2 estate, Dr. Flint, instead sold her for $70. In spite of what the will said, he got away with selling her because she was property and no one held him responsible for this unlawful act. She also was never repaid when she lent her life savings to her mistress. Two of the most chilling events Jacobs reports witnessing are on pages 15 and 16.She tells of a male slave who was savagely beaten by Dr. Flint because the slave argued with his wife after finding out their child was really the son of Dr. Flint. She goes on to tell the story of a young slave girl in labor delivering her master’s child. The master’s wife stood by mocking the young girl as the newborn died. The slave girl’s mother watched as her only child also died during child birth. Jacobs wrote, â€Å"The poor black woman had but the one child, whose eyes she saw closing in death, while she thanked God for taking her away from the greater bitterness of life. Much of the book explains Harriet’s attempts to avoid Dr. Flint’s sexual advances. When she reached the age of 15 he began a relentless pursuit of her. She was disgusted by his attention. She did not want to lose her virginity to her master as she saw many other slave girls do. She prayed for a way to get away from him. She endured the jealousy of Dr. Flint’s wife who recognized what was going on. She was in love with a free black man but her master forbid her to have any contact with him. After she convinced her lover to go away, Harriet met Mr. Sands.She became intimate with him in another effort to escape the unwanted advances of Dr. Flint. She had children with Sands but still was not able to get free. Eventually she ran away. She hid for 7 years in a cramped crawl space at her grandmother’s house. Jacob’s goes into detail about her escape to the North and the people who were kind enough to help her in her efforts to stay in contact with her family and to stay hidden from Dr. Flint. He continued his search for her until he died. Jacobs then hid from his family who began a search for her. Harriet learned she couldn’t depend on Mr.Sands for help in getting their children 3 freed. She lived for a time with Isaac and Amy P ost who were activists working for the Underground Railroad. Eventually a woman named Mrs. Bruce bought Harriet Jacobs from Flint’s children for $300 and she gave her her freedom. Her grandmother got to see Harriet free but died shortly after that. Harriet found out that her children, Emily and William, already knew things like who their real father was and where she had been hiding for all those years.Jacobs is very graphic when she describes slavery and the terrible treatment of slaves. She is very good at detailing her thoughts and reactions to the horrible things she saw and experienced. She reminds free women that most women have the same dream of a loving husband, children and a happy home. She also makes it clear that only free women can live their dream. She often expresses the belief that slavery is worse than death. On page 47 she challenges doubtful readers to visit the South and witness the injustice of slavery for themselves.I’m sure that the book does not include all the events that made Harriet Jacobs who she was. There were probably some good memories she could have shared but that would not have supported her argument or fulfilled her purpose. It is not clear to me why Dr. Flint was constantly asking for Harriet’s affection and never forced her to have sex with him. He did with other slave girls. I wonder if he actually loved her and wanted her to submit to him willingly. He also searched for her for many years until his death. Why didn’t he just rape her as he believed he had a right to?This book is easy to read, interesting, and well written. I don’t really believe a slave could write that well though. I also doubt she could have lived in a crawl space for seven years without more serious physical and mental harm. Some things might have been exaggerated to accomplish the author’s goal. She succeeds in showing readers how unjust slavery was. It’s a good book because, even today, we need to be r eminded about how ignorant, cruel and evil people can be. Not all of America’s history is good. We should never forget how the slaves suffered.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Anthem and Farenheit 451 Essay
Fahrenheit 451 and Anthem Comparison Essay When a person is entrapped within a society that dictates their behaviour, thoughts, and opinions they are unable to grasp the realization of their societies corrupt nature. However, there is always the odd individual who willing and capable of uncovering the truth of their society. In the novels Anthem by Ayn Rand, and Fahrenheit 451, written by Ray Bradbury the main characters of the novels were able to find truth by, forming friendships that are banned by their societies, rebelling against the grain of society to gain knowledge or form ideas, and finding flaws within their societies. Thus proving that, when one seeks truth within the confines of a controlling society it leads to self-discovery because they find the courage to escape. When one seeks truth within the confines of a controlling society by forming friendships that are banned it leads to self-discovery, because they find the courage to escape. For instance, Montag a character form the novel Fahrenheit 451. In the society that he lived in, any types of reading material was considered forbidden. Those who took it upon themselves to embrace the reading material were considered to be just as harmful as the material itself, because it lead people to believe â€Å"all the false promises, all the second-hand notions and time worn philosophies†that people had (Bradbury, 76). However, Montag intentially befriended an elderly man named Faber, who in his younger days, before the revolution, was an English professor. Montag know that Faber was knowledgeable in literature, but he became his friend regardless of this fact because he was curious of the forbidden treasures that his society kept from him. On the other hand Faber was aware of the glorious preachings, concepts, and ideas that literature held, and he was also aware of the error his society was making when it decided to eliminate reading material during its transformation. Although he was conscious of the valuable information that would be lost Faber did not speak out or fight against this decision, in turn he lost one of the most valuable things in his life: â€Å"I’m one of the innocents who could have spoken up and out when no would listen to the ‘guilty,’ but I did not speak and thus became guilty myself†¦ Now it’s too late†(Bradbury, 82). Faber’s misfortune friendship and his non-existent initiative to fight for literature inspired Montag to discover his true self, and his own beliefs that lead him to flee form his society in order to end up regretting the fact that he did not protest for his right to knowledge. Thus showing that by Montag forming a friendship that was not excepted by his society he found the courage to escape. A second example of one finding enough courage to escape a controlling society, because of a banned friendship is Equality 7-2521 of the novel Anthem. In the society in which Equality 7-2521 lives feelings and emotions that one may have towards another are forbidden, because it makes that individual different and unique from others within a society where everyone is to be considered equal. Although this is a main law Equality finds himself being drawn to a young girl by the name of Liberty 7-2000. With his new found attraction Equality 7-2521 reaches out to the girl in hopes of grasping a relationship, and this is exactly what he achieves. The relationship between Equaulity 7-2521 and Liberty 7-2000 helped him discover his true self. It made him realize that he was able to have love for someone else and that there was nothing wrong or improper about the feelings that he was experiencing and that this was not curse but an advantage, one that have him an individual. Equality’s self discovery, gave him the gallantry to escape form his society, because it made him recognize how corrupt and controlling his society was and it also made him realize that the only way he would ever truly be happy is if he were free. Both characters with in the novels Anthem, and Fahrenheit 451 discovered themselves by forming friendships that were not excepted in their society, an din both cases they gained enough courage to escape. Montag’s friendship with Faber inspired Montag to escape and realize his true self only because he was afraid to become what Faber was; a coward, not willing to fight for his beliefs. In contrast, the friendship that Equality 7-2521 and Liberty 7-2000 shared inspired Equality to discover his self, and escape, because he was different and enjoyed being unique from the rest of his society. This shows that although both characters were inspired by friendships, the reasons for their actions, and their self-discovery were different. Thus proving that, when one seeks truth within the confines of a controlling society it leads to self-discovery, because they find the courage to escape. A second factor that must be accounted for is the fact that when one seeks truth within the confines of a controlling by rebelling against the grain of society to form ideas or gain knowledge it leads to self revelation and it gives them the courage to escape. A good example of this is Equality 7-2521. In the novel Anthem Equality seeks and finds truth in his society by discovering a source of energy. The process of Equality’s discovery was very long and strenuous and it consisted of disobeying the rules that were set, on many given nights in order to sneak away and work in his secretive tunnel on his invention. Because of what his society preached, he instilled in his thoughts that he was, â€Å"born with a curse†(Rand, 13). Equality 7-2521 believed this because he was curious about the nature of things and broke rules to explore the world in which he lived. However, when he discovered that he was able to produce a light from a source other than a candle his thoughts and opinions towards himself and his society changed. His society did not want to recognize or accept the new energy that he discovered. The society’s ignorant towards Equality 7-2521’s discovery, that could have changed the way that the society lived and worked angered him. In result it made him discover that he was a unique individual that had thoughts that were far more indepth and surpassed the thoughts of others he was surrounded by. Equality 7-2521’s search to gain knowledge helped him build the strength to escape the controlling society that he lived in because he realized that it and the individuals that it contained were just holding him back form discovering his true self and environment further. Equality 7-2521 sought truth within his society by rebelling against it and forming a new idea and that gave him the strength to escape. In addition, Montag from the novel Fahrenheit 451 was also in search of truth and did so by rebelling against his society and gaining knowledge that resulted in courage to brake free. In the society of this novel people were restrained form reading literature, and to ensure that this law was not broken. It was the job of firefighters to burn and destroy all reading materials. Montag was a perfect example of a firefighter he ignighted books to ensure that the evil teachings that they held would never by absorbed by people of his society, until his curiosity overtook him: â€Å"there must be something in books, things we can’t imagine,†¦ there must be something there†(Bradbury, 51). This interest Montag had in hat his society withheld from it’s people soon overwhelmed him and he found himself rebelling by secretly recovering and protecting book form homes that were being destroyed because of the literature that they contained; â€Å"Montag felt the hidden book pound like a heart against his chest’’ (Bradbury, 39). Not only did Montag rebel by stealing books, but he embraced the knowledge inside. The wisdom that he acquired f rom these sources of knowledge lead him to self-discovery, because he realized the corrupt nature of his society. His society was so corrupt that he no longer wanted to take part and inhibit people form opening and expanding their minds. Montag’s self discovery is evident when â€Å"suddenly the odor of kerosene made him vomit,†although it was once such a great smell that only a true firefighter could love, and he could no longer fulfill his job as a firefighter and be happy (Bradbury, 49). Montag’s new found knowledge gave him the courage to escape because he recognized that if he stayed and continued to be controlled by his society that he would never be able to spread the knowledge and wisdom that he had gained. Both Equality 7-2521 and Montag rebelled within their society’s and in result formed ideas or captured some form of wisdom. Furthermore, both discovered themselves and recognized from their discovery that they needed to break free form their society in order to have freedom and the will to share their advanced knowledge and ideas. Montag and Equality 7-2521 both made discoveries that could have and would have changed the way their society’s functioned and thought. Although, what Montag realized had been recognized by individuals in his society before in contrast to Equality’s newly discovered light source that was unknown to his society. Therefore proving that when one seeks truth within the confines of a controlling society, it leads to self-discovery, because it gives them the courage to escape. The last factor that must be accounted for is the fact that when one presues truth within the confines of a manipulating society by finding flaws within, it leads to self-discovery, because they find the courage to escape. An example of this is Equality 7-2521. The society that he lived in is very narrow minded and believes that conformity is essential in order for all to be content. Their Motto: â€Å"We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, one, indivisible and forever,†is the basis of their ethics, and suppresses them form leading a typical lifestyle. No one within the society of the novel Anthem was permitted to have thoughts, pinions, or ideas of their own. Equality 7-2521 was silenced by the conformity that his society had. Finally he came to the realization that his society’s flaw was depriving him and others of their individuality. This realization gave Equality 7-2521 a better understanding of himself. Him recognizing his society’s flaw gave him the bravery to escape, because he realized that his society would never learn from it mistakes and frailties, and that he needed to take action in order to provide a better and more fulfilling life for himself and others. Therefore, Equality 7-2521 investigation for truth within his society led him to the realization of flaws that it contained, and gave him the courage to escape. In comparison, in the novel Fahrenheit 451 Montag uncovers imperfections within his society, that directed him to discover himself, because it gave him the courage to retreat. The society that Montag lives in confines the population by restraining them from any sort of reading material, in fear that the material will cause people to become unhappy, depressed, or angry, with the information that it consists of: â€Å"We stand against the small tide of those who want to make everyone unhappy with conflicting theory and thought†¦ Don’t let the torrent of melancholy and drear philosophy drown our world†(Bradbury, 62). This quotation proves that this society believes that it is truly making people happy by holding back, and not allowing them to have opinions and thoughts of their own, basically controlling them. Not only does the society of the novel control people by making it known that they can not enjoy the pleasure, and benefits of reading, but they also control them with parlor walls, which are giant televisions that take up an entire living room wall. These walls â€Å"tell you what to think and blasts it in. It must be right. It seems so right. It rushes you on so quickly to its own conclusions your mind hasn’t time to protest†(Bradbury, 84). Montag realizes that this is his society’s major fault, and the reason that they are in desperate attempts of controlling everyone is because they believe and want everyone to be alike: â€Å"We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the Constitutions says, but everyone made equal†(Bradbury, 58). Montag’s recognition of his society’s flaw leads him to self-discovery ecause he realizes exactly what his society is doing, and knows that it is not mentally healthy for any individual. Montag breaks free of his society by escaping, because he yearns for the knowledge and independency that his society refuses to provide and except. Both characters apprehend that their society’s have major obstacles that they have to overcome before it could ever become a well functioning and productive society with well functioning individuals. They also escape the societies, because they realize that nothing will ever be done about the blunders that they hold. Furthermore, both Montag, and Equality 7-2521 conceive when free from their past societies that they want to take action, and establish a society of their own. Both societies in the two novels Fahrenheit 451 and Anthem find ways of controlling the humanity that it with hold by molding them into what them want them to be. Thus and thus proving that when one seeks truth within the confines of a controlling society it leads to self-discovery, because they find the courage to escape.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Book Review Share Jesus Without Fear Essay
ABSTRACT Share Jesus Without Fear by William Fay with Linda Evans Shepherd was written to inform the reader how important and how to share your faith with people. It is a book that tries to motivate and teach believers to be successful in sharing their faith (the gospel) in a simple but effective way. The author believes very strongly that â€Å"the success of sharing one’s faith is not about winning or bringing souls (people) to Christ it is all about obedience through faithfulness of the Christian (believer).†1 He reminds us that we cannot save people; the only thing we can do is share the gospel, our faith and leave the rest to the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the author tells us that the only way to fail in evangelism, sharing one’s faith is if we fail to share – the sin of silence. In other words The author goes on to state that as few as 5 to 10 percent of the people in the average church have shared their faith in the past year and that means that 90% of us have chosen the sin of silence.2 The sin of silence means exactly what it says, â€Å"instead of sharing your faith you keep silent.†He goes on to divide people into two groups: 1) those who talk about the lost and 2) those who talk to the lost.3 The author goes on to inform us of reasons why people don’t share their faith and then he removes all excuses by stating that one must drop the excuses and practice obedience to the Great Commission.4 The author then discusses the need to overcome fear when sharing one’s faith. The author then gives five simple â€Å"Share Jesus†questions that aid in starting a conversation that can be directed to an opportunity to share the gospel. The author goes on to explain each of these questions. By asking these questions Fay states the conversation can be easily steered towards Jesus Christ because these questions allow people to give their opinions freely. Once the door is opened to share, Fay then gives selected passages of Scripture that are to be used during the second step of evangelism. Let the Bible speak for itself. Fay’s main concept in this step is to have the person read the scripture aloud for themselves then ask them what it means to them. This gives them the Holy Spirit a chance to use their own voice to speak to their own hearts. If the person does not explain the scripture correctly, Fay asks them to read it again until they get the correct meaning. The author again reminds us that God will work through his word and that we do not have to try and do the work for him, God is God alone and will use the Holy Spirit to work in the person’s life. Finally, at the end of the book, Fay discusses the most common objections to accepting Christ, as well as giving suggestions how to overcome these objections when one is faced with them. In conclusion, the book is about sharing Jesus without fear. Being in obedience. It is about how to overcome fear in evangelism. The author uses many personal experiences as examples, which I found to be supportive of his method of evangelizing. The author stresses the importance of sharing one’s faith and that every believer should be aware of committing the â€Å"sin of silence.†CONCRETE RESPONSE When the book spoke of fear of sharing one’s faith, it reminded me of one of my personal life experiences at the beginning of my walk with Christ. In the beginning, I had the thought that I was not good enough to share Jesus with anyone. After all, before being saved I was a drug addict, criminal and a prostitute. I always thought how I could even be worthy enough to represent Christ let alone speak about him. Part of the reason I felt this way is I could not forgive myself for prostitution. Thanks to my mentor, Lisa the woman who helped me come back to Christ knew I was having difficulty in sharing my faith with people because of this, ministered to me and through scripture (Romans 10:9-10 and Psalms 103:2) that Christ has saved me from every sin and remembers them no more. I learned that I am a new creation in Christ Jesus and am worthy to represent him. God showed me that I am more than good enough to share the gospel with others and because of what I have went through i n life I can give a better testimony of what God can and will do because he did it for me. Praise God I overcame the spirit of not being good enough and now I share my faith with anyone who will listen. REFLECTION As it relates to the book, I found the book to be very encouraging in sharing one’s faith. Fay firmly believes that everyone should be sharing his or her faith. I agree with this that every believer should be sharing Jesus with someone. The book for all practical purposes does outline a simple way to share faith. It gives detail on how to initiate a conversation, how to overcome fear and objections, how to use scripture and how to let the Holy Spirit have control. The author reminds us that we are not the ones who is saving people only God can do that and that all we have to do is not keep silent about Christ. I liked the way Fay uses Scripture to back up his approach and how he used examples of his personal experiences. However, one thing that I believe could have made the book helpful especially for those who have had rejection in sharing their faith would have been the mention of more personal experiences where rejection was the result. This would have helped the reader rel ate to rejection, as they would have read actual experiences of rejection that would help encourage them in the same situations. On the other hand, maybe Fay did not mention more rejection experiences because as he states throughout the book one cannot fail when sharing one’s faith. As long as one is willing to share and not keep, silent God can work with it. I have to say that until I read Fay’s book I did not think of not sharing one’s faith as the â€Å"sin of silence.†Now I can see that it is a sin to be silent because God does tell us to witness, and share the gospel and if we are in disobedience in this area then we are sinning – whether intentionally or not. I also agree with the follow up advice Fay gives after someone receives Christ. Do not let them be on their own, find a church for them to be involved in so they can continue to grow in their relationship with Christ. Too many of us lead someone to Christ then we leave him or her to fend for himself or herself. Should not be! What I took from the book is the importance of evangelizing and sharing one’s faith. Not to be fearful and look for every opportunity to share Christ. I also learned that this is what all believers are called to do and if we do not then we are committing the â€Å"sin of silence.†We all need to be aware of people around us who need Jesus and take every opportunity to share Christ with them. ACTION This book has enlightened me in some areas that I need to improve in my life. I do evangelize whenever the opportunity arises but there are times that, I get so busy I do not notice those around me in everyday situations. In everyday situations, I do sometimes find it difficult to start conversations where they can be directed to sharing Christ. Therefore, I do like the approach Fay gives in his book. I also like the suggestion of a prayer list of actually writing down people’s names that we should be praying over. As a minister, I have people asking me to pray for them and sometimes I am guilty of forgetting their names when I am in prayer. A prayer list would help me remember not only those I should pray for but those who have asked for prayer. The book had many suggestions that I will start using. In the future, I plan to be more aware of people around me especially in everyday situations. Start to use some of the Share Jesus Questions and Scriptures Fay uses to direct conversations toward sharing Christ. I am going to start writing a prayer list that will enable me to remember those that need prayer and to pray for them diligently. I also plan to get a small pocket Bible with the Share Jesus Questions and Scriptures and have it with me at all times that I can be prepared when opportunities arise to share Christ. I believe this is a necessary change for me. It makes sense that we need to be ready in any given situation to share Christ and many of us does not carry a big bible with us everywhere we go whereas a small pocket bible we can. I never thought of this until reading this book. This is what Fay does and it seems like a perfect solution to having scripture with you at all times. In conclusion, I have a better understanding and I am more encouraged in the area of sharing my faith and evangelizing. I really enjoyed the book and found it helpful in teaching other methods of evangelism than I have done. It has been encouraging to me to continue evangelizing wherever and whenever the opportunity arises not only then but also to look for those opportunities because opportunities to share can be often missed if we are not looking for them. As believers we need to share our faith and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Bibliography Fay, William with Shepherd Linda Evans. Share Jesus Without Fear. Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing Group, 1999.
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